All Chapters of THE MANIAC SON OF A MAFIA.: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
71. FALSE.
Ashley could hardly sleep - well, she didn't want to in the first place at least not after discovering the truth and the past that had been haunting her for the past ten years. But could that have been real?She stood up and pushed her chair backward, taking slow and distracted steps towards the wall where she could see the big buildings of the City. Would it be logical for her to go back and ask him questions? She hated whenever she was kept in the dark regarding an issue that concerns her life. She just wanted to ask him why he left, what happened. Some things were uncleared. She had once concluded that no matter what, she wasn't going to deep into the past but here she was... feeling out of the world.A knock interrupted her thoughts and the door was slowly opened, causing her to turn around. Philip pulled a warm smile and Ashley had to do the same reluctantly. She walked around her desk, her heels clicking against the tiled floor as her right hand randomly picked a file and h
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"Hey bro, how are you?" Simeon, Philip's friends shook hands with the latter after he put down the dinner he dished. Simeon licked his teeth with his tongue and then clicked it as well. His eyes were shining brightly, all thanks to the meal that they had. "I know that you just wouldn't come here on your own without having a particular reason so confess before you eat. "Simeon locked eyes with Philip for a while and then smiled sheepishly. "I ran out of money." He confessed and Philip gasped. He pulled out the chair and took his seat. "Do you think I don't know how much our parents send to your account every month? What did you do with the money? Aside from that, I always send you money every week. What did you do with it? Are you involved in betting now??" Philip scolded loudly and Simeon waves his hands to show his negative answer "No. I am not involved in betting...I just..." Simeon looked at his brother and then threw his hands in the air. He gave up. "Fine.
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"Good morning." Ashley returned a worker's greeting as she walked to get her snacks for the day. It had been tiring for her and worst still, Philip was sick so he took a day's leave from the office. Ashley really missed his presence and only came to realize how much she was attached to him in terms of work. As a company that was trying its best to outgrow other information companies, things were not easy for them. For some years, Mrs. Peters and the rest of the crew had managed to keep the company at the highest ranking for the first to bring out entertaining news or secrets with valid evidence to back it out. So most of the public relied on them so much that if they hadn't brought out any information on their site, whatever news was out there was probably fake.It was two ways. They had the national platform and the 'illegal' site. The term 'illegal' was just to bring out some stuff. However, they didn't invade the privacies of others as that wasn't part of their work. They we
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"And this counts as the end of your story, Alyssa," Loius said and kisses his daughter's forehead. Jennie glanced back at them and smiled. She had also been listening to the father-daughter discussion while preparing Alyssa's things for school. Louis was a good reader and his voice was smooth which could make the listener not get tired of listening to him speak multiple times. That was the major score he used in winning her over finally. "Thank you, Daddy." Alyssa chuckled after Louis shook her head playfully. "Get to sleep. You don't want to go to school very late."Alyssa then closed her eyes and Louis stood up. He approached his wife and hugged her from the back. "You got a free concert." "I didn't know reading was now some form of concert." Jennie teased back and Louis bit her earlobe. "Ouch... Louis, stop it." "Should I?" Louis asked, proving to be stubborn. Before Jennie could answer, Alyssa did her the favor. "This is still my room." She mumble
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"Are you sure it's not something that you need my help with?" Philip asked as he looked at the cafe and turned off the car's engine. This was the third time he had brought Ashley over to this place. Was she now obsessed with it that she wouldn't stop coming or there was just another reason for it? "No, thank you. I am fine. You can go home now. We will discuss it tomorrow." Ashley answered with a brief smile and came out of the car with her things. She stood to watch Philip leave first before proceeding.The latter quickly reversed and took the other route. The hand Ashley was waving vigorously halted and her smile was wiped off. She exhaled silently as her eyes ran across the surroundings. She turned to face the cafe.Yeah, she had been coming here for a while with the hope of having a proper conversation with Alex regarding her pending questions. She was so much curious and there was no way she would let this slide but her first attempt in speaking with him landed in failur
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Ashley closed the door of the sitting room, looking soaked up and terrible at the same time. Her face was pale and at that point, even though it was deadly cold, it felt as if she was immune to the weather: 's circumstances. She leaned against the door and slid down to the ground which she sat upon, bawling her eyes out. Jenny who woke up due to the sound of the door being unlocked appeared with a knife and her husband behind her as well. She was scared that it was probably a thief or an attacker. Their minds didn't go through to the thought of it being Ashley because she would have called. But they were both stunned at the situation in front of them. "Ashley?" Jenny called in surprise and then looked at her husband. She gave him the knife and quickly approached her sister. When she got to her side, she knelt and touched her wet hair with a little bit of confusion. Her hands kept moving from one part of her body to another, purposely checking for any physical injuries while being
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Jonathan was already ushered in and was sitting down with the rest of the family but on the other side. His hands were clasped together with his head bowed. His right leg kept tapping against the ground as he prepared his mind to speak. He suddenly raised his head at once to speak, his eyes were on Ashley who he considered the oppressor. "Valerie told me what happened and I think you know what you have done so there is no need for me to start explaining. I hope your family is also aware this time. We don't need you to keep useless secrets that we would be blamed for again. Who do you think you are?" His tone started rising at the end of his sentence. "Tell me! Who do you think you are to do all this trash? How dare you approach my brother only to insult him and say trash to him, you b*tch...?"Ashley became angered and stood up fiercely. "How dare you call me a b*tch when you and that psycho brother of yours are the real d*ck, huh? he ran out of the cafe and went
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A MONTH LATER,Ashley had just finished her therapy session with her female therapist. Her phone had been confiscated for a few days now because Ariana feared that things wouldn't improve but her phone was given back to her a day ago. She hadn't been to work as well.Ashley laid on the couch and crossed her legs against each other. She turned on the phone, only to meet a series of text messages inquiring about her health and how things were going. Sammie and Josh were also not excluded. Where they were was a bit far so it denied them the chance of visiting frequently like they would always do when they were still teenagers.So with the little amount of strength in her, she replied to all messages until she got to a particular one that caught her attention. She clicked on it so she could view the entire message. "Hey there, this is Valerie, Alex's sister. If you still want to speak with Alex and also to know where he is, contact me back." This message was sent just a MONTH ago as
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79. ...
It's been three weeks since Ashley started coming over to Alex's place all thanks to Valerie. Jenny and her husband also were able to come once in a while. Ariana was not left out as well. Ashley felt more at peace and worked from home instead. She had no trouble with Rhae going anywhere because Jonathan told her that she was going to find absolutely nothing. It was funny how he said that and somehow, she was just glad that they were both on good terms now. Ashley smiled at herself in the mirror as she packed her hair up. She had a great feeling that things were going to be good again and now that this misunderstanding had been clear, she couldn't wait to see Alex's expression whenever he woke up. Would he be happy to see her? Their time together as teenagers wasn't that long but they had impacted each other deeply and it was taking a toll on them even after all these years. She cleaned herself up and walked out of the bathroom only to meet the biggest shock of her life. She almos
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80. HEY.
"I am sorry." These were Alex's first words immediately after he healed up and could speak. Ashley smiled and hugged him gently so as not to cause him any harm. It was their moment and they were taking the most of it. Alex missed her scent, he missed holding her and it was great to have her back. Later on, she held his hand. "I know...I know you're sorry and so am I" "You are not mad at me anymore?" "Why would I? I have told you that I have no reason any more to stay mad at you." She answered. "Does this mean that you still love me?" Alex asked gently, his eyes boring into hers desperately expecting a positive answer. Ashley couldn't meet his gaze and just stared somewhere else, intentionally raising his hopes.When Alex couldn't see her approval, he became slightly himself. "Oh." He muttered. "I must have been thinking too much that you and I..."Ashley silenced him with a kiss and looked into his eyes. "I know we have been apart for
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