Semua Bab Mafia Heir's Contract Wife [Mafia Games V]: Bab 71 - Bab 80
80 Bab
| 71 | Playing The Long Game
[ S E R A P H I N E ] It's almost sunrise. I'm pretty sure he didn't have more than a two-hour nap after I left him alone in his room. But he's still having a hard time falling asleep. We're in the living room, the fireplace casting long shadows on the walls. The warmth doesn't reach my face or torso. But it's fine. The way we're sitting too close to each other, with one side of me pressing onto his warm and firm body, I'll be covered in sweat in a few minutes. I don't want to make him any more uncomfortable. It's kind of obvious he's having a hard time ignoring the fact that I'm wearing nothing under his shirt. The hem barely covers up my thighs, but the shirt is big and thick enough to hide my private parts. This isn't me teasing him into changing his mind. I'm not trying to seduce him. I'm just too tired and lazy to go back to my room and get clean and dry clothes. I didn't even towel-dry my hair or put my wet underwear in the washing machine. I guess we'll just hang out
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| 72 | Sweetie, We Have Guests
[ S E R A P H I N E ] What? Get back with Pierre? Me? Is he being serious? Does he actually think I would do that to him? When did I ever say I still have feelings for my ex? Do I look like a two-timing liar? Wow. I just told him a huge, well-kept secret of mine: that he's been my biggest crush for I don't even know how long now. And this is what I get? “What are you even talking about?” The last thing I want is to escalate this into another pointless argument, but, the way he said the words and the certainty in his voice just hit a nerve. As if I'm the one not making a lot of sense, Dominico shrugs and stares at me with a slight pout. “I meant what I said.” Ugh. Why is he just like my ex? Insecure and irrationally jealous. Maybe even ten times worse, considering his toxic relationships with his complicated family. “So, lemme get this straight. You think it wasn't something unplanned, the first and second time I saw him again. You think I met up with Pierre? In secret
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| 73 | I'm Here, Besties
[ S E R A P H I N E ] Despite the strong urge to argue with him, I walk away from Dominico and run up the stairs. My chest aches at the thought of me leaving him alone downstairs. I don't wanna hide in his room. But I don't think I have much choice. I groan and compose a quick prayer in my head. I pray that whoever's outside isn't armed and ready to murder. With ragged breaths, I shut the door closed, then lock it and scan his bedroom. I don't want to leave the door locked in case Dom needs to rush back in here, but he might get furious if I don't do everything as he instructed. My heart is just pounding. I kneel on his tan sheets. My elbow digs into his soft pillow as I fumble for his gun. The moment my bare skin touches the cold metal, more adrenaline courses through my body, multiplying the anxious thoughts swirling in my head. The magazine is in place. I toggle the safety. Just like he taught me. When I hear nothing but the rain, I end up pacing around his neat bed
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| 74 | Save Yourself
[ S E R A P H I N E ] It's been half an hour since Dominico finally crashed in his bedroom. The rain continues to lash against the windows, the skies still dim. Alfeo's guys aren't done yet. Some of them are working on the CCTV cameras. Two guys are sitting at the dining table, checking something on their laptops and speaking a foreign language. I think they're Russian. Are they hackers? I hope they're not the bad kind. Their gluey stares are making me uneasy, but I can't just make them go away. I'm not in charge here. I'm not the one paying for their services. Sheesh. I'm not used to seeing this many strangers in the house. Then again, I should be thankful for all their help. For keeping us safe. I haven't even thanked their boss yet. The warmth from the stove and the scent of scrambled eggs provide a small haven of normalcy as I stir the pancake batter. I fix my posture and put on a smile when Alfeo joins me. “Hungry?” “I can wait, chef,” he says while taking off his blac
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| 75 | Reasonable Doubt
[ S E R A P H I N E ] A mobster's son? Shit. Just like Alina said... It doesn't sound like he's exaggerating. Or just being petty, hurling accusations out of sheer jealousy. Pierre won't be saying all these things if he doesn't think he can prove any of it. So the authorities believe Ignazio is a cruel, money-hungry mafia boss. Since when? A few years ago? A decade ago? If he's been a remorseless criminal mastermind before my family even met the Tomassinis, why isn't he in prison yet? Who's protecting him and his family? Despite Pierre's taunting, I tilt my chin and manage a tight smile, my heart still pounding. “Doesn't mean I married a criminal,” I say calmly, leaning closer to him so the other customers won't hear us. I sure hope none of them understands English. Pierre raises his brows and smirks. “You want proof?” “What proof?” Evidence to convince me that Dominico isn't as innocent as I think? If Pierre does have enough proof, will he willingly hand it over wit
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| 76 | True Love Hurts
[ S E R A P H I N E ] The sun is still high overhead. We're ticking off the miles toward home. I don't know what he meant by "something". I just hope it's not a life-threatening emergency. My breathing turns shallow once his words sink in. So he's been spying on me all this time? Since when? Do I really look like someone who can't be trusted? Part of my gut curls at the thought. I rest my head against the window, trying to figure out what to say. What to share. What to do next. Since agreeing to be his pretend girlfriend, I often feel like I surrendered more than just my independence. But leaving this place isn’t an option. Not yet. I've promised myself that I'll get my degree before I do anything else. And I already owe Dominico a lot of money. I'm not gonna let it all go to waste just because I feel like giving up. Again. “You're not a quitter. Suck it up. You got this. You can't give up,” I keep telling myself lately. The back of my eyes turn hot. Darn. I'm trapped
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| 77 | One More Chance
[ S E R A P H I N E ] I'm running late. Crap. I have about half an hour left to get ready. The drive to campus will take 20 minutes at least, and in this weather, rush hour traffic will add ten more. I strip off my bathrobe and groan. I quickly put on my strapless bra while my hip leans against the cold sink. The morning air feels like a slap on my bare skin, biting through the thin fabric of my underwear as I start my skincare routine. My mind's a whirlwind. Just like yesterday. I'm running on four hours of sleep and barely a cup of coffee, trying my best to prioritize my tasks for today, focusing on my routine. My two-hour class starts at eight sharp, and I'm trying to ignore the gnawing worry about our flight to Montreal. Dominico's probably upstairs, still packing his stuff, busy with a work call or something else. I can almost hear the noises he's making in his room. As I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, towel-drying my hair, my phone buzzes on the granite coun
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| 78 | Gone Too Soon
[ S E R A P H I N E ] How long is the surgery supposed to take? An hour? A few hours? I need some answers. Some reassurance. I mean, we both do. We didn't even get to see her upclose. We're not allowed in the ICU due to the isolation protocols. “Please be okay. Please. Please get better,” I whisper to myself, imagining the woman staying unconscious on the operating table. I only saw her graying short hair, barely half of her pale face, some wires, and the tubes stuck to her lean arms and torso. The head surgeon and ICU staff rushed Dominico's mother to the OR about half an hour ago without even waiting for him to give the go-ahead. I hope they're doing everything they can to improve her condition. I stand closer to Dom as the white walls seem to close in around us. We're both wearing masks, still here in Montreal, kinda stuck in this busy hallway. Just waiting. Trying to stay patient. Masked up nurses and doctors pass by without paying us any mind, their hurried steps f
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| 79 | Actions Have Consequences
[ S E R A P H I N E ]Wait for him? Why? The way he said it curdles my gut with apprehension. More anxious, bothersome feelings I don't need. “Take your time. I'll be in the kitchen, cleaning,” I say casually before leaving the bathroom. I don't wait for him to finish his shower. Gripping my phone to my chest, I practically run down the stairs. For the next ten minutes, all I do is distract myself from thinking of him naked in bed with me. I scrub his mom's kitchen sink clean. Then her countertops. The cupboards. The dusty top of her fridge. Soaping, rinsing, and drying the oil-stained stove and walls take a little longer. But it's fine. It's a good enough distraction. I have to stop imagining him being intimate with me. It's useless. Darn. My brain needs a full reset in that area. Right freaking now. I should be reading my new textbooks. Concentrating. Studying hard for another exam. Doing everything I can to keep my grades up. Not pondering the possibility of getting laid an
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| 80 | Give It Time
[ S E R A P H I N E ] I feel like someone just poured a ton of bricks all over me. I glance around, half-expecting Dominico to appear by the stairs any second, my heart pumping more blood and faster. I don't like how quiet and dark the rest of this house is, including the front yard. “How did you find out?” I feign a calm, almost robotic voice. Did Alina talk to Ignazio before he got arrested? “Arabella. Remember her?” Alina mutters on the other line. “Yeah.” Arabella, her 20-something blonde Italian friend. “She was in housekeeping.” “Messaged me out of nowhere. Her fiancé’s an inspector. He told her about San Pietro.” Alina’s voice wavers. “Oh. Makes sense.” “Hey. You sure about coming back here?” Coming back to Italy? “What d'you mean?” “I don't... I think, you and Dominico should stay there. For the meantime. Like a month or two. Or just stay there for good.” “Here in Canada? No. I-I don't think that's gonna work.” I shake my head as if she could see me right
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