All Chapters of The Billionaire's Surrogate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
99 Chapters
Chapter 31
Emily POV Everything that happened after that was a blur. I remember hailing a cab with Jacob at the cemetery. On the cab ride back to the city, I got little snippets of his conversation, just nodding in response to everything he said. Next thing, we’re standing in a toy store, buying a gift for Liam—a birthday do-over, as Jacob explained. Standing in the toy store, I can’t imagine what to get for a little boy that has everything. Jacob notices me, still as a mouse, standing in a puddle of rainwater. Covering me with his damp jacket, he asks, “Hey, are you okay?” “Yes, I’m fine, but I have no idea what to get for Liam,” I say. He smiles and says knowingly, “He’ll love anything you get for him because it’s from his mom.” Coming from his lips, that word has a new ring to it. I’m a mom to the most amazing kid. Soon, I’ll be bombarding complete strangers at dinner parties, showing them pictures of Liam. “Have you seen my son? Isn’t he beautiful?” I never used to understand moms lik
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Chapter 32
Emily POV When we arrive downstairs, the lights are turned down to a warm glow. The dining room table is set for three. I hear music playing, but it’s not coming from the speakers—it’s a violinist standing next to the baby grand piano, playing Brahms’s Violin Sonata No.3. Liam looks like he’s on cloud nine as he runs over to her and watches in silent astonishment. In the kitchen, a chef is preparing the first course, and my empty belly instantly responds with gurgling sounds. Even over the sound of the violin, Liam hears it and starts giggling. Jacob calls us over to the dinner table, and the chef brings over the first dish. I have no idea what it is, but it smells divine. In his thick French accent, he introduces the first course. “Thiiisss hereee is da salmon trout tartare with a dash of red wine vinaigrette. Pleaseeee enjoy,” and back to the kitchen he goes. The minute the chef turns his back, Liam pulls up his nose. “I don’t think I’ll be eating this,” he moans. Jacob, ever
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Chapter 33
Emily POV October runs into November, and the leaves in Central Park turn golden brown. After much convincing, I finally gave notice on my apartment and moved all my things into Jacob’s place. Packing everything up was a bitter-sweet moment, especially when it came to clearing out Liam’s room. Liam accompanied me on his insistence that I needed protection, but I just think he wanted to keep me close to him in case I did another disappearing act. While packing up the last of the stuff in my room, he comes walking in with his ultrasound in his hand. “What’s this?” he asks. “Is it a photo?” “It’s a kind of a photo,” I say. “It’s a picture of you when you were still in my belly.” “It is?” he asks, in awe of the piece of paper he’s clutching. “It sure is. You were smaller than a pea when this was taken. It was my very first time meeting you. When I saw you, I waved at the screen, and the doctor thought I was being silly. But I knew you could feel me, just like I felt you growing insi
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Chapter 34
Emily POV The drive to Lake Tahoe in the rust bucket was an adventure on its own. Two days of driving from one end of the country to the other, two days of a rambunctious five-year-old wanting to stop at every popular tourist attraction and anything that resembled a giant old rock. Liam would plot our journey on his iPad and shout out random places we should visit. The highlight for him was Niagara Falls. Excited to see the water roaring down the steep drop, he rushed to take the elevator to the observation deck. I must admit, trapped between a wall of glass and water played into my fear of heights and my claustrophobia. By the time we reached the highest point, he had taken photos from every angle, telling us they were for show and tell. When we got to Denver, I was all road-tripped out, but Liam’s enthusiasm was like an inflated balloon—it was high at one minute and then it came buzzing down like someone had pricked a hole in it. Jacob loved visiting the city. Like a kid in a ca
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Chapter 35
The next morning I am woken by the sound of wood splintering. It’s a sunny day, considering it had been snowing the night before. I walk towards the window, and below Jacob is chopping wood, dressed in a checkered shirt and blue jeans. With his sleeves rolled up, I notice his arm muscles pulling taut every time he brings the ax down. It sends a warm sensation between my legs. Standing there, I look on in silence while he chops away, unaware I’m watching him. Reaching down to my panties, I pull them away and feel the wetness dripping on my thighs. Slowly, I start caressing my clit, sending delicious shivers through my body. The chopping stops, and he looks up at me. Instead of stopping, I continue rubbing the soft part of my groin, burning with a desire to have something hard and big take the place of my fingers, now sliding their way inside. Jacob stares with a knowing look in his eye. I stare back at him, keeping eye contact. He licks his lips and encourages me to continue with
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Chapter 36
Emily POV It feels like a nightmare on an unending loop, but no one’s bothered to wake me up. Hearing my screams, Jacob rushed to where we were. In shock and crying, I tried to help him lift Liam up, but my legs gave in, and I fell into a puddle of mud and dead leaves. Getting no assistance from me, Jacob phoned 911 and managed to get Liam down to the cabin. Within minutes, an air helicopter was there to take us to the nearest hospital. Still unconscious, my little boy lay motionless on a stretcher with a big gash across his head, blood dripping everywhere. Two days later, and I’m in the same hospital I was in five years ago—it’s an all too familiar feeling of dread followed by exhaustion. With no sleep and no appetite, my body wants to give in on itself, but I fight to stay sane and awake. Liam has a cast on his arm—the doctor says he broke it in two places. Luckily, the gash on his head looked worse than what it was. All he needed was stitches, but the mark it will leave behind
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Chapter 37
Olivia POV No one knows Mason and I have been seeing each for the past three months. I haven’t even plucked up the courage to tell Emily. She’s been so preoccupied with Jacob and Liam that it’s never the right time. Besides, I don’t even know what to call this thing. At first, it started as a booty call, but now we’ve been seeing each other more often, he’s even taken me out to dinner a few times. Most of the time, we spend the night at his place. Gary, my roommate, is being such a dick about his “no friends sleeping over” policy that I haven’t taken Mason there again after the last incident. Not that I’m complaining. His Soho apartment is like something out of a GQ mag. The guy has taste. I suppose that’s what old money does to you—you’re already born with the stylish gene. Mason even smells good, and that says a lot, considering the type of guys I tend to attract. I’m supposed to meet him at this new cafe his friend suggested. Speak of the devil, there he is. I wave to get his a
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Chapter 38
(flash back to three years previously) Nancy POV “Anything that works against you can also work for you once you understand the Principle of Reverse.” It’s my favorite quote from Maya Angelou, and it’s become my mantra. Looking at me, you wouldn’t think I know of Maya Angelou, or even that I read books. Most people are fooled into thinking I’m a poor, little rich girl with nothing to show except my Manolo Blahniks and Chanel handbag. Deception—that’s my weapon of choice. While you’re trying to seduce me with your charming smile, I’m one step ahead of you, planning how to make you part with your most prized possession. I’m not going to lie, of course my long blonde hair and mysterious blue eyes hook you in. For most suckers, beauty is never skin deep. I learned this from a young age while using my unusually good looks to hustle men at our local bar. They thought I was an angelic vision; chaste and innocent. Three drinks in, and they’d be 300 bucks down after I’d beat them at game
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Chapter 39
Emily POV ‘Settled down’. That’s one phrase I never thought would feature in my vocabulary. I like the thought of it. I’ve settled into a type of domesticated bliss since Liam returned from hospital. It’s something new and exciting to me. Who would have thought I’d be packing school lunches and doing school drop-offs? Maybe I should get myself a minivan so I can join the soccer mom’s club. I’ve even gone as far as drawing up a schedule for Jacob and me on whose week it is to do the school drop-offs. This week just happens to be my turn. After dropping Liam off at school, I’m in the kitchen clearing up while Jacob is upstairs in his study. He’s decided to take the day off so the two of us can spend some alone time together, but first he needs to sort a few things out. With the January sun out, I figured we’d pack a picnic lunch and end it with a nap under the willow tree before I rush off to pick up Liam. The concierge calls from the lobby, “There’s a Miss Van Halt here to see Mr
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Chapter 40
Emily POV I never really grasped the true meaning of happiness. During my childhood, it would be just a glimmer, and then it would disappear just as quickly as it came. And, if I’m being honest with myself, I didn’t think I deserved it. Having Liam and Jacob in my life has changed my perception on many things. For me, happiness is no longer fleeting. It’s a state of reflective bliss every time my son gives me a hug and says he loves me, or when I smell the ocean, or when Jacob takes me in his arms. It feels like the ice around my heart has melted. It’s been replaced with a warmth of unending love. Finally, I can live my life. After the confrontation with Nancy, Jacob’s been more affectionate towards me. He doesn’t need to tell me that he overheard our heated argument. I already know by the way he holds me when he kisses me goodnight, or the way he gently touches my hand when I walk past him. This weekend, he’s decided to take me to Collin Estate to meet his dad. At first, I relen
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