All Chapters of SPEAKING OF SEX & LUST: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
“What the hell is going on?” Rowena jerked, stabbing herself with her pen and sending black ink gliding across the back of her hand. She blinked at Summer, disoriented and a little unsteady.“What are you talking about?”“This…” her friend replied, slapping a folded newspaper on top of the year-to-date expense report she’d been reading before Summer’s incredulous voice had interrupted. Rowena stared… She’d never seen Summer so agitated. Leaning forward, she furiously scanned the page.“There’s a gala at Paramount Theatre on Saturday?” Rowena said then looked up. “I can’t get an invitation, Summie. You’re the one with family in high places.”“Very funny! No, not that.” Summer glared and pointed to the bottom of the page.“This. The story about Dr. Lovejoy. Accompanied by a picture of him with you.”“What?” Snatching the flimsy paper from her desk, Rowena stared at the unmistakable picture of Heath… with his arm draped around her shoulders. It had
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Fighting the urge to hold up open palms in a gesture of surrender Heath smiled at Summer.“We’re just friends…”“Yeah… and I’m a supermodel…” She shifted away. Somehow the widening gap between them didn’t make him feel any more comfortable.“I know lust when I see it… Just remember I’ve got her back. Rowe might not stoop to revenge, but I have no problem with physical retribution.” The fact that she recognized the attraction he was trying desperately to deny set his nerves on edge.“Summer, we’re not involved.” She shrugged.“Okay… Whatever…” Before he could pursue it further, convince her that he meant what he said, Summer turned and left him there. A few seconds later, Rowena reappeared.“Where’s Summie?” she asked looking around.“I guess she didn’t need coffee anymore… She just… left…” Rowena sighed and shook her head.“Dammit… I’m going to kill her…” she whispered. Then, snagging him by the elbow, Rowena tugge
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Rowena’s body hummed. That was some kiss. And she wanted more. Of course, from the moment she’d set eyes on him, she’d known. Known Heath could cut through the protective layers she’d built up and melt the ice that kept her frozen for all these years. Known he could turn her on like no one before. Known that with Heath Evans nothing else would matter. And she’d been right. Not that he seemed to care. Heath blinked down at her. His eyes were glazed with the same arousal still writhing through her body. But as he took another tiny step away, it became crystal clear he had no intention of a repeat performance. And Rowena was so ready for an encore. “My God, Heath… Why are you looking at me like that? What are you afraid of?” The words burst from her like an accusation. Rowena hadn’t meant them to be, but he was looking at her like she was Medusa or something. Between the two of them, she was supposed to be the o
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Something close to pure jealousy rolled through Steven’s stomach as he watched his son and the pretty little thing Heath was holding and kissing. An odd grin appeared on his lips and he felt his enlarged member pressing against the zipper of his trousers. Steven Lockwood saw himself as a player, through and through… He was able to charm the pants off a woman anytime and anywhere. Everywhere he went, the ladies were falling at his feet. But lately, that luck was starting to run out and he was starting to miss the thrill of the chase. The surge of power he got the moment he knew he had a woman in the palm of his hand was absolutely unique. There was nothing in this world like that feeling, when everything coalesced to perfection, when his brilliance and human nature combined to give him whatever he wanted. And the boy was a chip off the old block. He watched from inside his car as his son moved in for the kill, pulled a fi
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Rowena puttered around her kitchen, throwing diced chicken into the sizzling pan. “You are absolutely pathetic!” she scolded herself over and over. “That’s all there is to it. You keep waiting for something that is never going to happen. Girl, even if he said he’s going to think about it, the answer is a very elegant ‘no way in hell’! Heath Evans pushed you away. Even Dr. Lovejoy expressed a resounding ‘NO’. Girl, come on… wake up and smell the coffee.” She added some salt and pepper and started stirring the diced meat. “And to make the matter even worse, you just turned down your best friend’s invitation to go out and have some well-deserved fun… You said no to Summer who’s been nothing but supportive! You are not only pathetic… You’re also the greatest idiot on this planet!” There was no other explanation for why she’d said no to Summer’s invitation for a girl's Saturday night out in favor of eating alone and brooding. Last night, during their weekl
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         Rowena stared at him across her modest living room. Heath stared back at her but couldn’t read her expression. The urge to twitch seemed to be lodged in every muscle, but somehow, he managed not to move while he waited for her reaction.          Instead, Heath stood stock-still in the center of her apartment and waited for a move… a word… anything. Heath had no idea what he was really doing here. He’d gotten in his car, driven around the city, and suddenly found he’d pulled into a parking space in front of her apartment.          Sitting there, he’d known he should pull back out again, go home, turn on the game, and put this entire matter and Rowena aside for good, not only for that night. But something had stopped him.          What could it hurt to talk to her… again
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          Rowena slumped into her big, stuffed chair and clutched the throw pillow to her stomach.          Dr. Lovejoy had just agreed to have sex with her.          Heath Evans stopped by her house, kissed her, and told her that soon he was going to have sex with her.          She wasn’t precisely sure what to feel.          Excited?          Terrified?          Aroused?          He’d agreed to sleep with her…          And then walked out her door, leaving her alone with the hum of anticipation flowing
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          It wasn’t the biggest office but it had a decent view, was of a hallway by itself, and seemed nice and remote. Which made his job easier. He had no idea if Heath came to his office during breaks. Steven tended to think not, but you never knew.          The faster he looked around the better.          Slipping inside, Steven took a quick, cursory glance. He perused the bookshelf that sat against a far wall, noting with some warped sense of fatherly pride the lines of awards and plaques.          Finding nothing important, he quickly turned to Heath’s desk. Sitting down in his chair, Steven enjoyed the gentle creak of well-worn leather and the expensive smell that enveloped him.          Flipping on the compute
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Hi, Y'all!!!! I hope you're enjoying 'Speaking of Sex & Lust' and its characters! I want to thank each and every one of you for adding this story to your libraries, and for giving it a shot!!! But, most of all, I want to thank you for your trust in my work, a trust you've shown by giving me 55 gems. I'm deeply touched by your faith in me and in this book that I absolutely love writing. You are the absolute best! Now, just for the fun of it... What do you think about the story so far? Do you like it? And what do you think about the characters? Yesterday, a reader asked me how much does she have to wait before enjoying some steamy scenes... Well, I told her the same thing Heath said to Rowena: "Not tonight but soon..." So, keep an eye on the story. Info about updates As you can see, I'm updating every single day, 1,2, or even 3 chapters per day. I hope this makes you happy. But I cannot give an exact timeline. Usually, when I'm updating, it's 6 pm in Italy and midnight in S
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Heath hugged his cup of coffee and stared out over the porch railing at the early-morning haze. He hadn’t slept, not much anyway. It had been difficult knowing Rowena was only a few yards away, sleeping in her bed… alone… “Hi.” Rowena’s voice jolted through his system, much stronger than the caffeine he’d been using to jumpstart his brain. Heath needed every last ounce of intelligence and willpower so he wouldn’t do or say something stupid. He turned at the rail, leaning back against it as she slid beside him. “You’re up early...” Leaning out over the wooden rail, she turned and gave him a perfect morning smile. “I’m pretty much a morning person. Besides, I found it difficult to sleep.” “Why?” She shot him a pointed look through lowered lashes. “Because you were sleeping next door… Besides, I’d worked up this whole fantasy in my head about how last night would end.” Reaching over, Rowena snagged his cup and sipped
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