All Chapters of Alpha Xander's Human Fated Mate : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Onyx We are kidnapped by evil men. Last time we were playing in the garden with our nanny, she left us to get our usual snack. Later, we ate our food, and we fell asleep to find ourselves in the dark in this dark and dirty basement. Only a lone lamp casts a dim, yellow light on the sad features of the room; it looks as if no one has lived here for many years. and those evil men with ugly faces want to kill us. My siblings were glued to the spot, terror-stricken and shaking like leaves. They are terrified and crying. I'm petrified too, and I don't know if our parents will find us before this scary man kills us, but I have to be strong for my brother and sister and try to find a way to escape this place. "Kilyan, can you try to teleport us home like you did last time when we were playing hide and seek?" "It happened intentionally; I don't know how to control it, but I will try." "Try to imagine our home, and we are there." We held each other's hands, closing our eyes. Seconds pa
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Gina He extended his razor-sharp claws, ready to cut my neck, but he was thrown away at inhuman speed. I sighed in relief; I was this close to death. Thanks to the moon goddess for sending Belinda at the right time. I watched Grandpa Jerry and Elijah holding the raging beast, and they were already shifted to their lycan, Theo in his dragon form hovering over Mark's monster figure, Mark's beast is fighting violently against their hold, trying to break free, spreading his wings, but Theo beats him and breathes fire, burning Mark's wings, and he bellows in pain. Xander shifted to his wolf, who was an enormous black wolf with silver eyes. His wolf is beautiful and intimidating at the same time. He gazed at me with a sharp look, and I swear to God he wiggled his tail away from me. Or maybe I imagined it. Fuck!!! I'm losing my mind.He jumps on Mark, extending his canines, ready to cut his throat. "No, don't end him; I want him alive; just knock him out." Belinda left my side and hur
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I want you back
Xander We cleaned the kids, helped them eat their dinner, then tucked them in bed, read the bedtime story, and they drifted into slumber. My poor baby must be traumatized and overwhelmed by this horrible experience. I will make an appointment with a psychiatrist for treatment sessions. We rose and went out of the room on tiptoe, like ballet dancers. We opened the door very softly, trying not to wake up our peaceful kids. We made our way to her room; she got in, and she was about to close the door. I held the door frame and said, "What the hell are you doing, Xander?" "I need to talk to you." "about what" "Let me in first." "Okay, make it quick." We walked in, and without a moment's notice, I embraced her from behind, resting my head on her back and enjoying her sweet natural scent. "Xander, get off me!" "Not before answering my questions." "Why did you leave that night?" "Are you for real, Xander?" "Answer me, please." She freed herself from my hold and yelled. "You f
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Dragon prince Ve Demon princess
Seraphina I never thought that I would find my mate tonight.I went out with girls to have some fun and a good fuck, but to my fucking irony, I found my mate—the mate I have been waiting for since I was 18—but he tried to reject me! My own damn mate doesn't want me, and it hurts like a bitch. He dared to reject me before even getting to know me—that sexy type of man. I can still feel the taste of his mouth in mine.The smell of his cologne and his natural scent still lingers on me, making me feel dizzy. His eyes were teary and sad; he seemed heartbroken by something, maybe by some woman he loved. But I'm here now. I'm his fated mate, chosen for him by the moon goddess. I'm the rightful woman for him, the one and only. He thinks that he can get rid of me easily.I won't give up on him. I will stick like glue to him. He is my mate. No woman can have him, but only I can. I will heal his heart. I will be the only one who can satisfy his sexual urges. He can't resist me; after all, I'm
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Theodore What the fuck is wrong with her? She kissed me, but I felt only repulsive when she kissed me. "Big fat lire, liar liar, pants on fire, you like her kissing you and touching you," Syrax amusingly speaks. "Shut your gob, you idiot; I don't want her. Next time I see her, I will reject her immediately." "Don't you even dare do that to our mate. I know you're hurt by Gina, but our mate doesn't deserve your cruelty. We've been waiting for our mate ever since, so don't mess up. Give her a chance. She's a fucking goddess." "Say no more," and I built a wall between us. I need time to think, but the right thought is that she is so beautiful with her ginger hair and white skin, her cute freckles, and her fit body. But I don't want to get hurt again. I loved Gina with all my heart; I stayed by her side to help her through her rough times; I was her friend and boyfriend; and look how she repays me by cheating on me. Women are manipulative bitches, fake, and sneaky; they are not worth
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Seraphina My plan is working; he's fuming with anger.He's so jealous, "hi!hi!hi!" I'm twirling in my mind with happiness. I acted like I was bothered by his presence. And I'm having fun with the guys, but in fact, I hate dancing with those guys; I want to chop their balls off for daring to touch me boldly.I hated shaking my body and swaying like a slut in the heat, exposing my body to the naked eye, but it was the girl's idea to make him jealous and make a move on me. "Go home now and change your sluty dress."I acted like I was angry at him for disturbing my fun. He's so handsome when he's angry and irritated. "It's not your fucking business; get lost.I turned my back to him, a big smile covering my face, waiting for his reaction. Without notice, he grabbed me by my shoulders, pulled me roughly against him, and kissed my lips in a demanding way.He tasted like he smelled rich and musky, his kiss intense enough to dispel the fogginess of alcohol. I moaned at the sensation, then he
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Moving in
Gina I felt something poking at my buttocks and tugging on my breast; a hand was caressing every inch of my body; my eyes slowly fluttered open; I started at Xander's mouth on my breast, sucking it like a newborn; and his hand was caressing my sides. "Immmm, ahh, Xander, stop; the kids will be here any minute," she moaned, and her eyes reached the clock on the nightstand beside the bed, and it was 7 a.m. "Mmm," "he groaned. "I'm eating my breakfast, baby; don't worry, just a quickie. Close your eyes and enjoy it." He kept sucking her nipples while his fingers were playing with her clitoral area. He thrust his index finger at her entrance, and she whimpered, overwhelmed by the pleasure that his sinful mouth and fingers were giving her. She felt the wetness pooling between her thighs. As his fingers moved up and down between her folds, she felt the tip of his erection settle in her entrance, and she knew that he was ready to take her. He withdrew his fingers from her swollen puss
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Date night
Jared My precious doll is going to move in with that dick-headed Xander, and I can do nothing about it; they're mates again, and they've completed the mating ritual. She loves him and has forgiven him; they are family now. I will miss her and my three little munchkins. I just got her, and she's leaving. My life was empty before her. When I lost my daughter and her mate, and Gina was gone, my life was not worthy of living anymore. No one is there for me to live for. I thought about ending my pathetic life, but the hope of finding my granddaughter is what kept me alive. When I found her, I felt alive again. Now that I have lost her for that shitty bag, he better treat my precious girl right, or I will break his bones for sure. "Jared, why are you here alone? Everyone is waiting for you downstairs," my beautiful mate asked. "I can't say goodbye to them; it's so hard for me. They have been my family for five years; they are all I have, and now that fucker is going to take them away f
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Romantic Date
Theodore She looks so divine in her black dress. All I want is to take it off from her beautiful body and claim her. "Our mate is such a beautiful and strong woman; we are so lucky to have her.""Yes, we are blessed to have her in our lives." I chose a rooftop beach restaurant near my beach house for our dinner date, with unending ocean views, mind-blowing lighting, and seating—a perfect place for dining and romance. I booked the whole place for us to enjoy our time alone. We went to a restaurant. We are greeted by the waitress, and she guides us to our table. "Enjoy your evening, your majesty," she said as she bowed her head and walked away from us. I held out the chair for her. "Thank you." "You're welcome, baby." "So do you like the restaurant?" "Yes, and we can take a stroll along the shore after dinner." "yes, sure." "What do you want to eat, baby?" She held the menu and took a look at it."I will have the Crispy Crab Cakes with Tomato Butter, and for dessert, I will
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Pregnancy news
Theodore After showering together, I draw her into my arms; she puts her hands around my neck, and while she's busy kissing, biting, and sucking my shoulders and neck, I carry her towards my king-sized bed. The warmth of her naked body and the feel of her lips and hands brought a soft moan to his lips. I tossed her on the bed, and she giggled. I hovered over her, kissed her temple tenderly, eyes, nose, and cheeks, and peaked her mouth in a soft kiss. when my warm lips left hers and started down her neck, forcing a moan from hers.I lifted off her wet towel from her body, then I put her aching pink nipple on his mouth, sucking and biting it hard, earning a loud moan from her lips. I threw one finger at her entrance, stretching her out, and she screamed my name. I added another, and I circled my thumb around her clitoral area, rubbing gently. She gasped form the pleasure I was giving her. Her hands tightened around the sheet, and her head fell back on the mattress. "Theo, please st
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