Ashina the Lost Princess의 모든 챕터: 챕터 61 - 챕터 70
90 챕터
Chapter Sixty-One Planning our Date
Andor -I was the bastard son. I was never wanted by my father. My mother was just a means to satisfy his carnal ends. It was the result of his treachery against my mother. She loved him and worshipped the ground he walked on. Yet if given the chance, he would have spit on her grave.I loved my mother so very much, she could sing like an angel amongst the heavens. Her mate had died when she was only a teenager, she had only caught his eye as her mate marched off to fight a war for my father. A war my father instigated by having slept with the Alpha's daughter of the blood moon pack.My mother was so beautiful, and when my father found out my mother was mateless, due to losing her mate in the war. He decided to woo her. Not because he loved her, or was even planning to make her his Luna. Only because he wanted someone to satisfy him with the carnal lust he had day and night for many women. This way he would not sleep with anyone's mate by accident. He worried to much about losing his p
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Andors point of viewWith my mate snuggled up next to me, the world couldn't be better. Pulling Ashina's ponytail back, I rest my lips upon her neck, kissing where my mark will go. As I breathe her scent in, I get tingles that feel like electric waves in my heart, making me feel like life isn't worth living without her. Watching her sleep, knowing she is mine and only mine until we go back to the moon goddess, slowly I drift off to sleep with her scent enveloping my heart with its love.Ashina’s point of view –I have such deep sleep in Andor’s arms, he is like an electric blanket full of warmth of love. I roll over in bed, reaching for Andor to snuggle back into his warmth. Patting around the space is empty, and I slowly open my eyes, missing his warmth next to me. There is nothing but a space where Andor had once been.Slowly rising from the bed, I threw my legs over the side. While yawning, I stretched my arms, getting the energy to make my way to the bathroom to do my business and
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Chapter Sixty-Three: WHO IS MALCOLMS’ QUEEN?
ASHINA -- My heart was pumping with fear hoping that Andor's’ cousin was all right and the fate of the others that accompanied him were unharmed. Walking into the pack hospital, I was hit with the smell of disinfectant overwhelming my senses. On the way to the pack hospital, I asked how a vampire could have injuries. As far as I knew they weren’t human at all, they were more like the walking dead. Andor laughed and stated I watched too many movies. Andor explained there are vampires who were turned when they were near death. The turned vampires are not able to walk in the day or it would kill them. The vampires who are of the old vampire lineage are born vampire and have human components. They are only infected with vampire DNA in their blood, so yes, they like blood. If they become a hybrid like Cornelius, then they are susceptible to injuries just as a wolf would. His wolf is going to be trying to heal him now. We look into Cornelius' door and see blood transfusions going on. I
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Cadma –“Flashback”While my beautiful mate and our sidekick surveyed the pack warriors, we found out one segment was struggling.It was my mate's idea that we check it out. If she told me to venture into a hunters' den, I would do it. I would do anything to just to see my mates’ beautiful eyes light up. We were getting closer as our bond grew stronger every day. As the bond between my mate and I grew stronger, the third person hanging around with us kept trying to convince my mate to leave with him and plan their wedding. It's weird she hasn't told him yet that the wedding is off.The horrific scene we walked into when we reached the segment that had issues wasn't what I expected. This so-called Golden Military captain was regurgitating everywhere. Honestly, it was horrifying. As a man who never cries, I wanted to cry for all the people who lost their lives. My mate's eyes filled with tears as I looked over at her. She held onto m
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Chapter Sixty-Five MARKED AND MATED
Ashina – Despite the tension between Cadma and his mate, I just blew it off since there were a number of things that could make his mate mad at him. My only thought was that he might be a friend of mine, but what is between them is their business. As long as it's meant to be, it will all work out.In the conference, we talked about which warriors stayed in the castle grounds, where they were, and who was running the show.When Andor falls asleep tomorrow morning, I'm going to position my troops around the castle through the underground tunnels. On the edge of the kingdom, the previous warriors scoped out empty houses with tunnels underneath them. It'll be perfect for command centers within the royal kingdom.I had already talked to my group that is heading out with me, insisting they keep this a secret. I had them pack and be ready to leave on a moment’s notice. I will let Cadma, and his mate know to be ready as well. Tomorrow, we leave. 
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Chapter Sixty-Six "Get Out"
Ashina –With the black drapes still closed, I didn't know whether it was day or night outside or how long I had been sleeping. Marking a she wolf is like taking a really strong sleeping pill. Sometimes a she wolf will sleep for a week, but not often.Sleeping this long will prepare her body for her heat and those changes that happen after being marked while mated. With the wolf side as strong as the human side, the ranks merged. It feels like I'm stronger, even though I'm hurting all over. I have no idea how long I've been sleeping.I feel giddy as I kick my feet on the bed and turn my face onto my pillow. I can't believe the moon goddess selected such a great mate for me. My heart squeals with joy.I jumped into the shower after waking up, eager to see my mate. I wore a sun dress and a button-down angora sweater. Putting on some white flats, I hurried down to Andor's office.As I rush through his closed door, my heart is pounding fast. As I smiled, I said, "Andor, I miss ...". My mo
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Chapter Sixty-Seven: Phase One Rescuing my Pack
Ashina -As we flew over the different troops, I noticed some troop sites were burned to the ground. My heart sank, we lost before we began.Angry and determined, I went troop to troop riling them up. We're taking the fight to Malcom now. I'm going to kill him, and I'm going to free my mom.I must put up those emotional walls again, I should never have let them down, what was wrong with me. The pain is more than I can deal with. This is why I never wanted a mate; my destiny doesn’t allow for a mate. I was cruel in giving my mate hope, for that I will never forgive myself. How can I?Tomorrow morning, I have plans in the works. We have several homes that are used for command headquarters within the gated walls of the Royal Pack, my pack. I don’t know if I can mind link them seeing I never joined another pack or rejected my allegiance to my pack. I don’t want to chance it though; Malcom may find out too easy if I do.Margaret is busy with the
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Melanie –“I have called you all here, because Andor ran off several days ago and is hiding his scent. Cornelius, could I get you and a few of your vampire comrades to scent his heartbeat out? By the way I am glad you are all healed. We need to find Andor and save him from himself.”Cornelius –“Which way was Andor headed? That guy can be such an idiot sometimes.”Melanie --“He was headed west, but I don’t believe he was following Ashina. I am not sure but he and Ashina may have had an argument. Andor has fought many wars, were Ashina and Cadma have not fought one war between the two of them. They have only had strategy training. I and Rector will stay and lead the kingdom as well as the royal pack. Drag him here if you have to, remember Alpha wolves are not easy to drag, but then you are also an Alpha Cornelius so hopefully he won’t be too daunting to drag here.”Rector –“Easier yet, I have brought some tranquilizer dart guns. Just shoot his (a..) Problem solved!”Cornelius –“Am I
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Chapter Sixty-Nine: Stuck In The Past
Ashina – “How many men are holding her captive?” I asked. “Two men, one on either side of her, and one threw the child over his shoulders.” “Did their eyes glaze over in a mind link yet?” “No, they haven’t princess. I am wondering if they would be mind linking Malcolm. Technically, Malcolm is not a part of the royal pack, is he?” “Okay, how many innocents are around you?” “Princess, this is a remote area. I don’t see anyone in our vicinity. Would you like us to take them out?” “Yes, take them out immediately. Then take the girl and her daughter to the headquarters and sneak them out through the tunnels. Knock out the three guards and take them to our home-made cells for prisoners in the tunnels. Have Jefferson interrogate them, that is what his specialty was in his pack.” “Okay! Got it Princess! Consider this done!” I made my way to the royal end of the hallway. My heart hurt as I had long forgotten these hallways. I stood by a door, fearful to step in, my hands slowly gripping the doo
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Chapter Seventy: Dean Meets Dahlia
Dolly—“When did you say that Carol and the toddler had escaped? Do you mean the maid and her daughter?” Dean – “Who is this? Where is the princess?” Dolly – Sighing, I put the earpiece near Ashina's mouth so he could hear her mumbling and crying. As soon as I got the earpiece back in, I started speaking again.“Ashina, as you can hear, isn’t doing so well right now. I was and still am the royal family’s personal maid, and her mother is tending to her right now. Ashina walked into the past as her room hadn’t changed since that day, we rushed her out of there hoping she would make it to safety. We had no idea if she was still alive or not. Now who are you?” Dean --“How do I know I can trust you?” Dolly – “Really?” I asked, flabbergasted that this idiot would e
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