All Chapters of Yours Only, The Mafia Lord's Obsession: Chapter 31 - Chapter 33
33 Chapters
Chapter 31
She hurriedly flew out of the car and headed straight for their bedroom. Two days ago, she lost her second child. Just the thought of it makes her sick to the gut. And two days ago also, she got to find out about her husband's infidelity. She still couldn't believe Xavier would cheat on her but she had to when she saw everything with her own eyes. No wonder Carrie treated her as she wished. She was his mistress all along! “Maria!" Jade wiped the tears that flowed down her cheeks. Maria appeared almost immediately. “Welcome home, ma’am" The servant girl looked sad when she saw the tears on Jade's face. “Are you okay?" “Help me pack" She instructed and opened the door to the huge inbuilt closet. “Leave us" Xavier ordered when he walked in. “Yes sir" Maria bowed and rushed out. " And what do you think you're doing?” He took the clothes from her hand and threw them on the floor. “I'm moving back into my room" She informed. " You might as well as well perish that idea, you're n
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Chapter 32
Jade patiently waited for Maria to come in after permitting her in. Maria held in her hand a wrapped gift box and Jade was very curious as she stretched her hands out towards the young lady. “What's this?" She quickly unwrapped it, ignoring the card on it. She believed it was from Xavier so there wasn't any need for the card. But why didn't he give it to her himself when he is in the house? Jade's heart skipped a beat when she opened the box and her favorite flavor of Skittles laid in it. “Omg" She whispered to herself. How did Xavier know about this? The last time she had this was back in her house in Brooklyn and her mother gifted it to her. Jade quickly picked the card with shaky hands and stood to her feet. A lot of ideas were running though her mind. She wondered if her mother came to visit her. The smile on her face slowly faded when she read the card. ‘The only flavor that doesn't taste yucky, shaped like a little rockie and makes you whoosie, love by my bunny’
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Chapter 33
She sat with a hot mug of coffee in her hands, hair in a bun with no makeup, knitted sweater and baggy jeans with white sneakers.“Do you still feel the same way you felt yesterday?" The therapist, who sat opposite her asked with a calm angelic voice.“Everyday feels the same. I still feel anger and hate" She replied and sipped her coffee.She had a nervous breakdown five days ago but it still felt so fresh.“When was the last time you had happy thoughts?”Jade shrugged." Five days ago, before…" She paused and slightly looked at Xavier who was sited next to her.The three of them sat in a warm room with a fireplace, a room she used for her therapy only.Ever since her breakdown, he volunteered to attend her sessions with her which of course she declined. But today, the therapist invited Xavier himself." It's okay, Mrs. Stone” He encouraged." We've already talked about it. I don't wanna think about it anymore” She answered." I invited your husband because I felt like you're bottlin
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