All Chapters of The billionaire mafia surrogate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
67 Chapters
Chapter 21
CHAPTER 20Chloe's POVMy mind was still in the fringes between sleep and wakefulness, but I could tell that Ethan was not beside me. I frowned; it wasn't unlike him to skip his sleep, but I was worried nonetheless. I turned over on the bed, then ran my hand along the sheets.The bed beside me was cold. Cold and empty.My eyes flew open, then darted to the bed space beside me. Ethan wasn't in bed; he'd either left when I was sleeping, or he never came to sleep at all.My mind jumped to conclusions immediately; he was definitely with that accursed Emily girl!I threw aside the bed covers and sprang from bed, then wrapped my robes securely around me. I began to pace the room, feeling rage burn through me with every step I took. It was all I could do not to scream and throw things around the room, as I tried to tamp down on my anger. Ethan, the bastard! Getting a woman pregnant without my knowledge was one thing, but sleeping with her as though they were lovers was another thing.I cou
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Chapter 22
CHAPTER TWENTY ONEEmily's POVIt was the sunlight pouring from the window above me that jarred me to wakefulness. I groaned sleepily and turned over on the bed, but the sun had done its thing. I was fully awake now.Peeling my eyes open, I looked around. I was half-expecting Ethan to be somewhere close, his sea-blue eyes on me, watching me fiercely like a mother hen. However, the space beside me on the bed was cold and empty. I raised my head up, then glanced around. The rest of the room was empty too.I pushed the duvet away from me, sighing in near-sadness. This wasn't like me, to crave physical warmth or touch, especially from a man such as Ethan Brown. I might not know much about him, but from what I saw, Ethan was a man with a perfectly-carved hard emotional shell. He definitely won't be caught dead cuddling a woman on her bed, much less a woman like me.Funny thing was, I understood that to my core. I also wasn't a person to expose myself to the vulnerability of love or loving.
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Chapter 23
CHAPTER TWENTY TWOEmily's POVThe entire foyer was thrown in silence at those words. My eyes widened as I watched Ethan's chest heave as he took breath after breath. It seemed as though the entire room had held its breath, and all eyes were on him, waiting for his reaction.My eyes darted from Ethan's tense frame to the owner of the voice. The person who had confessed stumbled outside from the group of maids. It was the girl whom I'd asked for Ethan's whereabouts in the corridor.She seemed to have shrunk in size under Ethan's stony-eyed glare. Her entire body was in shivers, her dress hanging off her in loose folds. Her pale gray eyes were wide in fear, and her lips trembled.“I…I d—did it.” She whispered. “I was the one.”I slowly stood to my feet, inching closer to Ethan in case he did something stupid. The pure rage coming from him was almost tangible, and I knew presently that he could do anything to the poor maid.“Why?” He asked. The single question carried so much weight th
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Chapter 24
CHAPTER TWENTY THREE.Emily's POV Immediately Ethan dashed out of the foyer, I followed closely behind him, ignoring the maid on the ground. I could hear Madame Doherty and the other maids gather around her, whispering words of comfort and solidarity to her. A small, humane part of me pulled me back towards the foyer, but I had more pressing questions.I needed to ask Ethan a lot of things. I needed to know.Ethan's back was stiff and rigid; I could see the tension in them even from this distance. He appeared to not notice that I was at his back, but when he got to the foot of the stairs, he stiffened, then halted.I stopped too, a few feet from where he stood. We stood in silence like that for a few seconds, before he spoke up. "You didn't have to stand up for her.""I have every right to." I snapped back immediately. Slowly he turned to face me. From this angle, his face looked drawn and tired. It was as though the incident that just happened had forced the last ounce of physical s
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Chapter 25
Chloe's POV"What the fuck is going on here?" I screamed.The sight shouldn't have shocked me. By all laws, I'd been expecting this sooner or later. I knew the escapades between Ethan and the surrogate mother would come to light sooner than later. But all that didn't stop the influx of hatred and rage within me.I watched as Ethan turned away from the bitch and faced me. I could almost see the wheels in his head turning, his lips opening as he thought of a lie that would make me feel at ease. His hands were no longer around the bitch, and yet I noticed the way he leaned towards her, the way she hid in his shadows, as though they were one.By God, the sight made me furiously jealous as hell."Chloe—" Ethan started. I could see the slight anger and embarrasment in his eyes, the flush in his cheeks that told me he wasn't liking this situation any more than I was.But no, I wasn't going to let him feed me his bullshit. Not today.My eyes darted to the bitch standing behind him. Her deep
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Chapter 26
Emily's POVIt'd been one and a half months.One and a half months since Ethan had come up to my room last. One and a half months since he'd cradled me in his arms and told me I smelled good. One and a half months since I'd smelled him so close to me, since I'd felt his warm, sensual breath on my face, since he'd been inches away from kissing me.One and a half fucking months since Chloe had barged in on us!I couldn't decide what I'd felt more in that moment: shock or embarrassment. Or shame. Perhaps I'd felt a mixture of the three, and they were like a knot in the pit of my stomach, all tangled up and confusing.I'd looked into Chloe's eyes, and beyond the murderous mafia rage I'd seen in those twin pools of grey, I'd also seen true hurt. She had been pained at Ethan's act, maybe even a little heartbroken, though I doubted the Ice Princess had any heart left in her to be broken.And the thought that I'd pushed so far as to make a tough-as-nails woman like Chloe heartbroken, scared m
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Chapter 27
Emily's POVThere was a haughty look on her face as she walked in. Immediately she saw the both of us, I watched as the proud look slipped. The facade she'd worked so hard to put up shifted for a moment, and I saw hatred, real hatred behind those eyes.I knew there and then, that Ethan's mother would never accept me no matter the miracle that could happen. No matter how much Ethan tried to integrate me into his family, I would forever be an outcast.And the thought sickened and annoyed me at the same time.Who did this woman think she was, anyway?Ethan's mother stepped into the dining room, all high-heels and expensive perfume and manicured nails. Her puce-coloured face hadn't changed; it still held as much pride and as much makeup as a painter's palette. She had on a beige, fox fur coat and underneath that, a black silk top and beige pants. Her heels made ominous, clicking sounds as she walked towards us. She stopped at the table and folded her arms. "Well, well." She started. "I
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Chapter 28
Ethan's POVI never saw Emily again after that scene in the dining room. If I was to be honest with myself, I'd avoided every sight of her, evading every single place in the house that I knew she would be.And the effort I took in staying away from her killed me.It was like slow torture, having to keep away from going to see her, but I needed to maintain it. I didn't want to look into those alluring eyes and see pity for me. I did not want her voice to break under the weight of her unshed tears. I did not want her to feel pain on my accountAnd what was more, I knew I wouldn't last five minutes in a room alone with her without pushing every rational thought aside and kissing her senseless.In one fit of rage, I'd lashed out at my mother, unleashing over two decades worth of pain and anger at her. I'd seen th careful facade slip from her eyes as I'd spoken, seen the regret behind her stoic look. I knew she was sorry for being so hard on me growing up, but she hadn't apologized. She ne
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Chapter 29
Emily's POVEthan's birthday party was already in full swing when I got ready. I stood before the floor-to-ceiling mirror in my room, staring at my reflection in sadness. Sadness for what could have been but what fate had pulled away from my grasp.The sound of cutlery clinking and people murmuring in conversation slipped into my room. Severally, my sensitive nose would catch a scent of food—from cocktail franks to lasagna or pot pie—and my stomach would react with a hungry growl.I desperately wanted to go down and sample some of the food, but I also wanted to stay here.Away from Ethan Brown and his family.Would he look at me with all the love in the world in his eyes? Would he reach across the table and hold my hand—not underneath the table, but above, for everyone to see? Would he stand up and announce to the world that I was his and his forever?Would all my dreams ever come true?I frowned and shook my head almost imperceptibly, pulling my stare away from the mirror. When had b
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Chapter 30
Emily pov: I couldn't believe this was happening, I had just survived a fall and I was lucky enough, my baby was still intact, now this? Chloe kept moving forward as I drew backwards in fear placing my hands on my belly. I was scared, I was scared of having to lose my child. "Please, don't come any closer" I begged. "Who do you think you are? Who the hell did you think you are?" Chloe said, clenching her fist angry."I am nobody, nobody, '' I said in tears, if saying this could save me and my baby, it was worth it."Ethan is only with you because of this thing you call a child. He's treating you well just because that's his first child , his blood. But without it, you are nothing but a lowly dirty bitch" she said glaring at me.Her words gave me goosebumps, her aim was to get rid of my child. I couldn't let this happen, I had to fight. She had a wicked smile on her face, looking very proud and sinister "What are you planning to do? Scream? You can scream all you want but I can assu
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