All Chapters of CEO He is Paranoid: Chapter 321 - Chapter 329
329 Chapters
Chapter 321: Pregnancy
One month later, when Viola was at the hospital working, she suddenly felt nauseous and started vomiting. It was then that she realized she might be pregnant. She went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test kit. Looking at the two bars on the test kit, her body felt a chill.Is she pregnant? Although pregnancy test kits might not always be accurate, the chances of them being wrong were very low. And now, she had tested with more than one kit, and they all showed that she was pregnant.Viola was usually calm and composed, even when dealing with family matters that made her anxious and worried, she could still make quick judgments. But now, she really didn't know what to do. She never imagined that one day she would be carrying Nelson's child!Back in her office, Viola lowered her head, looking at her still-flat abdomen. Was there really a life growing in her uterus? But right now, other than experiencing morning sickness, she didn't feel anything else. It even made her feel like t
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Chapter 322: Abortion Surgery
In the obstetrics and gynecology operating room, he ran as if he had gone mad, his handsome face showing anxiety, unease, and panic.If those who knew Nelson were to see him in this state, they would undoubtedly be shocked. The composed and calm man would reveal such an expression!The light was on at the entrance of the operating room, but among the crowd waiting outside, he didn't see that familiar figure.Is she inside the operating room? His heart clenched tightly, feeling the intensifying unease.Nelson rushed toward the operating room, and the nurse at the door tried to stop him, "Sir, there's a surgery in progress, you can't just go in like this!""Get out of my way!" He coldly retorted, pushing the nurse aside. The fierce aura emanating from him made the nurse dumbfounded. Though he was undeniably handsome, he looked more like a ferocious demon at that moment.Nelson charged toward the operating room again, and this time, the other nurses and attendants reacted. They bravely s
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Chapter 323: All Hopes Have Been Extinguished
Nelson suddenly laughed, his laughter was cold, each laugh feeling like a chilling cold wind blowing across his cheeks.After a moment, his laughter ceased, and he stared straight at her, his voice icy to the extreme, "No regrets! I, Nelson, believe that I can do anything for you, but there's one thing I can't do. Viola, it's not up to you to decide when it's over! It may be over for you, but for me, it's not over yet!""What do you want to do?" His gaze and tone made her feel uneasy."Viola, unless you die, I'll follow you to the end, no matter what!" He said each word deliberately, like a bolt of thunder striking her mind, shaking her heart.She was stunned, and her heart pounded wildly. Did she make a mistake? Did she make a mistake? "To the end"... he actually said such words. Perhaps she had pushed him to the brink for him to say such ruthless words. Or should she say that she had extinguished all of his hopes?Before she could speak, Nelson had already turned around and left the
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Chapter 324: The Child Was Still Here!
Since the day they parted at the hospital, Nelson withdrew the surveillance around her, and he didn't want to know anything about her. Later, when he tried to find Viola, he couldn't locate her no matter how hard he tried. Until one day, Mort brought news about her. It turned out that Viola had gone to a remote village the next day and had been living there for several months.The car sped along the road. Viola, Viola! Nelson kept repeating her name in his heart. She was so close, only two hours away... no, an hour and a half, and he could see her!He had so many words he wanted to say to her. He wanted to tell her not to try to avoid him, that he could endure her disgust, her indifference, and even her love for her Dependence on Fate. But... he couldn't endure not seeing her!Ten years ago, when she disappeared from his world, even though he aged overnight, he could wait for her to come back. But now, after she vanished, he had lost even the patience to wait.He couldn't endure it li
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Chapter 325: You Will Live Well Too
When Viola returned to the Montgo mansion, Sebastian looked at her with a look of disbelief as she stood there with a big belly. Before leaving, Viola had told her family that she was sent to work in another city by the hospital, and her family didn't suspect anything. They just advised her to take care of herself while outside."How many months pregnant are you?" Sebastian's voice sounded."Almost 8 months," Viola replied honestly."How is your health? You're a doctor yourself, so you should know the risks of having a child at this age," Sebastian worriedly asked. After the shock, his main concern now was his sister's well-being."I know, but there shouldn't be any major problems if it's a cesarean section," Viola said. For women like her who have never given birth before, a cesarean section would be more suitable than a natural birth."Why didn't you stay at home?" Sebastian asked."Because I wanted to clear my mind and quietly find a place to give birth," without getting entangled
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Chapter 326: Marry Me
"I..." Viola hadn't finished her sentence when Nelson's lips pressed against hers, stopping the words that were about to come out. His tongue swiftly entered her mouth, stirring her saliva, and he took her tongue into his mouth, biting it as if venting all his frustrations.Though her tongue wasn't bleeding, it hurt terribly, and her lips also throbbed with pain from the pressure of his lips. She tried to push him away, but his hands easily restrained her wrists."Mmm... Hmm..." Viola initially struggled, but she didn't dare to move too much, afraid of hurting the child in her belly. Giving up on resisting, she allowed Nelson to kiss her.He kissed her with his eyes closed, his long, thick eyelashes casting a heavy shadow on his eyelids. Meanwhile, she kept her eyes open, staring at his face that was now closer than ever before.He deepened the kiss, seeming to release pent-up emotions, indulging and losing himself in the sensation.When he finally ended the kiss, Viola knew she must
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Chapter 327: She Thanked Him!
The day before Viola's due date, she was admitted to the hospital and underwent various routine checks. On the following day, Viola remained calm and even flipped through magazines before entering the operating room.In contrast, Nelson was visibly more anxious and approached the doctors several times, asking about various possible emergency situations during childbirth, even though they had already explained them to him many times.When Viola was wheeled into the operating room, Nelson's whole body tensed up. He stood outside the room, staring at the closed door as if he were a statue.Anyone could see how nervous he was, and as time passed, Nelson's complexion grew paler.Viola was considered an older mother, and despite the best doctors that the Montgo family had arranged and even with a caesarean section, there were still risks.Sebastian noticed Nelson's anxious state and gently patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Viola and the baby will be fine."But Nelson remained motionless, h
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Chapter 328: My Dependence on Fate Has Appeared
Compared to the newborn baby, Nelson was more concerned about Viola. After she was brought back to her hospital room, he never left her side. After the baby was cleaned up, it was brought to the bedside, lying next to Viola.The little baby closed its eyes. Was this his and Viola's child? A rush of tenderness surged in Nelson's heart. Would the child resemble him or Viola? If possible, he hoped the child would resemble Viola more.Just as he was thinking about this, the baby suddenly moved, half-opening its eyes and then bursting into wailing cries. Viola, who had been sleeping, woke up because of the baby's crying."Bring the baby to me; she must be hungry, and I want to breastfeed her," Viola said.Only then did Nelson realize that she had woken up. Following her instructions, he stiffly picked up the baby. In that moment of holding the soft little body, he felt an indescribable sensation.Viola couldn't sit up at the moment, so she needed to lie down to breastfeed the baby. Nelson
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Chapter 329: The Next Heir of the Blood Curse
When Sheila Montgo's baby was born, Asher felt a little disappointed because the child's appearance showed no resemblance to her mother.In Asher's daydreams, he hoped his daughter would look more like Vivienne. However, being a newborn, with wrinkled skin and all, she simply looked like a little monkey.As Sheila grew day by day, her facial features became more distinct, and she started to resemble Asher more and more. Despite Asher's initial disappointment, Vivienne was delighted, especially when she saw the two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, staring at her. It gave her a sense of accomplishment.It was after Sheila's birth that Vivienne learned about the Montgo family's blood curse. Asher took the initiative to tell her, and the revelation left Vivienne utterly shocked, like a storm at sea.The Montgo family's blood curse meant that in the next generation of Montgo children, one of them would inherit it. Although Vivienne felt uneasy and worried, when Sheila turned five, the
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