All Chapters of Heiress's Haunted Heart: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
165 Chapters
Chapter 91
"I shouldn't be seen in a place like this," Doctor Brad remarked, deftly packing medical equipment into a sleek black briefcase. "For the exorbitant amount I pay you, I expect prompt answers whenever I call," Michael asserted, his tone dripping with entitlement. Doctor Brad's expression soured, his disappointment evident. "Juliette's condition has been temporarily stabilized, but she desperately requires immediate medical attention at a hospital for further assessment," Doctor Brad informed him. "It appears to be a case of Traumatic Brain Injury, requiring urgent care." "Traumatic Brain Injury? Who cares about that?" Michael dismissed nonchalantly, displaying an unsettling lack of concern. Shaking his head in dismay, Doctor Brad struggled to comprehend Michael's callousness. "Well, I suppose I appreciate your service regardless," Michael attempted to salvage the situation with a half-hearted gratitude. Ignoring the insincere thanks, Doctor Brad simply turned and walked out. Mi
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Chapter 92
"His competitor? Daniel?" Renee asked, looking confused. "Ask him. He probably knows," Annabelle replied and folded her hands. "She isn't referring to Daniel. And what's with this Linc person? Or whatever you called him?" Ryan questioned Anna with a puzzled expression. "Your dad brought him to town. He's here," Anna responded, smirking triumphantly. "And so...?" "And so, he's coming here," Annabelle clarified. "Again, I ask... so?" Ryan retorted, still not understanding the significance. "You seriously don't see the bigger picture, do you?" Annabelle said, growing irritated by his nonchalant attitude. "What exactly is this about then?" Ryan inquired. "He's coming for your place in the family, in the Haven group, and for your heir position. And you're just acting so nonchalant about it?" Annabelle explained, her frustration evident. "Wait, who is this Linc person and why are they after Ryan's position?" Renee interjected, seeking clarification. "I couldn't care less about wha
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Chapter 93
"What?" Michael's voice quivered. "That's right," Richard proclaimed, a twisted grin plastered across his face. "I am going to watch her kill you. We are going to revel in the satisfaction of witnessing the last breath leave your body." "Why? Why would you want me dead? I haven't done anything wrong," his eyes were filled with feigned innocence. Richard's expression darkened, his gaze burning holes into Michael's soul. "Oh, really? Well you'll find out soon enough," he cryptically responded. "It's time for you to accept the fact that she's lost. There's no way she'll ever remember what happened that day..." "Deep down in your heart, you know that's not true," Richard said, his voice trembling with certainty. "She's dating your son, she's friends with your daughter. Evelyn cares for Adrienne, and so does Brian. Despite your pretense and indifference, you're terrified because you know she's on the brink of recalling everything. She's inching closer to regaining her lost memory
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Chapter 94
Richard entered his house and was taken aback by the dazzling brightness that filled the space. Normally cloaked in a dim, moody ambiance, today the windows and curtains were wide open, and the chandelier emitted a magnificent glow. The transformation left Richard feeling as if he had entered a completely different and airy world. "What on earth happened here? Did a spotlight convention just wrap up in my living room?" he questioned aloud. Just then, Juliette emerged from the kitchen, being assisted by a maid pushing her on a wheelchair. "Oh, you're awake already? I expected you to be out for at least three days. I guess you are pretty strong after all," Richard said, astonishment evident in his voice. Juliette smiled warmly. "Do you like the lighting? It felt so stifling in here, so I had them turn on the lights and open the windows and curtains," she explained. "It's as if the sun itself decided to take up residence in my home," he exclaimed, still marveling at the scene befor
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Chapter 95
She arrived at his house after what felt like an eternity. As she stepped through the doorway, her gaze roamed the rooms, desperately searching for him. At last, she discovered him in his chaotic room, gripping his phone tightly while engrossed in conversation. Ryan appeared disheveled, sporting a haphazard combination of casual shorts and a crumpled tank top. His hair resembled a wild bird's nest, looking untouched by a comb for weeks. Adrienne's eyes widened in surprise as she caught sight of Ryan, interrupting his phone call. Putting the person on the other line on hold, he hastily muttered, "I'll call you back later," before diverting his attention to Adrienne. Confusion etched across his face, he queried, "What brings you here?" Adrienne scoffed, taken aback by his question. "What brings me here?" she retorted, her voice dripping with disbelief. "I wasn't expect—" "What happened to you? We haven't spoken in nearly two days. I texted and called you multiple times, but r
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Chapter 96
Adrienne sat at the restaurant, savoring each mouthful of the delectable pasta dish she had ordered. She hadn't planned on dining alone, but an unexpected change in plans with Ryan led her to venture out to the hotel restaurant solo. "Food truly has its way of healing the soul," she remarked with a contented smile, raising her forkful of pasta to her lips. A voice, dripping with disdain, unexpectedly broke her reverie. "Well, that has to be the most absurd line I've ever heard." Startled, she glanced up to find a familiar figure occupying the seat across from her. Tapping into her memory banks, she gradually recognized those tall, broad shoulders, brown hair, and captivating brown eyes – it was none other than the arrogant jerk she had encountered at the restaurant two evenings ago. "Remember me?" he asked, his voice filled with disdain. Adrienne stared at him for a moment, trying to place the face. "You don't look like someone worth remembering. Who are you?" Linc grinned,
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Chapter 97
"Richard?" Adrienne's voice held a tinge of surprise and caution as she spotted him approaching her. "Two cans of refreshing soda for my lady in red," he said, extending one of the cans towards her with a smile. Adrienne scoffed, her annoyance evident as he sauntered over to her. "What are you doing here? How did... I have so many questions right now." Richard chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "And I'll gladly answer all of your questions, one at a time." He winked at her before handing her the can. She accepted it, opened it, and took a generous sip, mirroring his actions. "Thank you," she murmured, her annoyance fading slightly. "So... what are you doing here?" she inquired, her tone a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Richard's smile grew wider. "I came to see my lady," he responded with a subtle flirtatiousness. Adrienne rolled her eyes, not completely convinced. "How did you know I was here or that I was coming here? Did you follow me?" "No, Adrienne, I di
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Chapter 98
Adrienne's heart pounded in her chest as she stood frozen, her mind struggling to comprehend the horrifying scene unfolding before her. The deafening explosion echoed in her ears, drowning out all other sounds, as flames consumed her car and the valet trapped inside. The valet's desperate screams intertwined with the crackling of the inferno, piercing through Adrienne's consciousness. In that moment of shock and desperation, Adrienne's first instinct was to run towards the engulfed vehicle, tears streaming down her face. But before she could take a step, a strong arm reached out to hold her back. It was Richard, equally stunned by the sudden chaos, who shouted above the commotion with concern in his voice. "Adrienne, no! It's too dangerous!" Richard's grip tightened around her arm, desperation evident in his eyes. "We need to get you away from here!" Adrienne's frantic gaze searched the area, hoping to spot a fire extinguisher, anything that could help save the valet. As the secon
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Chapter 99
Everyone turned their heads towards the entrance, anticipation hanging in the air. The footsteps grew louder, echoing through the grand hallway of the mansion. As the figure came into view, Ryan's heart skipped a beat as he immediately recognized Linc. This was Ryan's first time seeing Linc, but the moment he walked in, Ryan knew that he had finally found the 'half brother' he had been searching for. "And you are?" Renee asked Linc nonchalantly, breaking the silence that enveloped the room. Linc paused for a moment, a flicker of amusement crossing his face. "I present to you... Lincoln Williams," Michael announced, his voice filled with a mix of pride and anticipation. Linc stepped forward, his piercing blue eyes scanning the room with a confident gaze. He seemed taller than anyone else in the space, radiating an air of authority. His eyes found Anabelle, and with a playful wink, he tried to engage her. But Anabelle, sensing the tension in the room, quickly averted her gaze. "It'
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Chapter 100
"Fucking relationship?" Adrienne's mouth went dry as she absorbed the venomous words escaping Ryan's lips. The man standing before her seemed like a stranger, his aggressive side unmasking itself for the first time. "I have made countless sacrifices for you, only to find out you've been cheating on me," Ryan seethed, his voice heavy with betrayal. Adrienne's mind raced, desperately trying to piece together the fragments of their crumbling relationship. "Ryan... you pushed me," she uttered in disbelief. A dismissive scoff escaped Ryan's lips as he averted his gaze. While his attention wandered, Adrienne seized the fleeting opportunity to rise from the floor. "Why did you push me?" she asked through a tremor in her voice, the pain infused in her words palpable. Ryan's response cut through the air with a bitter edge. "Why did you cheat on me?" Blood rushed to Adrienne's head as she vehemently defended herself. "I have never cheated on you, Ryan. Never." A wicked smile cur
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