Semua Bab The King and the Golden Wolf: Bab 81 - Bab 90
99 Bab
Leonor pov It's been three weeks since I woke up in the hospital . I feel a great sadness , my heart is heavy and i feel like i cant even be happy and enjoy my pregnancy . My wolf sacrificed herself for me and our pups , and it's killing me . Orion has been trying to keep me positive but I know him and Onix are also hurting . I have dreams about her and wake up and the realisation of her being gone kills me all over again . Lilith keeps telling me to have faith that I may get Jewel back . I am grieving for her , for my smart ass beautiful big wolf . I keep finding myself daydreaming and thinking about her and I and what we have been through . She has been my one consistent companion since I left my father and pack . She kept me safe , guided me and I always knew she was there for me . Even when the darkness called to me she kept me balanced and helped me work through it . Her strength was unbelievable , she never backed down from anything and anyone . I miss her rolling her eye
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It's time
Alpha Prince Orion pov Watching my mate grieving for her wolf was hard enough , but feeling it myself and the heartache my wolf feels squeezes my heart . I have spent the past two months dealing with the aftermath of everything that transpired . The last of the sentencing is to take place this afternoon and even though I don't want Leonor to attend as she is nearing her due date with the twins . The fact that she looks like she is ready to pop , my tiny mate is finding getting around hard . Carrying one Alpha heir is hard on the female, never mind carrying two . She looks exhausted and her temper is very short . She has almost attacked Lex on more than one occasion . Seemingly calling her a beach ball with arms and legs with her hormones raging was not the best thing to say . We decided to put off the coronation until the twins were here so Len can enjoy herself . Today is the last trial. It is Reec and her mate and both Len and Fallon are determined to be there . To be honest af
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My Pups
Leonor pov I have been feeling so uncomfortable for days. My doctor says that the twins are getting into position to meet us . Personally I feel like my vagina is getting ripped in two . Orion is trying really hard but his fussing has me wanting to beat the living shit out of him and don't get me started on Lex . Poor Fallon has been trying to get him to shut up for his own safety . My heart is still broken , my wolf is still in the front of my mind . I yearn for her smart remarks and horny mouth when looking at our mates . Lilith has been away most of my pregnancy dealing with the covens . I am so proud of my best friend becoming the high priestess , it's an honour that she has dreamt of since she was a child . Today was the last of the trials and that bitch Reec and her rogue mate is the last to be tried . The sentencing was fair , personally I would have gone for the death penalty . The pressure in my lower region gets almost too much as we leave the hall . The minute Lilith
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Three days
Alpha Prince Orion pov My mate was amazing , she just got on with it and brought our pups into the world . I can't help but kiss her and tell her how amazing she is , she looks exhausted . She still has that beautiful smile on her face as she looks up at me lovingly . Red has my son. She is currently cleaning him up while the doctor delivers our little princess . Just as I go to hand Len our son her eyes roll back in her head then she is unconscious and the smell of blood is overpowering . The monitors start going off startling the pups . Red takes my son from me as Fallon comes through the door and helps Red with our pups . I am in full panic now that she wont wake up and she is deathly pale , her skin has taken on a grey tone . The doctor hits the big red button on the wall and an alarm goes off as more doctors and nurses burst through the double doors . They ask me to step back so they can work on her , asking me to go into the other room with our pups and family as my aura i
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Go now
Leonor pov The last thing I can remember is Orion's handsome face and the sound of our pup’s as they say hello to the world . For the first time since Jewel left I felt hope and happiness , a future with my very own family . In the very short time since I met my mate so much has happened . I have spent my childhood in fear and my short adulthood fighting to survive . When all I ever wanted was peace and to live a quiet life . My wolf sacrificing herself for me has been the hardest to deal with, pain and injuries eventually leaves but the hole that has been left from Jewel’s departure has left me in a state of sadness.I can't seem to shift it . My pup's arrival has been bittersweet as I fear for them being in this world of hatred and evil’s when they are pure , born from love . I feel my sadness is going to be too much for Orion as I can't seem to shake it off at all . I am pining for her. My mind keeps going back to different memories we had together from the first time I heard
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Welcome to the world
Alpha Prince Orion pov I knew the difference in Onix’s howl and this was not pain , this was joy . As I start to take in what is going on around me Onix becomes silent allowing me to think for a moment . The scent of my mate grew and her small hand that is firmly held in my large hand started to twitch . Looking up I realise that my mother is no longer in the room and my daughter is back in her small cot . Drawing my attention back to my beautiful mate, I realise her eyes are fluttering as though she is trying to open them . Leaning over I gently stroke her cheek and kiss her forehead. “ Leonor , my love please come back to me . Our beautiful pups need their mother .” I didnt even realise I had started to cry until I watched one of my tears run down her cheek . Without even opening her eyes she croaked her throat dry from days unconscious in the hospital “ Orion .” One word and it was my name . I had no idea how long I stood there stroking her hair waiting for her unique golden
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Lilith pov 2 weeks later To say everyone is in love with the twins is an understatement . Len is an amazing mother even if she is exhausted and hasn't brushed her hair in days . The coronation and handover of the pack has been scheduled for two weeks' time , even though the king and queen will be staying on to help with handover and allow Len to get back into work . I had to hand it to my best friend when she asked why Fallon couldnt be Luna and she would help out with running the army. The elders almost had a heart attack on the spot . Orion of course thought this was hilarious and started calling her major Luna . Lack of sleep almost had the little king getting his bollocks handed to him , while Len screamed he will never be getting laid again as he dodged a pillow . Len is so tired and stressed at the moment I am actually worried about telling her I have to go back to the coven again , I am dreading it . Fallon and I have been trying to make sure one of us is with her If O
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My Queen
Leonor pov It's finally the day of Orion and I’s coronation. It's been a long time coming . The twins are almost a month old and the Queen , well Orion's mother has been amazing . She has helped me the whole time . When I cried she wiped my tears , when I wanted to shout and scream she just let me . I thank the Goddess for her , it still breaks my heart that we couldn't save her wolf . I think having the twins has helped fill that hole in her heart just a bit , you can never fully replace your wolf . When I was without Jewel it was some of my darkest days , your head is just too quiet . I have just finished feeding Saint , Jewel is mesmerised by him . She says she can feel his wolf spirit already and he is strong . Her protectiveness kicks in with Emerald though , she says her pure light is so special in this world . My pups are adored by everyone who meets them . After a lot of persuasion I finally agreed to ask Samantha if she would like to be a part time nanny to my pups . A
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The future King and the crown Princess
Princess Fallon pov Watching my brother take the throne is honestly one of the most emotional things I have ever been involved in . Leonor is perfect for him and the best sister I could ever have wished for , even if she terrifies me when she is mega pissed off . They completely worship each other . Len and my mother have become really close , I am glad as mum lost her wolf and I know it has affected her more than she lets on . I visit with my father once a day to give him a boost and keep his health as well as we can with a terminal diagnosis . The twins have definitely helped keep his spirits up , I have caught him telling them stories when he thinks he's alone . I am slightly concerned for Lil , I know she is incredibly strong but the unease among the covens is getting worse . She’s been worried about telling Len so she has been sounding off with me and a glass of wine . She is looking tired , I know Haggen is worried and trying to be with her as much as he can . I am currently
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1 year later
1 year later Leonor pov I can't help but laugh as Fallon still tries to carry Emerald with her swollen stomach , the toddler perched on top of her bump . My daughter is still the apple of her aunt's eyes , she takes her everywhere . Although with Fallon ready to have her pup soon she is getting tired and uncomfortable . Saint on the other hand is Mr Independant , even at such a young age he likes to do things his way . Orion loves taking him with him when he's able to . The twins are ok about being apart except when tired they like each other's presence , it gives them comfort . Jewel and Onix are obsessed with the twins . With them now walking it can get extremely tiresome . l try to train at least three times a week , sometimes they watch from the side with Samantha and Jess . My little sister is blossoming into a lovely confident little girl . She is like a little mother with the twins , she makes me smile especially when she tells Saint off for growling at her . Yes my golden
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