All Chapters of You're mine : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
157 Chapters
Chapter 131: Surprise breakfast
Nostalgia and joy at being remembered for what I was when I hadn't experienced so much suffering, completely overcame me. I smiled at the girl who had struggled with my training and had recognized me, even though it's been years and I'm so different."I doubt I'm as good as you say. But, thank you." i say smiling at her."I'm sorry to tell you this, when I know you haven't been able to follow your dream after that accident. But, can you teach me?" the girl asks smiling at me to the point, of showing me her dimples."What do you say?" I ask surprised by her proposal."My family is looking for a trainer. The previous one, left town as he got a great opportunity. So, practical alone, when I need a lot of help. So, I would like to know could you help me? My family could pay well." says the girl and I hesitate."I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm qualified. I haven't trained for years, I've lost the skills and I have no way to show you how to do it." I whisper.
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Chapter 132: Excessive celebration
I could never get used to being the center of attention. Even less, when it's my birthday and Aninka knows about it. Because she doesn't know how to measure herself and that's why she ends up embarrassing me. Because, even though we are adults, she is still a child, a rather desperate one.We finish breakfast and when I'm about to leave, the waiters come with a small cake and a birthday candle. I, deep sigh knowing that Aninka's extended conversation with the waiter, meant this."Happy birthday to you" sing the waiters and those who had breakfast in the restaurant, join in the song that leaves me blushing.David and the others, look at me smiling and clapping as if it was the most amazing thing to celebrate. They give me the warmth of a birthday and it makes me have mixed feelings.My mother, was like that...Aninka and so, even though it was kind of nice, it kept reminding me of the few birthdays my mother was at.The birthday song ends and amidst applause I
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Chapter 133: Propose
I take a deep breath, so as not to feel bad for foolish words and when I am about to leave, Esteban enters in annoyance, followed by Camilo and David who tries to stop him."Listen, Mrs. You, you don't know how much...""You don't know, Esteban and you don't need to know. Let's go, there's nothing to do here" I say trying to avoid a bigger problem."Miss, wait a minute can you give us a week's trial? If she gets better in that week, we'll answer it, do you think?""No" I say determined."I beg your pardon?" asks the man confused as the wife next to him, snorts in annoyance."You may see me less because I don't have a foot. But, I wasn't an unimportant skater. I got awards for what I know and I'm not going to belittle that, by giving away my time. You guys, even though you shouldn't do it, do it.>> But, that doesn't mean that I will accept to see myself less because I am looked down upon by people who don't know me and shouldn't define me in an offensive word. That, would give them a
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Chapter 134: My boyfriend's gift
Her cool lips meet mine in a movement that is quite pleasurable. Immediately, some applause is heard and I break away to see the guys photographing and applauding our intimate encounter that happens to be public."Finally, you did it, bro" says Aninka, causing her brother to blush."Thanks for damaging our moment alone." I say and they ignore my complaint, opening the transparent door to sit on either side of us. Aninka even sits in the middle of Esteban and me, hugging our necks while holding a bottle of Whiskey."Did you know I love you guys, a lot?" says Aninka slurring her words."How much have you had to drink?" I ask surprised at how strong her liquor-filled breath is."That's the second bottle she's drunk all by herself" Viktor replies as she kisses her brother hard on the cheek, then kisses me."This is going to complicate things. Take her to sleep" I ask."No, I'm not leaving. The party's just getting started and..." says Aninka before her vomit splatters on me."Gross" I sa
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Chapter 135: Open to me
How does it feel to be kissed with love? How does it feel to be made love to by loving your imperfections? If someone had told me that the boy I made in a game kiss my brother, out of revenge, would help me face my fears and make me feel loved like he did, I wouldn't have believed him.Julian, he was so attached to my soul that I had not been able to get over his death. I felt that he was the only one who could understand me and who would help me move forward. But, now I understand that I just needed to treasure the memories I had lived with him and let him go, grateful for what I had lived.Now, I was ready to open myself up to a serious relationship and with the person who was willing to do it, he looked at me as if I was perfect. I try to cover myself when my wounds on my abdomen are exposed, but he caresses and kisses them in a tender way that touches me."Don't be ashamed with me, Sofia. If we're here, it's because we're ready for this," Esteban says and my heart races."Can I do
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Chapter 136: A thief
My body hurts when the urge to urinate makes me wake up. I get up as best I can, while my canal burns as if so much friction has lacerated my insides.As best I can, I grab onto the things near me, while jumping on my foot, to get to the bathroom quickly. When I get there and release all the contained liquid, I stay wetting my face so I can fully wake up.I was happy, it felt really good to have been loved in deeds and words. The only bad thing was that we did not know how to contain ourselves and therefore, the basket in the bathroom, had several used condoms, which made me find the cause of my pain.Mental note: using so many condoms in one night causes internal peeling.Carefully, she observed my body and I sighed in relief at not seeing too noticeable marks, knowing everything we did. Eager to start a new day, I take a shower and come out of the bathroom clean and recharged. As best I can, I walk to the suitcase with my clothes and as I put on my underwear, a
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Chapter 137: Having faith
I was too embarrassed and the worst part was that I couldn't escape the embarrassment I was going to experience when I came downstairs. So, I take a deep breath and walk down the stairs careful not to trip and make my life more embarrassing.When I go downstairs, Esteban is not there and that turns the attention to me. Aninka, she is the first to strike."Are you all right, Sofia?" asks Aninka in a mocking tone."I'm fine, and you, Aninka? You threw up a lot to be so calm today." I reply and everyone smiles at my counterattack."Well, my stomach is terrible. But, I'm glad you're in a good mood. Unlike yesterday, you're glowing and...marked. I'll have to tell my brother that when he grabs your wrists, not to leave marks" she teases."Don't talk, Aninka. You're the one with the most secrets here.""Now that's interesting" Camilo teases and we both roll our eyes at that."Well, we'd better eat first. There are several things to do" says Michael.
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Chapter 138: Camping together
Days laterStarting work is not as easy as I thought it would be. I thought that, although things would be complicated, I could take my time. But, the girls are pretty dedicated to this. So much so that they had half the town in chaos.All these days, they had been trying to work out by their own means, the realization of their dream. So, they had collected prizes for bingo and raffles while some non-profit organization gave them the help they needed.I wanted to help them with that and so I sold bingo and raffle tickets as the boys went back and forth with more people contributing to the cause. It was amazing how every bit of help raised hopes and how little by little, the hard work paid off.Every problem we had faced was like a nightmare that only by seeing the marks on my body, I could remember as something that really happened. It was amazing how everything improved and how the small town had more greatness in its heart than the place I came from.You c
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Chapter 139: Unexpected gift
I was exhausted, Aninka was trying hard to make the day pleasant, but, playing board games while clearing the driveway of accumulated snow, was not pleasant. And we were already about to go crazy with so much excessive merriment to ignore the inevitable: the farewell."We must stop playing this nonsense. It would be good if we rested or did anything that would help distract us without dying of boredom" commented Michael and we all nodded.We had already talked too much to not know something about our lives. So, talking about the same thing, was unnecessary and what was worse, was that Aninka insisted on following the excessive excitement."Well, we could play in the snow. Throw ourselves from the second floor and climb a little" Camilo proposes and then he looks at me, as if apologizing."You mean I can't?" I ask as a challenge and Viktor smiles."Make it a challenge then. We'll see who makes snowmen and all sorts of nonsense out of snow. Whoever can stand it the most will get a rewar
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Chapter 140: Re-encountering the past
The next dayAll the joy that had been in the cabin had evaporated. Camilo and Michael were about to leave and Aninka had to return to the city because of a problem in the company. Esteban had offered to accompany her and with them, Viktor would go with the intention of visiting his family.Everyone was getting ready to leave or waiting for them to finish clearing the entrance so they could leave. The family home, was starting to feel cold and lonely."I promise I won't be long, guys" says Aninka embarrassed about having to leave early."Don't worry, take your time." I mumble knowing that I can't be a burden that they should always take care of because I'm useless."I'll see you soon. I really hope we see each other soon guys." says Camilo hugging me and I reciprocate his hug."I know we will and even if it takes us a while to see each other, I know we're always going to feel like family. We'll even be able to write and make phone calls to feel close," I reply."Promise you're going t
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