All Chapters of Kissing the Bad Boy: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
97 Chapters
70: The Heart Crimes
JUDAH's POV : I didn't remember much about my childhood. The memories came in and out. Sometimes they came in flashes when I least expected it. Sometimes they came to me in dreams. Some were really nice dreams. While others were what you call a nightmare. I remembered this one time when I was little, my mom and I lived in a small house near the beach. I remembered hearing the sound of waves in the morning, and the smell of the ocean was so thick. "Daddy, look what I made," I was five years old. I just finished building my first Lego bat-mobile and I couldn't be more proud. I was running around the house in excitement, couldn't wait to show it off. "That's great, son," dad said with his back turned to me. He was hunched over a working table, drawing and scribbling down a bunch of writings on a large piece of paper. I stole a peek and I noticed that he was drawing something that looked like a house. "Jaden, come here, daddy's trying to work," mom said as she picked me up and car
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71: The Gone Guy
TAYA's POV : "You're dead to me!" Judah growled as he lifted the gun in his hand, aiming straight for his father's heart. There were so much anger and hatred in his eyes. All that bitterness that he was harboring finally took its toll on him. Meanwhile, Mr. Harrison could only look up at his son in fear as he begged for his life. "Jaden, please, I never meant to hurt you. I... love you," "Love?” Judah scoffed mockingly and the gun clicked. “Nice try, but you're dead to me," Mr. Harrison was shaking in terror. He knew his time was up. With a cold and stoic look on his face, Judah pulled the trigger. "No!" I screamed. And all of a sudden, I wasn't watching Judah aim the gun at his father's heart anymore—he was aiming the gun at me. At my heart! * BANG! * The loud booming voice echoed in my ear and I jerked up immediately. I thought I'd have fallen to the floor or something, but the next thing I saw was my bedroom wall and that I was sitting on my bed. It was just a dream... On
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72: The Back Breaker
TAYA’s POV : As I was making my way home from Judah's house that night, I was missing him more and more. I couldn't stop myself from replaying the words he said on our last conversation and thinking about what he was doing out there. I knew I wouldn’t be sleep anyway, so I decided to go to town. It was past 10 PM and I was back to the dark and familiar alleyways towards Castro's. The guys at the door took one look at me and they knew that I wasn't twenty one. As they were glaring deadly glares at me, I knew better than to try getting in. But, luckily I spotted the bouncer guy that I met before and he seemed to remember me as well. I went over to him and asked him to get Ava to come out. He was annoyed to see me at first, but I gave him twenty dollars and he became much more cooperative afterward. "Any news?" I said as soon as Ava slipped out the back door. She was wearing a black cropped t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans. In her mouth was a lit cigarette and her red hair was tied in
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73: The Family Ties
TAYA's POV : “Start talking,” he ordered bossily. “Now!” "Ryder!” I snapped back. “You promised you won't get mad," "That’s before you told me about you dating — hold the fuck up here. What the hell? Who says that you can date? And Judah? The motorcycle kid from Thanksgiving?" "It's cool Ry, daddy says it's all right," I argued. Ryder let out a scoff and threw his head back. "I fucking knew it,” he muttered. “That kid fucking did it. I knew it," "You knew what?" "And your dad's really cool with you guys dating?" "Well, he's coming around..." "No way he is. No fucking way," Ry shook his head. "Ryder Jake Williams!" I scolded, "I am a grown woman. I don't need you or daddy to run my life for me. I can decide these things on my own," "Yeah? And how's that working out for you?" he was probably referring to the fact that I almost got myself killed in a dingy alleyway behind a strange bar. Again, well played, Ry. "You just happen to catch me at a really bad time. But honestly,
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74: The Forever Friends
TAYA's POV : - - - - - ONE WEEK LATER - - - - - "What do you mean you're not going to the prom?" Hallee was fuming. If I were telling her this face to face, she would have gone all physical and started smacking my head, claiming that I had lost a few bolts. Thankfully though, it was over the phone "It means I'm not going," I repeated myself. "But... it's the prom!" "I know it is," It was the morning of the prom and I couldn't be less enthused. I kept checking for news about Mr. Harrison and nothing came up, so I'd assume he's still alive and well. That was a good thing. Judah going rogue must mean that he knows what he's doing. But still, Judah couldn't be reached and I had given up all hope that he would be back for the prom. And so, I called Hallee up and I told her that I wasn't going to leave the comfort of my room today. Sorry prom, but you're canceled, I said to myself as I glanced at the long golden dress hanging on my bathroom door. "But Tay, we got our dresses. We re
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75: The Crush Culture
TAYA's POV : We walked down the stairs, full of laughter and smiles. Hallee was fixing Jesse's tie and Jesse was poking fun at Gabe's little handkerchief. I realized I hadn't smile this much in a while, not since two weeks ago, in fact. I decided to make it my mission to just have fun and have the best time tonight. With or without him. "Wait! Everyone, we need prom pictures!" my mom's voice echoed through the house as the four of us were about to walk out the door. She came out running, a camcorder on one hand, and her phone on the other hand. We ended up stopping by the living room and let mom took a few photos of us. "Ah, look at you, all grown up. And I love your new hair, or shall I say, old?" “Old is the new ‘new’,” I shrugged. “Well, I love it,” Mom smiled brightly. Once she was satisfied with the photo session, mom was going through the pictures with a smile, but suddenly the ball dropped and she shot me a look. "Hey, honey, what happened to Judah? I'm surprised he's n
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76: The Plastic Crown
TAYA's POV : Senior Prom – A Night to Remember. The big banner in the middle of the room said it loud and proud. Our school went all out this year, renting this huge ballroom at the Harrison Resort, and the ballroom had been transformed into what looked like a Met Gala. The air was full of glamour and glitz. The room was donned in tall chandeliers, silky silver fabric hanging on the roof, a shining disco ball in the middle, and all these pretty people in their awesome dresses and suits were dancing through the night. The prom marked a monumental time in the lives of teenagers all across America. Some people dubbed it our coming of age moment, and others claimed that it was the grandest night of our teenage lives. So much pressure to put on a night. I spent the first hour of the night dancing and laughing away with Hallee, Gabe, and Jesse. I suppose this was the reason that made prom so special, it was our last big event that we could have together with our friends. After gradua
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77: The Reality Bites
TAYA’s POV : "This is the worst night ever!” Viv declared. “I didn't win prom queen and I just caught my stupid boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend!" "What?" "Cameron... I saw him and Peyton went out the back door... I followed them out and I saw them having sex in the parking lot!" "Oh, Viv..." I let out a sigh and I patted her back a few times. As much as I didn't like Viviane, she did not deserve this. No one deserved this. "I gave him everything... I went all the way with him. He was my first," she cried into her hands some more, and I could only rub her back gently in response. "That sucks. I'm so sorry," She was bawling her eyes out, and I didn't know what to do. I was just awkwardly patting her back for the longest time before I finally decided to sit on the ground next to her. "Why are you here in this stinking bathroom with me? You wanna gloat about winning prom queen and having the most amazing boyfriend ever or something?" she spat suddenly. "No, Viv. I j
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78: The Faith Leap
TAYA's POV : At first I thought about jumping down, but then my brain kicked in. Take the damn stairs! My feet turned on their heels instinctively. I was feeling a mix of emotions as I ran down the staircase— angry, happy, confused, relieved, everything all at once. "Judah...?" I stopped as I finally reached the last step down. "Wow, you look amazing," he shook his head from side to side as he studied me, "Love what you did with your hair," It really was him, nonchalant and cool as always. But I was not cool. I couldn't contain it anymore. Tears rolled down my face and my hand went to cover my mouth in disbelief. I wanted to speak but I was rendered speechless. I had so many things I wanted to say. Too many. I wanted to scream and yell at him too. But everything fell away the moment I saw his face again. "Hey, why are you crying?" he said as he closed in on me. His arms stretched out as he was about to hug me, but I quickly stepped back and shoved him away instead. "You left
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79: The Silver Lining
JUDAH’s POV :* DING! *The elevator door opened with a ding and I stepped right out. A long dark desk stood in front of me and the man behind it lifted his gaze up to meet mine. He was sitting in this room all alone as his other bodyguards had been directed somewhere else.He was shocked to see someone entering the room, and his frown grew deeper as he studied my face. And when the realization hit him, his eyes widened in shock."Hello, father," I smiled. “It’s been a while,”"...Jaden?" he croaked.“No. That’s not my name. My name’s Judah now,”“W—what are you doing here?” he sat back in his chair, eyeing me from head to toe. Then he looked behind me to make sure I was alone, and his eyes scanned the room for his guards, though none of them were around.“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I said when I saw his hand reaching under the table. “If you sound the alarm, you’re gonna cause a riot. They’ll then take you to the South Gate and that’s not the place you wanna be,”Dad furrowed
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