All Chapters of Love And Lies: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
78 Chapters
Chapter Sixty One
Understanding grew and grew in his eyes as he marched in with long paces. While the emotion was there in his eyes, his expression was firm and unreadable. I backed away as he stalked towards me until my back hit Martin's desk and I was more than surprised when Drew suddenly pulled my top up and tugged the bandages away. I should've known that he would know about the mark."I knew it…" he murmured as he stared at the mark that was placed on my hip by the alchemists all those years ago.In my shock I let out some sort of a strangled scream and pushed against his chest whilst tugging my top down at the same time. My mind was in a flurry of incomprehensible thoughts and I had no idea what to do. Millions of things ran through my mind. Thoughts like I had to run away again or knock Drew out cold or wipe out his memories somehow flashed through my mind. The thoughts were endless and Drew just made everything worse by getting down on one knee and taking my hand gently in his. I watched with
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Chapter Sixty Two
We turned away from each other so that we could get dressed. Once ready, we managed to get a few blankets together so that we could use them as shelter from the rain. Drew put the fire out and we readied ourselves before making a mad dash through the rain towards the main building for Martin's office.Luckily, we didn't bump into anyone along the way since we would've no doubt attracted a few odd stares and questions. When we burst into the office and shut the doors behind us carefully, we found Ali pacing frantically around the room and the others were all seated with heavy frowns marking their faces.Hearing us crash in, they all looked up and Ali stopped pacing. When our eyes met, he rushed towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Are you okay?" he murmured into my hair, holding me away from Drew."Yeah, I'm good, Alster. We're all good since Ozera's going to be a nice guy." I reassured him.Peeking over Ali's shoulder, I could see everyone stare at Drew expectantly. Rosette had
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Chapter Sixty Three
"Valentine… are you alright?" he asked hesitantly."I've studied a little about them." I lied. I knew more than just a little. Hard not to know about them when Rosette was a Spirit user. "They can pretty much control everyone and anyone with a thing called compulsion, right?""All Moroi have compulsion but Spirit users have a special affinity with it amongst other things. You know Dr. Salvatore?""Yeah.""She's a Spirit user and she heals people really well just as Lady Drozdov can. Apparently Dr. Salvatore is the best healer around.""So… how many of these Spirit users are there? I mean, there doesn't seem to be that many around. Most Moroi in my year play around with elements.""If we're talking about your year, I think O'Connor is a Spirit user. Who else do you know well?""Moroi? Just Ozera, Dan, Jacks, Quinn and O'Connor. I haven't had time to get to know others just yet.""You will. It's only been two weeks after all so you have plenty of time. You already know about Dr. Salvato
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Chapter Sixty Four
Turning, I saw Drew heading towards me with curiosity gleaming in his eyes."Training was cancelled to begin with." I told him honestly, relieved that I didn't have to lie to him since he knew the truth."You look stressed. Did something else happen?""No. I've just been through a really heavy discussion, that's all." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I've been meaning to ask, but why didn't you ever let the guardians know about what Eric was doing to those girls?""Nothing short of expulsion would have stopped him." Drew explained. "And they definitely didn't have enough evidence to expel him. The girls weren't able to remember what they had been through. It wouldn't have been fair to remind them of the humiliation they might have suffered the night they were with him.""But you could've at least tipped the guardians off to get them to increase the surveillance around him, right?""By the time I knew about it, the guardians were already keeping watch of all the Spirit users.
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Chapter Sixty Five
When the car eventually pulled up to a large mansion, I was in total awe. Apart from the royal court, I couldn't recall seeing such a splendid looking house before. The architecture somewhat reminded me of an old English palace of some sort with its sparse grounds surrounding the main building.I lingered at the back of the group and stuck with Joe without making it seem obvious. He gave me a light pat on the back as reassurance and I gave him a subtle smile to show that I was okay."What are you and Crispin going to do?""We're going to be in the room right beside you with a few of the other guardians. Don't you worry, we're not going to be far." Joe assured me."You guys are going to eat dinner though, right?""Of course." Crispin told me bluntly.I didn't get the chance to say anything after that because the doors opened and once again I was thrown into a world of grandeur. Chandeliers decorated the vast ceiling, paintings and large photo portraits lined the walls, and various anti
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Chapter Sixty Six
Spinning away I turned to see his arms outstretched as though he had been intending to grab me in some way. Surprise shone in his eyes and I narrowed mine at him. As nervous as I had been as we drove up to the mansion earlier in the evening, I did manage to notice that the mansion and the immediate area surrounding it was heavily guarded. So the chance of this man being an attacker was almost zero.After all, why would this man need to attack me?"Excuse me if I'm being rude but who are you?""I am a guardian of Lord Ozera.""And you are trying to sneak up on me because?""I was intrigued to see if you are as good as they say.""So you decided to check it out yourself by trying to sneak up on me when I was all alone? No offense but that's a little creepy." A little of my usual snarky edge returned to my voice now that I was actually comfortable in this gorgeous mansion.Amusement flickered across his eyes before it was gone as quickly as it had appeared and he slipped on a typical gua
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Chapter Sixty Seven
Eventually, he spoke first to break the silence and I had certainly not expected him to say what he did."How are you feeling about what happened with Cooper?" he asked cautiously, as though expecting me to lash out and hit him.Under any other circumstances, I might actually have done. I had told him countless times to drop the subject after all. But I was too shocked to since I hadn't expected such a change of topic."Excuse me?" I gaped."How are you feeling? I doubt you've ever come so close to being bitten before.""Damn right. I tended to stay well away from Moroi while I was out there." I scoffed."Are you going to answer my question?"I sighed and stared solemnly at him. "You're not going to drop it, are you?""I'm just concerned. Am I not allowed to be?" His tone dropped to one of those ridiculously intense ones and I just sighed again. Knowing how stubborn he was, I knew that he wasn't going to drop the subject any time soon."Of course you're allowed to be concerned." I gri
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Chapter Sixty Eight
The journey there was tiring and totally disorientating to say the least. Since we were travelling by coach, they were still able to keep the location of our week break a complete mystery to us all. I didn't like the idea of not knowing where I was going one bit. But there was nothing I could do about it. None of the guardians would tell us anything. Joe reassured me that it was a safe location. That it was a vampire owned establishment.After hours spent on the coach, I began to notice the familiar scent of the sea and my senses perked. Ingrid, who was sitting next to me spotted my sudden change in attitude."It's the sea. Wherever we're going to, it's by the sea." I told her with almost 100% certainty."How do you know?""Having lived by the sea for so many years, I know how to smell it out. We're not far from our destination either judging by what the guardians told us earlier. We should be arriving soon.""Do you think there's going to be a beach?" Els piped up enthusiastically."
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Chapter Sixty Nine
I just stared at him, heart pounding.For a moment, I even forgot to breathe. But then my lungs started to burn from the lack of oxygen and I hastily turned away from him to gather my wits and took a deep breath. "It looks like they're finally about finished with the running." I commented as I stood up.It was a good thing that everyone was just about done. It gave me a good excuse to break away from those darn blue eyes of his that seemed to be able to see through anyone's heart. I wasn't used to having someone look at me like that and whenever he did I didn't know what to do. I just didn't have the mental defence against him. It was worse when he did it on purpose just to make me flustered."Everyone, pair up with someone you've never paired up with before." Joe commanded. "And you five are not allowed to pair up either," he added, gesturing at the royal quartet and me.The five of us glanced at one another and sighed. I looked around as people began to get into pairs and my eyes ca
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Chapter Seventy
I woke up feeling tired and hungry. I had hardly slept, waking every two hours almost. It was exhausting. I didn't know what was wrong. I shouldn't have been that on edge. After all, this place was a resort where royals frequented which meant that there was plenty of security here. And yet for some reason I was still feeling high strung. I couldn't shake the feeling that something really bad was going to happen at some point on this trip.There was something or someone dangerous here.I was sure of it.But was it a danger to everyone here. Or was it a danger to a select few people here. That I didn't know."Oh wow… you look worse than when Els first wakes up." Roxy commented in surprise. "Are you alright, Kai?""I'll be fine after some food and coffee." I told her reassuringly. "I just didn't get much sleep last night.""You have about ten minutes before we're supposed to be at breakfast." Ingrid informed me as she gently tugged me out of bed and shoved me into the bathroom.I got rea
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