All Chapters of Healing the Broken Billionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
81 Chapters
As if fate tries to forge what Eric planned for the two of us, he suddenly receives bad news coming from the city.The angered expression on his face had me worried. Hearing his voice rise as he talked to his secretary over the phone makes me jitter."Hold on a sec," I mumbled and headed to the front part of the yacht.The sun is above my head. We just had our lunch that he couldn't finish because of his annoyance.He had been on the phone for almost an hour now, and I could sense the uneasiness in him.I suddenly wondered, if I had succeeded in healing him, why the magic still works its effect? But according to what I'm seeing and hearing, it seems like the magic is slowly losing its power.The last time I've been with him, he's been dragged by his original self. And it looks like it's keeping that way."The flower..." I suddenly voiced out.I remember Serena showing me the golden plant. How healthy it looked like, and a flower bloomed.That means someone could wish again. Someone ca
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Gasping in horror, I pivoted and looked in the direction where I saw it. But there wasn't any. Shifting back to its reflection, I found none."What?" Eric asked and followed where I was looking at. "What is it?"Still in doubt, I shook my head and chuckled it off. "Nothing, I thought I saw something."Humming, he kissed the side of my head. "I think I tire you too much. Do you want to rest?""No," I answered immediately. There's no way I would want to spend somewhere alone. "I'll stay here."Am I being watched?That's seemingly unfair.Throughout the trip, I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes, I couldn't find Eric."Eric?" I called and looked around.I noticed that the yacht was by the shore, and it looked like it was stuck."The hell?" I mumbled as I rushed outside and found the plank descending a way down on the sand. "Eric!"My voice echoed in the forest.I couldn't see anything from afar. A jungle stood dark in the middle of the lonely island.But everything seems t
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Tired and feeling lightheaded, Eric and I arrived at my house holding hands and seemingly inseparable.But the truth is, I'm the one who doesn't want to let his hand go."You okay?" He probably noticed the way I stopped breathing as we approached the door.Smiling it off, I nodded and opened the door. There by the table, I immediately saw the pot of golden flower sitting by the coffee table, glowing before my eyes.It's so healthy than how I last saw it.It's glittering, and golden, and the flower on the top of it attracts so much energy. It's calling for me."Could you wait for me in the car?" I turned and asked, something that he didn't question and let go immediately."Okay," he said and peeped inside the house before pivoting.But before he could take a step away, I grabbed his hand. Can I let this go? Am I decided on what I've got to do?I don't have a single idea if what Serena told me and reminded me of in that dream is what I'm thinking right now.I've been through so many mag
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The ticking of the clock counts inside my head, but seconds have passed, and I don't feel any pain.Peeping through my left eye, I saw Eric's face fighting the inner monster that had gotten into him."Allen..." he pants.He's back to his wits. "Eric?" I almost celebrated. Is he free? But there are still traces of smoke on his skin."I just want to you know," he said as a tear escaped from his once cold eyes that are now soft and lost. "I was the father of the child we did as a mistake."This troubled timeline. The story is so unclear, yet it stings right through my heart."I was the reason why your mother loathed you. When I saw you on the street, I thought you would recognize me. But I guess, you wouldn't care for the man who escaped his responsibility, right?"In this world, he was the father of my son.This is so messed up. I'm finding it hard to catch up, but instead of missing the bullet of truth, I let it hit my head."No," I objected. "I care for you more than you know." And th
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Gasping, I pushed myself up from lying in bed.Catching for my breath, I let my hand fly to my face and groaned from the headache."Oh my gosh..."Wait, wait -Peeping through my fingers, I looked around and found the familiarity of my room. 'My' room.Did I make it?"I did it," I whispered. "Am I back?"Pushing myself off of the bed, I looked outside and peeped out the window.I'm in my apartment building, and I'm not in my house.While peeping out, I noticed that I was wearing the engagement ring Joshua gave me.Chuckling bitterly, I shook my head and took it off of my finger. "I am probably back," I exhaled.I stopped when I heard my phone ding, a message from Eric's secretary."I am back and screwed!" I hurriedly ran the rocket on my feet and rushed to the building while combing my hair using my fingers.Maddie's judging face welcomed me as soon as the elevator door opened."'Late! Late! Late!' says the white rabbit,' Maddie nagged. "Makes me wonder, what's your excuse this time?"
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An hour before midnight, I met the deadline and I'm safe from being fired and shouted at. And what's even more promising, I made Eric amused with my work.First time."I like it," he commented while staring at the canvas I made. "I'll take it.""Thank you, sir. It's an honor." Grinning widely, I nodded my head while stifling myself from hopping like a rabbit."If you keep up the good work, you will get a better position than a team worker." He placed the sample down on his desk and stood up from his chair. "Are you willing to keep your job?""Sir."Humming in doubt, he poured himself a shot of bourbon before facing me. "Let me ask you a question, Ms. Allen." He leaned his bottom at the edge of the drawer.Looking downright handsome and hot at the same time.He had taken off the jacket of his three-piece suit. The cuffs are folded and his tie loose, giving the first two buttons of his shirt exposing the upper part of his chiseled chest.The perfect physique he gives off hurts my beauty
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Applause filled my ears as the opening of the London branch is scheduled in four weeks.The suggestion for the ad design was a success for me.Surprisingly, Eric kept nodding his head and agreeing with whatever I said. He doesn't even have any idea how he makes my heart flutter."Boss' mother is keeping an eye on you, Allen. She doesn't seem to like anyone at all," Hannah gossiped as we took a chair at the cafeteria."Seems like it," I replied while taking the food off of the tray. "There won't be any surprise if she hates our kind.""Our kind?""Standing below her level." I rolled my eyes secretly and internally groaned."I've been working in the company for about a couple of years, and I've met her a few times now. And every single time I meet Ms. Amanda, she's always giving me a dirty look."Rich people."Somehow, I just got used to it." Hannah shrugged her shoulder and started eating her mashed potato. "I think the boss gets stressed over her. What do you think?"I just made a fac
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I know that everything that he does is not brought by magic but by alcohol. It poisoned his mind, and I'm the victim. A favored one.Tasting his mint and bitterness from his tongue, I closed my eyes and answered his kisses.Whatever happens next, it's all up to fate.Gripping on the collar of his shirt, I pulled him close.Placing a hand behind my head, he deepened the kiss as if he were thirsty for me. His touches are neither smooth nor rough. It's in between, and that's what makes it even more perfect."Fuck, I need you," he moaned before lifting me from the floor and laying me to bed without breaking the kiss.I'm getting suffocated, but I like the way it feels because when he pulled away, I felt so empty.He took his clothes off and left nothing but his underpants. I mirrored his nakedness.He looked at me like it was the first time. The desire danced in his eyes as it raked down my body and salivated for a taste.As if I were a fragile being, his hand softly reached for my skin t
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"Did you cry?"I didn't expect Hannah's nosiness, but here I am, getting showered by her endless questions."Your eyes look so puffy," she added while squinting at my face and examining my beauty.How wouldn't it? I just got rejected by the man I thought would carry my heart. But it seems like I fell in love, just for him to fall for his fear.The world is unfair.Even how hard a person's heart is, even how cold their eyes are, they will always have one thing that could make them fold like a shy flower.But what he told me last night, had me burning up.I had his eyes since the first time I got into the company. How was that even possible?It doesn't matter anyway. He's chained by his cowardice. It was all better when I had him under a spell. At least at that time, he dared to go against his manipulative mother.Whatever I might do right now, nothing would work. I'm pretty sure that whatever blocks his way from his company and money, he would set it aside even if his heart reaches out
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"Thank you," Joshua uttered when his car stopped in front of the building of the hotel. "I was expecting you to slap my face and kick me out if ever I show up."Facing down the floor would be his destiny if I didn't know his whole story.He should consider himself lucky, or he would have tasted my wrath."You're still unforgiven," I busted his bubble, making him chortle and nod his head."I know the weight of what I did, and I know that it would be hard to bring back the trust I broke." Understanding the situation, he turned to look at me. "But I'm still hoping for a second chance.""If you deserve it, you'll earn it."Agreeing with my line, he let out a heavy sigh as he stared at me.Clearing my throat, I took my seatbelt off and clutched my bag. "I guess I'll see you around?"He didn't say a thing, so I opened the car door and was about to leave when he grabbed my hand and stopped me from going."What?" Looking back at him, I can see how he fights with himself whether he would say s
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