All Chapters of Kiss Me, Wild One: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
71 Chapters
•11• How Hard Can It Be?
AUTHOR'S POV Adam instantly grabbed Eva's hand, tugging her along with him. Shivers of anticipation run down her spine as they walked through the dancefloor, heading for the bathroom.God, she'd never felt so daring, so wild. Sex in a bathroom had never been on her to-do list. But Adam had unleashed the risk-taking side of her which had been buried all this time. Heck, she'd never wanted a man as much as she wanted Adam Garcia. And she didn't want to think about just what that could mean. Not now.Right now, she only wanted to give in to her ever-growing lust for him, to the need to have him inside her, the fire that burned so clearly between them. All she had to do was not catch feelings for him, then she could return to LA like nothing had happened.How hard can it be?Eva didn't even notice when they entered a washroom until Adam banged the door shut and backed her against the wall, eliciting a startled gasp from her mouth.His bulge pressed against her stomach, his brown eyes b
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•12•No Protection
Adam stared at the ceiling in his room, his guts twisting with disgust at himself for how roughly he'd treated Eva. He'd taken her with too much sexual aggression, and he was now somber enough to acknowledge that.What the hell had he been thinking?No, he hadn't been thinking. At least not with the head sitting on his neck. He'd just been so entranced with Eva, the overwhelming need to drive inside her that there'd been no room for any other thought. And when after their orgasms, he'd turned to face her while resting on his side, felt an itching need to reach out and caress her, to stroke her cheeks tenderly with his thumb, the bit of nonsexual emotion streaming through him had been enough to make him bolt out of the room even before he'd recovered from his orgasm.He'd never done anything like that before. Even though he always made sure to enforce his 'no-cuddling' rule with every woman he slept with, he'd never gotten out of bed so fast after sex.He'd just been too overwhelmed
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•13•His Childhood
"I don't have a mother. Never had." Adam deadpanned, looking away from Eva.That had Eva stilling, and she strived to ask her next question in a way that wouldn't feel like she was prying.“Oh, so you grew up in an orphanage?”“No.” He answered.“Foster care?” She asked tentatively.She received the same stiff answer. “No.”Eva frowned. He didn't grow up in an orphanage or foster care, so what did he mean by he'd 'never had' a mother?Unless he was some kind of alien, then there was something he didn't want to tell her.Before she could ask anything else, Adam beat her to it."Are you going to include the steamy sessions we'll be having in the book you're intending to write?""Jeez, no!" Eva grimaced, mortified by the very idea. "I'll probably be writing about myself and how I was able to step out of my comfort zone. Sex scenes aren't needed, thank you very much.""Besides..." She slanted him a provocative look. "...the 'steamy sessions' won't be memorable anyways.""Won't they?" A de
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•14•Angry Sex
Eva stared at Adam, her heart squeezing tightly as she watched him pretend like he hadn't just told her one of the most heartbreaking stories she'd ever heard.He was obviously trying to pretend like his past didn't haunt him anymore, but remembering his earlier reaction about her asking him about his mother and now that guardedness in his eyes, she knew it did haunt him.Was that why he said he didn't believe in love?She wanted to tell him how sorry she was, but she was sure he wouldn't appreciate that. She was still contemplating what to say when Adam stood up from the log he was sitting on.“It's very cold tonight. We might have to sleep in the living room where the fireplace can warm us, so I'll go and start the fire.” He said, and before she could say a word, he was already on his way.Eva watched him go without a word, certain she'd pushed him way out of his comfort zone. After listening to his stories about his friends which had basically revolved around the same people, she'd
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•15•What The Fuck, Adam?
Adam moved silently towards the couch, examining Eva who was sprawled beneath the mold of blanket that was covering her, which had rolled down to ride in the middle of her luscious breasts.He winced as last night played in his mind, how he'd bolted on her like a jerk right after they'd had sex, and wondered whether she was going to reproach him about it when she woke up.Lifting his camera, he brought her into focus. The mellow sunlight filtering into the room didn't provide adequate lighting and so he adjusted the lens to compensate for it.Then he began taking pictures. He knew Eva slept like a dead weight, but surprisingly, it didn't take long for the clicking sounds of the camera to begin rousing her, and he caught her gradual awakening on film.Droopy eyes fluttered open, a corner of her sensual mouth quirking. “What are you doing, Wild One?” Her voice held no censure, just lazy curiosity, and he took that as a good sign that she wasn't upset about last night“What I love to do m
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•16•Breaking His Rule
Thwack! Thwack!Adam set a big log of wood on a large tree stump, and with a precise downward stroke of his axe, he divided the log into two. Grabbing the pair, he tossed them onto a small growing pile.Eva watched in absolute fascination as he worked. “Can I do that too?” She asked him, feeling the urge to test her strength.He picked another log and placed it on the stump, then stopped to look at her. “You? Chopping wood?” He all but chuckled, teasing her. “Sorry, Sweetheart. This isn't for you.”“Try me.” She squared her shoulders daringly and took the axe from him before he could protest.Pushing him aside, she stood in front of the log. She raised the axe, and focusing with all her strength swung it downward. She only managed to bury the end of the blade in the log, but jolts of pain shot through her arms, making her withdraw instantly.“Touché.” She said, wincing as she stepped back. “You were so right. Certainly not for me.”Adam chuckled, the sound vibrating with warmth. Whe
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•17•The Masked Man
Today was the last full day she had with Adam Garcia, and Eva planned to make the most use of it. Before the real world intruded on their fling and they both parted ways, she wanted to experience a bit more of what she felt with the man that she'd never felt with any other man.Staring down at the said man, she had to drag in a breath.Lying and sleeping facedown, the blanket she'd woken up in the middle of the night to cover them had ridden to the middle of his ass, exposing the top parts of his butt cheeks and the hairy expanse of his muscular thighs.His permanently unruly hair was strewn in messy disarray around his head, giving him that rugged, caveman look. His sculpted back was covered by red nail marks, things she'd done to him in the heat of passion.Christ, no man had a right to look so gorgeous.Even asleep and completely tousled, the sexual responses of her body to him made her weak in the knees.She spotted his camera lying on the floor by the couch, and unable to resist
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•18•End Of Fling?
"Why?" Adam questioned, wondering why Eva was reacting this way to the picture. He looked at her face, at the way her mouth had dropped open in shock, and he instantly got his answer."It's been you all along. The guy from the New Year's Eve party." She stared at him in wonder.Adam's heart was pounding furiously, and all the similarities began to race through his mind. His hunch on their very first meeting at The Storm nightclub was real. Eva truly was the masked woman. They stared at each other in stunned silence, and then burst out laughing at the same time. Adam knew he was trying to laugh off the shock and other unsettling realities, and he suspected she was trying to do the same."Oh God, you really are the weirdo who kissed me that night. I can't believe I've not figured it out all this while." She chuckled."Look who's calling who a weirdo. The one who ran away like a timid virgin after the kiss." He tried to laugh genuinely, but a heaviness had settled in his chest Adam
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•19•For The Best
“Can I get a hot cup of cappuccino?” Eva burst through the doors of Victoria's Cafe, expecting squeals of excitement from her best friends.Instead, they both spared her a single glance, scowled, and then focused on what they'd been talking about. Only four people were sitting at tables in the cafe, so Eva didn't feel much embarrassed.But that was unexpected.Her already feigned over-excitement ebbing, she padded across the establishment and rounded the counter to stand beside her friends who wouldn't even look at her.“What's up?” Cold shoulders were all she received.What the heck was their problem?Irritated by their behaviour, she grabbed both of them by the arm and forced them to face her. “Did someone stick a dick up your asses?” She demanded, copying what Victoria would say when one of them seemed pissed.“How did the deal go, Eva?” June was the one who asked, a saccharine sweet smile adorning the question.Eva's stomach twisted. Had her friends found her out already? Well,
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•20•You're Not The Only One
Adam watched as the women grinded on his three friends' laps, then placed a hand at the waist of the one on his lap. Her name was Elena. Or was it Ella?They were in their usual VIP booth at The Storm, occupying an arched settee settled against the wall and curving around a round table.Elena grabbed his bottle from his hand and chucked the remaining beer in a few gulps before tossing it on their table. Then she grabbed both of his hands and brought them to her chest, palming them over her extra large boobs while her supple ass swivelled sensuously on his erection through his trousers.If only she knew that his arousal had nothing to do with her, that it only ached for one woman who'd held his mind captive for the past week he hadn't seen her.Hell, Eva had been holding his mind captive for four months even before he knew that it was her.It was her he wanted to be this close to, her he wanted to bury himself inside. Frustrated by his never dissipating thoughts of Eva, he was about
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