All Chapters of Kiss Me, Wild One: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
71 Chapters
•61•Let Me Explain
Sweetheart. The enderment Afam used for her sent an army of wonderful memories marching through her mind, things he'd muttered to her whenever they made love, but it didn't take long for the turbulent force of anger to sweep them all away. She shot to her feet, leveling him a look that only showed her anger. Not the teeny bit of happiness she felt. "What are you doing here, Adam?""I came here to take you out for lunch." He announced.Eva chuckled, actually caught of guard by his unabashed audacity. "Yes, and I'll go with you because this is something we've been doing for the last four months." She shot sarcastically.Adam let out a heavy sigh, obviously at her hostility. "Eva, so much time has passed. You know we need to talk.""It's exactly because so much time has passed that I know that I have nothing to say to you." She sneered.Yesterday, head reeling from seeing him again, she'd nearly given him the time of the day. She'd ran into her house before she could allow herself to g
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•62•Like The Covid
“Raul, are you sure this is going to work?” Adam asked anxiously, turning to look at Raul who was in the front passenger seat beside him.Raul let out a breath of exasperation. “Adam, I never promised you a rose garden. If this backfires, it's all on you.”Adam nodded, grimacing as he parked the Subaru along the street. Ever since the episode in Eva's office, the woman had been avoiding him like the Covid-19. For a whole damn month.She'd blocked his number on her phone. The first time he'd gone to her office again, her secretary had threatened to call security. Seeing that she was very serious and his charm wasn't working like it'd done the other day, he'd left resignedly. He couldn't even see Eva during her breaks or after she'd closed because that bastard was always there; taking her out for lunch, then riding with her in her car after she'd closed.When he'd gone to Victoria's cafe yesterday after Lucas had told him Eva was around, June and Victoria had ignored the people they w
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•63•Merry Christmas
After several near wakes with sleep plucking her right into its depths each time, Eva finally forced herself to really wake up. Her first thought was that she was lying in the backseat of a moving car.When did she go from enjoying herself at June's party to being kidnapped?She shot up her torso to sit down, noticing the driver who was wearing a Santa outfit and a Santa cap, but she couldn't see his face.“Who are you? Where are you taking me?” She spat frantically, panic ensuing. “Listen, just tell me what you want and I'll arrange it to be given to you myself. No need for the ransom calls and all.”Her brows furrowed when the person behind the wheel chuckled because the sound was too damn familiar. Her heart leapt when he tilted to look at her. “Believe me love, what I want has nothing to do with money.” A sexy smirk accompanied the sexy drawl in his voice.It was Adam, looking so comical with the fake white beard on his chin that she could've found it amusing.Could have, because
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•64•Melting Her
This was going to be harder than he assumed, Adam thought as Eva shrunk away from his touch when he attempted to help her put her skis on.The weather was as cold as fuck, but when he'd asked Eva what she wanted to do, she'd after some long hesitation and impatience said she wanted him to take her to the skiing site. That was why they here in extremely stuffed clothing, the blades of the helicopter whirling and rumbling above them.Eva put on her googles, and without even waiting for him to put his own equipment on, she veered down the snow with an excited yell, ski poles in hand. She'd picked up a lot from the last time they'd come here and he'd tutored her on how to ski. Quickly putting on the last ski, Adam grabbed his sticks from the ground and navigated his way down. He gazed around, lost in the view of the snow-shelthered mountains that seemed to stretch on forever.He focused back on Eva while he was catching up. She suddenly executed a perfect brake with her skiis. Adam was m
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•65•Regret Can Come Later
Eva couldn't feel herself breathe, couldn't hear herself breathe. All she felt was the tumultuous pumping of her heart and it's consequent thunderous rushing in her head.Eva West, I'm in love with you.Words she'd only ever dreamed of falling from his lips. Just like that, all her guarder walls crumbled; they couldn't stand in the face of his disarming confession.God, she loved him too, had missed him like fuck, and wanted the same things that he did. She couldn't hold back anymore. Heck, she didn't want to hold back anymore. At least not for tonight.Tonight she wanted to let herself go, to reexperience the blissful feeling of being in Adam's arms. She wanted to let go of her fears, her fears that he would walk out any time when she let herself go with her emotions. She wanted to throw them all under the bus.Before any thought could come and hinder the execution of her next move, Eva had already lunged for Adam, wrapped her arm around his neck and smashed her lips to his.Her kiss
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“This shouldn't have happened.”Adam fluttered his eyes open to find Eva sitting on the edge the couch turned bed, hands stroking her upper arms distractedly.He took in a deep breath. This was exactly what he'd feared; her regrets, even as they'd loved each other many more times throughout the night. That hadn't stopped him from hoping though.Yesterday morning, she'd forced him to book a midday flight which would be today for her. He'd hoped that he would have the whole morning to be with her, to actually convince her to let them to be together. Heck he'd hoped that she would tell him to cancel the flight just so they could spend more time alone at the cabin.He sat up slowly, noticing the daylight peaking through the blinds. No doubt they'd slept into the morning after all the energy they'd exerted last night. The fire in the fireplace had long burned out, and the cabin was now filled with just a bit of cold.“Don't tell me you didn't enjoy all the things we did last night because y
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•67•Loose Woman
As large as the hall was, everything turned silent. Eva scanned their shocked expressions, and nearly flinched when June suddenly stepped forward."What? What do you mean you were with Adam?"Eva swallowed at the bite in her tone. "Uh, he kinda kidnapped me?" She cringed a moment later, realizing how ridiculous that sounded. She wasn't sure there was a better word."I knew it. That bastard!" Xander's voice was filled with unfettered antagonism. "Did he hurt you? I'm gonna beat the shit out of that guy."Xander seemed just about ready to storm out, and Eva placed her hand on his shoulders, hoping to calm him."Xander, he only wanted us to talk.""He only wanted you to talk?" Xander looked at her as if stupefied by her defending Adam. "He took you against your will. That's still kidnapping!""What about the texts you sent all of us? Was that Adam? Did he take your from phone you?" Vicky asked, anger in her voice."No, I sent them myself." She clarified."So why the heck didn't you pick
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•68•I Came To See You
It'd been four days. Four freaking days since Eva had issued Adam the ultimatum before leaving for her plane; if he wanted their relationship to return to the blissful period in which it'd once been, he had to at least speak with Rebecca.Even though he'd driven back to LA from Jackson Hole yesterday, he hadn't contacted Eva. She'd called him a few times a day after her flight to LA but Adam hadn't dared to pick up, too filled with shame because he couldn't fulfill her wish even for the sake of their relationship. And angry that she was practically forcing him to do something he didn't want to.Frankly, the thought of seeing Rebecca after so many months filled him with uncertainty and a whole other stream of confusing emotions. He didn't experience the hatred that thinking of her once had made him feel but he guessed he could attribute it to the months of never having seen her.He didn't know how he would react if she was in front of him now.Sighing, Adam returned his gaze from the
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•69•Want To Start Afresh
“Me?” Rebecca audibly gasped, obviously having not expected that. Adam nodded, and Rebecca swallowed before finally nodding back. “Let's go inside my office?”Adam signalled for her to take the lead. As he followed, he noticed her secretary giving him a comehither look, obviously wanting to catch his attention.“Merry Christmas.” She whispered, voice sultry.Adam offered her a polite smile just so she wouldn't feel bad and went into Rebecca's office. The place was spacious with a large floor to ceiling window, a couch, an exquisite desk and an equally plush swivel chair. On her desk, she had stacks of files arranged neatly, a computer and then some photoframes that were facing away from him.Rebecca was standing by a drawer in the corner of the room, pouring herself a glass of water, like she thought she was going to need it for this encounter. Done, she set the half empty crystal down before turning to look at him.For an instance, Adam saw something like joy sweep across her feature
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•70•Fireworks(The End)
Funny how life worked. A year ago, on this very day, Adam had been pissed after Lucas had forced him to tag along to this same masquerade party with him. Now, the rush of emotions he was feeling as he arrived at the venue was on a whole different level; nervousness, anticipation, joy.He was finally going to reignite his relationship with Eva. Or perhaps they were going to start afresh, whatever floated her boat, he thought with a private smile as he slipped his mask on and made his way through the masked people.He'd intentionally worn the same blue suit he'd worn last year accompanied by the same Batman mask. Hopefully, that would help to speed up the process. God, he couldn't wait to be alone with her tonight.Adam scanned the people around who were mingling amidst the tune of the piano playing softly from mystery places. Apparently, Rebecca had decided to change the category of the guests to cut across several people and not just business acquaintances.He spotted Eva before she s
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