All Chapters of A Racing Heart : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
101 Chapters
Chapter 41
Lilian was even more scarce around the house after the TV was installed in her room. I assumed she was just lazing away in front of the TV, binging shows and whatnot. It wasn't until I wanted to take a book I had left in the library did I discover her new hiding spot.Nestled on a beanbag she probably brought from the sunroom, dressed in casual clothes, her hair was up in a messy bun and a small smile was on her face. Her green eyes were framed by round glasses I have never seen on her before, they were focused on the book in her hands. She didn't even notice my presence.I looked at her book cover. I'd like to think I'm more interesting to look at than Wuthering Heights.She looked so at peace and in her element.I took the opportunity to tell her about her doctor's appointment on Saturday since I never see her. "I didn't expect to find you here." She was startled by my presence and fell off the beanbag. I held back a laugh but my eyes couldn't hide my amusement. "Byron. What are y
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Chapter 42
Where it all started – this hospital. When I thought my life couldn't get any worse than it already was, I was proved wrong and received the life shattering news of my diagnosis. But as life threw a problem my way, it provided me with a solution quickly. In what I could only describe as fate, I met Byron. Though he was annoying at times, I couldn't deny he was like a light when everything seemed so bleak.Standing in front of the elevator that day, I never would have imagined getting married to him or anything else that happened after that moment. I peeked at Byron, his eyes were trained on the elevator doors. Did he remember how we bumped into each other? Or was he just annoyed at the controversy that moment caused for him. Did he regret meeting me?As these thoughts crossed my mind, Byron looked my way. I focused my eyes elsewhere, embarrassed he caught me staring. This elevator ride was dragging out for so long. We got to the office, Byron opened the door for me. "After you?" I
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Chapter 43
"Good morning, sir." Collins greeted as he came into my office. I nodded in reply, not sparing him a glance."I have found a shop on lease. It's not too far from here and it's big and spacious." He continued when I realized I wasn't going to reply."Good. Do you have pictures?" I asked, finally looking at him."Of course sir." He replied, bringing out his phone from his pocket. He handed me the phone.The place looked nice on the outside and even more spacious and nice on the inside though it could do with some renovations."What's the cost price?"" It's four thousand dollars sir.""Locate the owner of the building and negotiate with him. I want to buy the whole building.""Okay sir. I will get to work immediately. Is there anything else you need?""Tell Irene to see me on your way out.""Okay sir." He bowed and made his way out. I let out a sigh and shut down my laptop. The thought of the upcoming interview made me sick to my stomach.I've never really been a fan of pictures. Bein
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Chapter 44
I have been feeling like I was on cloud nine after meeting Dr Miller. The thought that I didn't have to undergo a heart transplant was enough to make me die from happiness.But why would I die from happiness when I'm finally able to live with my arrhythmia?Maybe there really was a God.I felt even more grateful towards Byron as it was because of him I was able to be this happy.I turned on the sound system and connected my phone to it. Soon, one of my best songs was blasting out loudly.I sighed in contentment as I sat on the porch, overlooking the pool. I carried my sketch pad which was beside me, suddenly feeling inspired.After a while, I paused to look at what I had come up with. The bodice was a simple pattern with two princess darts. The sleeves were puffed up at the top and tapered to an end.I resumed sketching, thinking of what I could do to the yoke to make it unique."Good afternoon ma'am." A voice said. I dropped my pencil in fright and looked towards the person. It was a
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Chapter 45
Last night was interesting to say the least. I almost didn't want to get up this morning but the interview was scheduled to happen today. I do not like missing appointments or being late so I had to separate from my bed, no matter how reluctant I was to do so.I had a few clothes over at Regina's that I left just for situations like this.As I buttoned up my clothes, Regina woke up. I looked at her through the mirror as she sleepily sat up, her hair a bit unruly, the oversized shirt she had on slipping off her shoulder."What time is it?" She asked groggily. "It's just seven am. You can go back to sleep." I told her putting on my jacket. She slumped back on the bed hugging a pillow. I guess it's a little early for her as she didn't seem to care about her appearance. "Why are you going so early then?" She mumbled."I have work and an interview today." I ran a comb through my hair. She got up from the bed to help me with my tie. When she was done she patted my chest adjusting my coll
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Chapter 46
"Mr Bladell could be a handful but he is a very nice man." Lucia said as she mixed the dough. We were making a cake for the twins. It is their birthday today."I know he could be a handful." I sighed. "I've experienced it first hand."She chuckled and continued mixing the dough. She added chocolate flavor then set the dough aside to make the icing."Could you put the dough in the oven?" She requested. I carried the pan gingerly and put in the oven."You're invited to the birthday party. It will be holding at the Bladell's mansion." I said, scooping up a bit of the icing."I would have love to but I have to go back home to my children.""Come with them. I'd love to meet them. If they look anything like you, they must be really adorable."She smiled. "Thanks for the kind words, ma'am.""I've told you to call me Lilian. Please?"She nodded. "Okay Lilian, if you will excuse me, I have to get to work. The house won't clean itself.""Oh, sure." I followed her out of the kitchen and went to
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Chapter 47
"Can you believe she was married? This whole time she was playing with my heart?" Abel sighed dropping his head on the table.I just looked at him with a sigh, refilling my glass."Byron, I'm so heartbroken. Console me" he tugged my sleeve. I smacked his hand off and he looked at me with a teary expression. I sighed and just patted his head. "It's not your fault. She's the one that doesn't know what's good for her" I said in an encouraging tone.We were currently at a bar, Abel was ‘heartbroken’ after finding out Juliette Montéz was actually married. The interview went well and I survived through the lights and cameras. Abel asked Juliette out after the interview and got rejected. Maybe it was the sad expression on his face that made her add that she was married so he wouldn't feel all that bad. Her intentions might have been good, to let him down politely but it ended up making him more depressed.Abel rarely got rejected. He was rich, a smooth talker, he knew how to use his looks t
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Chapter 48
Nina stood up and met us halfway with a hug. I fell into her embrace and wanted nothing more but to remain in her arms but I was all too aware of the guests staring at us."How have you been?" She whispered into my ear. " Hope Byron is treating you well?""Of course." I grinned. "He's been a huge support these past days." I said with a smile, turning to look at Byron who was also staring at me."That's lovely." Nina said, wrapping her arms around Byron and I. " Everyone has been waiting for you. I'm starving.""We're sorry for being late." He apologized. Nina led us to the table and everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Byron when he spoke."Good evening everyone. Thank you for gracing us with your presence and for celebrating with us on this special occasion. Please, eat to your hearts content and I hope our wards are friends for a long time. Let's toast to a long life of friendship."Everyone raised their wine glasses and cheered. Byron went to greet my dad and his dad be
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Chapter 49
The birthday party was what to expect. The decorations, the food, the kids' excitement, the presents and the cake. The dinner with the parents was something I was used to. The compliments, the slight flattery in their tones, subtly making business deals, the hidden knives in their words. Just a regular dinner.Picking a gift for the twins was hard, especially since I found out about this whole thing last minute. I didn't have time to think of a thoughtful present so I went with functional and expensive."So, I didn't know what to get both of you but since you both are eighteen now, I got you a car." I said lightly. The sudden impact of two teenagers hugging me almost threw me off my feet. I balanced myself patting their backs. I handed James the car key. "Your driving instructor will be here on weekends and on holidays.""Thank you Byron. You're the best brother-in-law in the world." Christie squealed. Best brother-in-law. I liked that title. I watched Rose join in their mini celebr
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Chapter 50
I needed a sketchpad and more supplies. I didn't realize how many designs I had made and discarded up until this moment.I decided to go shopping. It was going to be the first time I was going shopping alone since I got married. It seemed like what I needed at the moment and since I now have the money, I could splurge on things I've always wanted.After Byron left for work, I changed into a pair of black jeans and a green shirt. I put on my sneakers and did my hair into a ponytail.I put Byron's Mastercard into a black purse I've never used along with some other necessities.I made my way outside to wait for my Uber when I was ambushed by Byron's driver, Lucas."Good morning ma'am." He greeted. "Are you heading out?""Yes. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to drive Byron to work?""I seldomly drive Mr Bladell. He likes driving himself unless he's unable to.""Oh." I simply replied not knowing what to say. Why hire a driver if he's not driving you anywhere? I'll never understand th
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