All Chapters of A Racing Heart : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
101 Chapters
Chapter 71
It's a few days to Christmas and I've made sure to finish up most of my work so I could enjoy the holidays with my family. The launch party is ready to go just waiting for Christmas Eve. Lilian has been just as busy as I was, if not more than. Himalayas was having it's first Christmas line so she had a lot to take care of.For the past few days, Lilian was the one making us dinner even after a long day at work as she didn't like us getting takeout because it was ‘unhealthy’. It was a lot of pressure on her but she never complained and went about everything with a smile.I felt the urge to do something nice for her. I'm sure it would be great if she could come home to a warm meal. It wasn't over the top, just a thoughtful gesture. I looked at my desk that was finally free of all the clutter and files. I guess I can go home early today.I spent the remainder of my time at the office, researching easy recipes that were so easy I couldn't mess it up. After looking through different websi
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Chapter 72
Snow, Christmas lights, ornaments, Christmas carols, the discount prices at malls, the atmosphere and even the whole season, I used to hate it all. Ever since that night all those years ago, this entire month brought me great sorrow. It felt like a tribulation I had to pass. Christmas was never the same in my home. Many times I tried to hold it in and feign my happiness for the sake of my family, so my family wouldn't worry.After Mum's passing, the Christmas spirit just became nonexistent. I even had to work during Christmas sometimes so we could pay our bills. December just became a month that had to pass.This year was different. The usual dread, gloom and doom that usually accompanied this month wasn't present. Although I broke down and had an episode and I still had to work a few days before Christmas since I was so busy, the feeling just wasn't the same as previous years.After the success of Himalayas Christmas line, I couldn't keep the smile off my face.I had stuff going on
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Chapter 73
REGINA THOMPSON I had a feeling something bad was going to happen, this week has been one thing after the other for me. First, I stubbed my toe while getting out of bed one morning and it hurt like hell. Then, my calming chamomile tea spilled on my new dress. On set, my mascara became runny, smudging my face. One of my heels broke during a scene. I encountered a black cat in the underground parking lot. I don't consider myself a superstitious person, I didn't believe in those things. I, however trusted my instincts and it was too many happenings to call it all a coincidence. I considered it as the heavens warning me. Come to think of it, it's been a while since Byron contacted me. Were these signs associated with him?I got my phone to look through Inst****. I followed that woman's account a while back just to humour her. I found it funny that she followed me, all the while being ignorant with the relationship I had with her so called husband.I have been so busy lately that I didn
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Chapter 74
After the Christmas dinner at the Bladells yesterday, the festivities and events for the year came to an end.We had decided to let dad stay at the rehab center for Christmas, deciding to let him come home for the new year. Though the twins were disappointed, they knew it was for the best.With nothing to do and no business to attend to, Byron and I were left all alone in this house. I was splayed out on the couch, munching on potato chips as I watched a k-drama series on Netflix. Byron was on the couch beside the one I was on, typing away on his laptop.After completing one episode of the series, I stood up to refill my drink and get another chips."Are you supposed to be eating all these?" Byron said from behind me.I turned to him, hiding the snacks behind my back and smiling sheepishly."I allowed you have one but that's it for today." He said, walking towards me and snatching the bag of chips from me.I let out a sigh. Though I knew he was only trying to look out for me, I still
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Chapter 75
The shift in our relationship happened so suddenly but neither of us acknowledged that. It moved from ignoring each other to us just tolerating each other and now there is this ambiguity between us. We hadn't confessed to each other or anything, we were both aware of the attraction we had towards each other.There was the fact that she didn't move back to her room after the kids left which was saying something. It was the thin line between flirting and dating, that's where we were at right now.So that's why I decided to cross that thin line, to know exactly where we stand. "Do you want to eat out this night?" I asked. "Eat out? Just the two of us?" She asked, surprised. I didn't want her to think it was just us grabbing dinner so I said "A date, if you'd like.""That'd be nice." I was happy with that answer. "Great. We'll leave by six pm."**We went to a local Sichuan restaurant. The food was great, the spice is just what is needed in this cold weather as I remembered Lilian lov
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Chapter 76
It happened all of a sudden. One second I was admiring the burst of colours in the sky and the next second, Byron was pulling me dangerously close. Before I understood what was going on he was kissing me. It was a gentle kiss, I didn't feel repulsed by his sudden actions instead a warm feeling enveloped my entire being as my heart skipped a beat.As I kissed him back, I didn't think about why he kissed me or what this would mean in the long run or even the fact that we were in a public place. The only thought that crossed my mind was how I most definitely tasted like the corn dogs I had earlier.By the loud boom of another set of fireworks being set off did we break apart. I looked at Byron, my eyes held confusion and surprise. His face carried a gentle smile while his eyes beheld mine like I was the only person in the world. Sometimes, it overwhelmed me how expressive his eyes could be. I looked up at the last fireworks faded away leaving the sky in darkness once more. At one point,
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Chapter 77
Sometimes Lilian surprised me. She could be so fierce all off a sudden then be a blushing mess the next second. The moment she demanded to know what I did and I told her "I just kissed you." The way her jade green eyes lowered I could imagine the silly thoughts that filled her mind.I better be straightforward when talking to her otherwise it could cause misunderstandings. So I told her simply "Because I like you, Lilian" By how surprised she looked, she wasn't expecting those words from me. "What?"I let out a sigh. I thought from my recent actions were obvious enough in showing my feelings. "I kissed you because I like you, pure and simple.""Do you really mean that?" "Of course, I have no reason to lie. I like you and I want to give us a shot and be an actual couple." From the moment I realized how I felt, I wanted to break away from the contractual part of our relationship and make it really. I was expecting different reactions out of her but I didn't expect her to start cry
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Chapter 78
As I stared at my phone in the closet where I was currently hiding from Byron, I couldn't bring myself to call Kayla though I knew her anger wouldn't last too long.I decided to send her a text, it'd be better to meet up and talk face-to-face.§ Hey my love, let's meet. Pick a place and time.§§ You're so dead.§ came the immediate reply. She sent me a location and set the time to 1pm this afternoon.After facing Kayla, I mustered the courage to face Byron. I slid the closet door open and came to face Byron who was pacing the room. He had a worried expression on his face.When he saw me, he rushed to me and gently placed his hands on my shoulder."Are you okay? Did I offend you with my words? I'm really sorry." He removed his hands and made them hover over my shoulder instead.I grabbed his hand and held it, rubbing it with my thumb in a clockwise manner. "I'm fine, just a bit embarrassed." I chuckled awkwardly.The frown on his face dissipated as his lips curved into a smile. "I'm gla
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Chapter 79
I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Lilian and I were finally together, it felt surreal. This morning was the first of many more mornings to come. It was like we were dating but we were already married so it was weird like that.I thought about the future. Waking up next to her, going on dates, late night talks, snuggling on the couch, cooking together, vacations. Maybe we could even start a family.I smiled at the thought. I knew I was getting ahead of myself. We just shared our first real kiss yesterday and here I was thinking about kids. I flipped through channels to while away the time. Sometimes I didn't know what to do with myself during the holidays, when I could be working. I stumbled on a cooking show. Right! I should work on my cooking skills.It wasn't that long when I heard the door open. I wasn't expecting her back so soon. I walked to the foyer to welcome her. She was taking off her boots. "Weren't you going out with Kayla? I thought you'd be gone the whole day."No
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Chapter 80
I felt disgusted by his gentle smile as he greeted me. I felt angry at his inquiring words. I did not want to be in his presence, so the next thing I did was move back to my room.He foolishly tried to stop me. How dare he touch me! Those same hands must have held Regina close. How could his deceptive lips utter my name. The way he told me he liked me, he must have confessed to Regina the same way. I shut the door in his face and locked it for good measure. I heard a knock at the door. "Lilian, could you talk to me. If you don't tell me, how will I know what's wrong and how can I fix it?"That calm understanding voice which I fell for it. I didn't want him to fix anything. All I wanted was for him to stay away from me. But it seems like I couldn't even have that as he knocked the door every few minutes, as if to remind me of his unwavering presence.I would have unwittingly cracked by his determination if I hadn't seen the way he held her in those pictures.I felt a tear run down m
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