All Chapters of Evita's Tale: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 Chapters
The belt
It's hours through the day, and after my session and some shopping for clothing, I would prefer to dance. Once back in the hotel, the sound of chatter from the bedroom has me rushing in with hast. When I walk in, I find Celeste in Angels' arms, just below her waist. I go on behind Celeste, leaving a kiss on her neck and one on Angel's lips when he lowers to me, "Good day at the academy I am guessing?" Angel asks, acknowledging my attitude. Letting them go, they follow along before turning towards me, "It was amazing. I was my instructor's favourite pick of my group, it didn't make her critics any sweeter but I belong there." Light-filled happiness comes over Celeste, rushing to me, her hands bringing me in by the waist before she brings me in with a kiss. Angel walks closer to us, wrapping his hands around us when we let go, my lips finding his moment they are free of Celeste. "A doubt was never in mind; I am so proud of you. And you should be too." Gentle a
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Celeste takes a deep breath in and out before lifting her hand to pass the leather piece. Just before she can take her hand from me, I hold it, giving her a signal of reassurance she has given me time and time before. Her shoulders begin to settle, the way her body leans into Masters as she lets the moment guide us like a current. I lose focus of the heavy object when Master lowers his lips and begins the sweet torment of running his lips and hands over Celeste’s body, before pulling her from the table. Far too desperate to hold her, my steps go closer to her until I am between the table and her body. The heat radiates from her exposed skin as her ass grinds against my thighs, exposed by my lifted dress. Without warning, Master turned her body to me, and now I was faced with them both, looking at me with a hunger that I craved to satisfy. Celeste’s hands are daring as she settles between the centre of my thighs, running her fingers up and down the dampening
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The drive to the address that had been listed was a silent one. My thoughts had me busy in reminiscence of not only last night but also the conversation that transpired between tired and comforting arms. After our bodies and souls had fallen to the hands of our master. He had taken us in his arms and held us up like the angel we both loved. Their bodies against mine felt like a weighted blanket that settled me to the ground. Until a heavy fog began to make them feel like anchors. Sleep-hazed eyes see Celeste resting under the orange glow of the lamp beside her. The nightdress she wore, bared the skin on her arms and trailed higher to her shoulders, stamped with Angel's dark purple marks. Lost in their trail, I am startled still when I see it. The emotions it caused felt like the fog had crept into my throat, making me push back until I was stopped against Angels chest. His confused groans make him pull me closer to his body, but the attempt is met with me almost jumping from his tou
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"Miss Evita, we are here." Harold's announcement shakes me back into place. Looking out the window, I see that I have reached the house. The large navy and white mid-century modern home, brought a feeling of new life and a fresh start. Celeste would get her studio at the back in the large outhouse, we would find a place for Angel's grand piano, and I would have a chance to design my new studio. There was also a good tease on the planning of the new playroom. This would be our home, not just a house but a place to call ours in heart and soul. Thanking Harold, I step out of the car and notice that Celeste reached the house before me. This was evident by her Audi in front of the garage beside another, probably the realtor. Buying that car was extremely exciting for her. Knowing that she had earned every penny from her art gave her this rise of accomplishment. I can still remember when she told us during dinner. I understood why she was so excited. Angel had naturally provided so much f
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"Your parents..." His eyes all but implode from his sockets. Coming closer, I take a step back. Celeste was stunned at the words I just whispered, "Tell me she is wrong." She speaks, broken inside. Celeste walks closer to him, willing to step on the brittle ice for the man at the centre. He doesn't touch her, even as his hands lift to hold her, but before he can, she tenses up, "The Naders are my birth parents." She shakes her head, struggling to comprehend the moment, and when she huffs out in shock, she steps back, "That can't be. No, your parents died, we went to their grave together, every year we go. Angel, what's going on!" Stunned for words that could possibly settle the storm, it is Marisol's soft voice that breaks the silence, "Son we can- "Angel loses it as his hand picks up to stop her, "No! I didn't want this shit. I told you to stay away from me months ago!" Months, how long has he known about them? Marisol steps forward, but Celeste is fed up and st
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Damage control
Reaching the room door, I rush in, dropping all that was in my hands. Rushing around for Celeste, I hear her, so I follow the sounds of heavy sobs. What I see is the sight of a woman as strong as any could come broken as she holds her knees to her chest on the bed. Rushing towards her, I find myself next to her, bringing her into my hold. Her body shakes in a sound of destruction, and the death of the heart leaves her. She cries, lord she cries her heart, soul and belief into my arms. My only job is to hold her to let her know that she is not alone. She is safe in my arms. How do we move on from this, where do we start, where do we go, how do we rebuild? The questions rush around my head as I rock the girl I love in my arms. It is about an hour into it all when she finally falls asleep in my arms. Silence lets me know this, so I move strategically to make sure that she does not shake away too much until she is laid on the bed. Her body curled closer into the
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The feeling of my body being moved slightly, my head rising and falling on a warm lap brings me closer to her body. The moment I open my eyes, I realise it is nighttime by the dark sky and lights. Celeste's hand brushes my hair slowly and lovingly, which has me moving closer to her. The blanket she had probably laid over me when she found me here gave me more warmth "I read the agreement, what do you think about it?" Her voice is so detached, it's like she has no more in her, "It's realistic, I'm not working right now and you can't support us both and keep working on your art." A breath of defeat leaves her, while her actions continue, "We should take it. I can't stay here any longer." I knew what she truly meant by that. The room feels cold, empty and unforgiving. No longer is it a safe haven, but a place of new death. Yet this time the death falls deep in us and you can't clean that up. "If it feels wrong accepting, I can always go back to dancing, make sure we can get our own pla
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Open wounds
Closing the door behind me, I drop the dance bag in the closet beside the entrance. My body is tired, I walk to the kitchen for water and something to eat. The apartment is quiet, and Celeste is working late again. She does come home from the studio, but when she does, it's late enough for her not to have to speak of what she was going through, where her mind was, and what her heart was feeling. It's been almost a week since I've seen her for more than four hours in the two weeks we have been here. The first few days when we moved in, she was distant, but at least she was here. She wouldn't speak much, telling me that she just needed to collect her thoughts. Instead of collecting her thoughts, she moved her presence and distanced herself. Every moment she was not here, I hated the thought of what could happen if she lost her strength if she couldn't handle the betrayal and went to find something to make it feel better. No, she wouldn't. She wouldn't do that t
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So deep into thought, I didn't realize that someone had walked in. A shocked gasp leaves me with the feeling of a warm hand holding my shoulder. Turning to my side, I see Celeste come sit beside me, eyes of shame and disarray. Almost lost, "What are you doing out here, it's cold?" At that moment, I forgot the fight and realised that I was terrified the moment she left that door. Terrified that when she did come back her eyes would be bloodshot and glassy. My focus goes to her, my heart going to her "Just needed to think." I mutter, words feeling heavy in my chest.Worry covers her, bringing her hand over to my face she turns my focus to her, "I'm so sorry I said those things. Before I left the studio, I found a painting I had done for the playroom. This one with you involved in it. God it made me so mad." It's clear there is more to the way she was so mad, her hand going on to hold mine, "Why where you so mad?" A breath of pain and exhaustion leaves her,
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Carefully I slip my bag over my shoulder, collecting my bag from the cab, I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. The name flashing across the screen sends me back into a place of perpetual sadness. Angel. I have chosen not to block him, but instead not answering his constant calls has had me debating on whether or not I want to. Honestly, it was the thought of what his words would be once I heard him that I was unsure of what would happen and what I would say.The phone rings until it goes to voicemail, one of many that I was not listening to. I might not know what they say, but if there is one thing I did know. He was sorry. It just didn't feel like enough, not now at least.When I stepped into the hallway of the apartment, standing outside my door, the name was the caller I had just avoided. In a full grey striped suit and simple black coat, he stood there in the glory that was his aura regardless of what he was doing. Though I could see bags under his eyes, the type he
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