All Chapters of The Mates’ Vengeance : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
107 Chapters
Chapter 81
A hint of curiosity laced Gabriel's voice. "And how do you plan to make that happen?"A confident grin played on my lips. "I'll propose a meeting. Tell him I have crucial information about Draxler that he won't want to miss. Once he hears the details, he'll have me come over to his mansion."Gabriel chuckled, the tension in his voice easing. "You always did have a knack for bold moves, Sergio. Alright, I'll send you Alpha Aaron's contact. But remember, this is a high-stakes game. Once you step into the Rose pack territory, things could get tricky.""I'm counting on it," I replied, ready for the challenge. "Send me the contact, and let's set this plan in motion."With a click, the call ended, leaving me to wait in anticipation. In a matter of seconds, a notification popped up on my phone, indicating a new message from Gabriel. Opening it, I found the coveted contact details of Alpha Aaron. Gabriel had come through, true to his word.I dialed the number, my heart pounding with a mix of e
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Chapter 82
*Alpha Aaron's POV*I settled into my leather chair, the soft creaking sound echoing in the study that bore witness to countless deliberations. Trevor, my son, perched on the other side of the mahogany desk, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination. The muted glow from the antique lamp cast a warm ambiance, softening the tension in the room."Dad, hear Alpha Sergio out," Trevor implored, his voice laced with conviction. "I believe he means no harm and he wants to tell us the truth about Alpha Draxler."I met his gaze with a stern expression, a futile attempt to test the strength of his conviction. His bright blue eyes, however, betrayed no vulnerability, solidifying his stance. His plea wasn't driven by emotions but by a genuine belief in the importance of Alpha Sergio's message. I sighed, realizing that this conversation would demand more than just a dismissal."Trevor, I know you've harbored disdain for Alpha Draxler," I began, choosing my words carefully. "You've alwa
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Chapter 83
*Sergio's POV*The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. I took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of my room. The decision to meet Alpha Aaron weighed on me, and as I selected a crisp suit from my wardrobe, I could feel Fernanda's eyes on me. The fabric rustled as I dressed, and her voice cut through the silence."Where are you headed, Sergio?" she asked, curiosity etched in her expression. I turned to face her, my mate, my anchor in this tumultuous world."To the Rose Pack. There's an important meeting with Alpha Aaron," I replied, watching the realization dawn in her amber eyes. A mixture of concern and fear flickered across her face as she subconsciously gasped, her palms covering her mouth."Don't go," she pleaded, her voice carrying the weight of memories. "Alpha Aaron and Alpha Draxler have a history. He used to visit when I was still under Alpha Draxler's control. What if it's a trap, and he's planning something with Alpha
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Chapter 84
The backyard stretched before me like a clandestine stage, and as I approached the grandeur of the mansion, the anticipation grew, a palpable energy that hummed in the air.The door leading into the mansion creaked open, revealing a dimly lit corridor. The guards' eyes met mine, a final acknowledgment before they retreated to their posts. The threshold had been crossed, and I found myself stepping into the heart of Alpha Aaron's realm, masked and cloaked in secrecy."You can remove your mask, Sergio," Alpha Aaron's voice pierced through the air. It was a command, a subtle invitation to reveal the face behind the anonymity. I complied, pulling the black mask away and exposing my features to the scrutinizing gaze of the Alpha. He gestured me to come take a seat where he sat, and I accepted the offer.As our eyes locked, I couldn't shake the realization that our paths had rarely crossed before. My mate's father might have encountered his pack, but I stood there, a lone figure with unexplo
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Chapter 85
*Fernanda's POV*My eyes scanned the vast training room in Sergio's mansion, taking in the polished marble floor and the intricate tapestries that adorned the walls. The room echoed with a subtle hum, a background melody of unseen power. I stood there, a mere mortal among celestial wonders, feeling a mix of trepidation and excitement.Inhaling deeply, I attempted to ground myself, my breaths syncing with the pulsating energy around me. I know I've awakened my abilities,but I need to find out more about them, and know how to wield them. As I closed my eyes, I sensed a current, a natural force weaving through the air. It was as if the very essence of the universe whispered to me, beckoning me to unravel its secrets.The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting my revelation. I concentrated on the rhythm of my breathing, trying to synchronize it with the cosmic vibrations enveloping me. Each inhale drew in the ethereal energy, and each exhale released a newfound determination.The first a
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Chapter 86
*Trevor's POV*The dim light of the desk lamp cast a warm glow across the cluttered room as I sank into the worn-out chair. The creak echoed the heaviness settling in my mind. Papers strewn about, a chaotic reflection of the turmoil within. Alpha Draxler's unexpected presence in the mansion hung in the air, an unwelcome guest in the corridors of my thoughts.Leaning back, I allowed my fingers to trace the edges of a notebook, the textured cover worn from countless contemplative moments. My mind, a labyrinth of worries, echoed with the distant voices from downstairs, where my father, Alpha Aaron, engaged in a conversation that had my nerves on edge.I knew Draxler sought information on Sergio, the elusive figure haunting our territory. The tang of apprehension lingered as I replayed the words exchanged between the alphas. What wounded Sergio was a mystery, a puzzle piece missing from the narrative Draxler sought. His interest unsettled me, a predator circling an injured prey.The air in
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Chapter 87
The air crackled with tension as my father, Alpha Aaron, confronted the accusations thrown at him. "What are you talking about, Alpha Draxler? I don't understand your baseless accusations," my father retorted, his voice a mixture of indignation and disbelief. The room became a battleground of conflicting energies, the intricate web of loyalty and power now unraveling before my eyes.A pang of relief washed over me as my father immediately denied the accusations. Denial, the reflex of every sensible person caught in the crossfire of unwarranted blame. Yet, beneath the surface, a storm brewed—a realization that denial alone might not be enough to dispel the shadows that loomed over our pack.Alpha Draxler, undeterred by my father's protestations, continued with a voice firm and precise, cutting through the charged atmosphere like a blade. "You don't need to act dumb, Alpha Aaron. I have an informant here in your pack right under your nose." The revelation hit like a thunderclap, echoing
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Chapter 88
The room echoed with the chaos of a shattered reality, a symphony of gasps and shouts reverberating in the aftermath of Draxler's brutal attack. My father, Alpha Aaron, stood wounded, a grim testament to the fragility of the supernatural hierarchy. The metallic glint of a blade stained with blood hung in the air like a sinister omen.Rage surged within me, a primal force that eclipsed reason as I witnessed the gory sight before me. The world blurred, the room transformed into a battleground, and I felt the primal call of my wolf nature. Without conscious thought, I shifted fully into my wolf form, the transformation a visceral response to the brutality unfolding.With a leap that defied the confines of human capability, I charged towards Alpha Draxler. His reaction was swift—a deft dodge that avoided my initial strike. "Woah!" he exclaimed, the surprise evident in his voice as he evaded the ferocity of my attack. The room became a whirlwind of fur and fury, a clash between predator and
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Chapter 89
*Alpha Draxler's POV*The night was thick with tension as I continued my solitary journey to the rendezvous point, the weight of my mission pressing on my shoulders. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow on the deserted alleyways. My steps echoed against the silent buildings, each one a reminder of the secrecy that shrouded my every move.Alpha Aaron's mansion loomed behind me, a dark silhouette against the night. The events that transpired within those walls still echoed in my mind. I had taken a life, extinguished the very essence of a once-powerful Alpha. But betrayal in our world demanded a heavy toll, and Aaron had danced with deception.The mask I sought was the key to unlocking Sergio's whereabouts. A simple piece of cloth held the potential to expose a cunning traitor. My mission demanded precision, and I couldn't afford any missteps. As I walked, memories of the confrontation replayed in my mind. Trevor's shocked gaze, witnessing his father's demise, lingered in
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Chapter 90
*Sergio's POV*My eyes widened as the words hung in the air, each one carrying the weight of a life-altering revelation. The information hit me like a punch to the gut, and a storm of emotions swirled within me. Alpha Draxler had committed an act so heinous that he won't be able to atone for his sins completely, even of he goes to hell.Trevor's voice trembled as he continued, recounting the horrific event. "Sergio, you need to understand. My father, Alpha Aaron, he... he didn't stand a chance. Draxler was fast, ruthless and merciless and I only escaped because he let me, not because I was sharp or anything. Anger surged through me, a fiery rage that threatened to consume reason. The bile that had formed earlier threatened to spill over, but I took a deep breath, fighting to maintain composure. "Trevor," I said, my voice low and measured, "where are you right now? We need to figure out a plan. I won't let Draxler get away with this."A moment of tense silence followed before Trevor sp
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