All Chapters of Raging Hearts: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
Chapter 11 _Dangerous Memories_
Chapter 11 "Dangerous Memories" Toya’s heart thumped hard in his chest as her scent became stronger. He sped up wanting to see for himself that she was all right. Kyoko felt better now that she was back with the others but where was Toya and what did Kyou mean when he said he’d saved her? Something had told her not to ask Kyou but now she wished she had. "We were headed for Sennin’s like Toya told us to but now that Kyoko is back, what should we do? Just wait on him to catch up with us?” Shinbe asked Suki while he watched Kyoko, thinking it was strange that she was acting as if nothing had happen. Even Kamui was staying next to Kaen, instead of Kyoko because he didn’t understand either. Kyoko stopped walking. Turning back to them, she crossed her arms against her chest and gave them her best ‘what the hell’ look. "Okay you guys, come on. What am I missing? I feel like your hiding something from me." They were all watching her but then she noticed their gaze was drawn past her
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Chapter 12 _Brotherly Love_
Chapter 12 "Brotherly Love" Kyou watched Kyoko struggle with the memories Hyakuhei had awakened. He pressed his finger to a spot on her neck and she instantly fell asleep. Toya caught Kyoko in his arms as she slipped into sleep then glared up at Kyou. "What did you do that for?" Kyou didn't want to see the look in Kyoko's eyes when she remembered the memory of him raping her. He turned his stern gaze to Toya. "Did you really expect her to thank you for saving her? No, she would have hated you," he said in a cold voice. Toya’s eyes widened with realization. He knew Kyou was right. "I need to track that bastard down and destroy him once and for all." Turning a worried look back to his brother, he noticed there was something different about him. There was a trace of compassion in his cold eyes, a glimmer of warmth. "Kyou, can you remove the memories again same as last time? Kyou looked down at the girl in Toya’s arms. "No." Toya frowned, "Why not? It had worked last time,
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Chapter 13 _Raging Hearts_
Chapter 13 "Raging Hearts" Kyoko snuggled into Toya's strong arms, placing her cheek against his chest listening to his heartbeat as she watched Kyou turn to walk away from them. Kyou looked at peace to her so she didn’t feel guilty. He’d let her glimpse into his heart, the heart of a very kind and gentle guardian. He didn’t want to hurt Toya anymore then she did and that was enough. Toya also watched his brother as he walked away and he couldn’t feel any hatred at all. That is until he looked down and saw Kyoko was watching Kyou leave with an almost loving look on her face. With a soft growl, Toya gently shook her in his arms and felt better when her gaze drifted back to him. "Are you alright Kyoko?" His voice was husky with the emotion in him still high after the day’s events. Kyoko's eyes locked with his intense golden gaze. She could feel the love radiating off him. Reaching up, she cupped his cheek and smiled when he turned slightly to place a soft kiss in the center of
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Chapter 14 _The Awakening_
Chapter 14 "The Awakening" Toya’s senses were at a new high as he panted for breath, bringing his lethal body from hibernation. His still form had laid dormant, waiting on time to crash back into each other. He felt the craving once again, longing for the two things he obsessed over more than anything. He could now taste the existence of both Kyoko and the guardian heart crystal. The demons deep within his soul screamed of her betrayal to him. She’d hidden from him for so long. Toya tried to fight it. He could still feel his love for her but his heart was now being encased in a twisted sense of anger, revenge and desperate love. She had left him, 'How dare she try to leave him'. The voices raged, 'How dare she deceive him with love and then hide from him, taking it all away, after only a small taste.' His blood red eyes looked around at his dark tomb. He now knew it was time to go and take back what was rightfully his. With his minions, he could feel power still surging throu
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Chapter 15 “Calm Anger_
Chapter 15 “Calm Anger"   Toya came from his crouched position standing to his full height. His true form now shuttered with anger. Through the eyes of the snake demon, he had confirmed his suspicions. Memories flooded him with the sight of his rival from the past. "So, Kotaro is near her as always." Toya's eyes shimmered with the color of blood before calm once again over took him. He stared down into the city. "Just who else has come to keep you from me, my Kyoko?" His voice was smooth, belying the emotions that rattled his body. Somewhere within… Toya knew he wasn't free to think for himself. He could only catch whispers of his true thoughts here and there. The true him seemed to be drowning in the sea of evil that his soul had become host to. To calm his raging anger, an image slashed its way through his mind. He caught a picture of himself, reaching out and tucking a stray, auburn lock of Kyoko’s hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering against her creamy cheek fo
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Chapter 16 _Red Haze_
Chapter 16 "Red Haze" Toya closed his crimson eyes to the image of Kyou kissing his Kyoko, only to see more pictures of Kyou kissing her in the past. He leaned against the brick wall, watching the streets around him through the sight of his demons, watching for signs of Kyoko. He could feel her close but couldn’t find her. If she were to sleep, there would be a link he could use… the bond between true life-mates. The demons inside were quiet for a moment, giving him control of his own thoughts. Toya's eyes glowed golden for only a moment as he remembered the true love between him and Kyoko. He could only hope it was stronger than the evil he had become. His thoughts turned to the kiss Kyou had given her and he wanted to erase it with one of his own. Stretching out his senses he called to his mate, feeling her sleep. "Kyoko… come to me." Miles away, Kyoko tossed in her sleep as dreams began to overtake her, only to find herself within the city she had been staring at from t
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Chapter 17 _Haunted_
Chapter 17 "Haunted" Kyoko glanced up when Kyou laid the phone on the nightstand and turned without saying a word, walking into the next room. Now that her momentary embarrassment was gone, she looked around the room wondering what the phone call had been about. Sliding from the bed, she hurried to get dressed, intending to go ask Kyou exactly what was wrong. She could tell the phone call wasn't a good one even if his expression hadn't changed. His aura had turned a couple shades darker. More like dangerously dark, and she wanted to know why. The one thing that worried her was the fact that he was trying to hide it from her. Kyou lifted the lid and reached into the display case housing both his swords and the twin daggers. His smooth fingertips skimmed over the cold surface of the daggers blades wondering at the power that seemed to crackle around them. With a narrowing of his eyes, he found himself reaching across them and taking his own powerful sword and sliding it into the s
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Chapter 18 _Dark Love_
Chapter 18 "Dark Love" Toya smirked as he felt everyone’s nervousness. "No fucking claim!" His voice grew darker and louder, "You think I have no fucking claim to my own mate!" He felt his anger rise even more knowing Kyou once again wanted her for himself. His angry shout echoed in the street than the sensations started to build in the back of his neck. He could feel her. Kyoko. His blood heated knowing she was within range of his senses now. The evil within him also felt the presence of the guardian heart crystal. He could feel her and he knew the others couldn't sense her over the evil he was so used to. An unseen smile tilted his lips then quickly disappeared as Toya's face lost all expression. He opened his arms, sending a mass of demons straight at Kyou. He would make sure they were detained while he went to see his so called mate… his deceiving mate. His expression turned wicked as the demons exploded from him, swarming Kyou and the others and hiding him from view complet
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Chapter 19 _Twisted Hope_
Chapter 19 "Twisted Hope" Kyou flew through the night with the speed he’d gained from the bonding with Kyoko. He knew anything could be happening to her even in a short amount of time. "Kyoko, please be safe," He silently begged to the wind as he felt himself drawing closer to the one he was destined to protect. Kyoko awakened in a panic and struggled to stand, frantically searching for Toya but he was gone. Feeling the pain in her chest, she looked down at the blood trailing from the wound. The crimson color ran all the way down her leg in memory of Toya's betrayal. She looked back up among the trees, feeling like her world was tilting from everything that’d happen. "No, he didn't want to do this. I could tell he didn't," her voice was stern as if she was trying to convince someone that what she was saying was true. "I have to find him and make sure he’s all right." Her bottom lip began to tremble with a weak smile as the full force of what just happened dawned on her. "He's al
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Chapter 20 “Combined Forces”
Chapter 20 “Combined Forces”   Kyou let the water from the shower flow over his face and down his body. His forehead was pressed against the cool tile in front of him while his long silver hair had streams of the steamy water rolling down his silky mane. He sighed as he pressed his palms against the wall and stepped back. He refused to allow himself to sleep because he didn't know if he could handle a second dream of making love to Kyoko. The need to claim her again was too real even for someone whose restraint was as strong as his. He knew Toya was out there somewhere and for the second time Kyou was confused. Last night was pure torture for him, sleeping so close to Kyoko but still unable to go to her, especially after the heated dream that had left his body aching for her. Only he knew that they were already mates… but last night hadn’t been safe. Her mind and body had been through enough within such a short amount of time… tampering with it more would have been dangerou
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