All Chapters of Met my Alpha Hubby: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
Felt hurt
Pritam's POVWhen I woke up it was 6 am and I felt like going to the washroom. I turned the light on and went to the washroom attached to the room. After I finished my pee I am now feeling thirty as my fever has subsided and I need to stay hydrated but when I went to have water I found my water bottle is empty and the glass has a small amount which will not be enough. And it's not good to drink water that is open for a whole night. So I decided to go to the kitchen to have a drink.When I was going to walk out I took my phone with me for the flashlight as I don't know where I will find the switchboard.So, when I finally went to the kitchen and found the eater to drink. I heard Yuvan's voice. He also came for the same purpose. So we both had our water and then he walked me to my room and as I lay down he kissed my forehead. I blushed but he did not seem to notice it as the light was dim.Then he went back to his room. But as he walked out I felt like my cheeks burned and I could stil
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Yuvan's POV I was at the study when I suddenly heard a commission outside. It was my mom who was shouting. But she never shouts like this. So, I decided to visit there and find it was my sister who is being scolded by Mom. Dad also came there when he heard it. All of us tried to stop Mom but Mom was extremely furious. Finally, Dad gave him some phenomena and he calmed down. Then I noticed that I can't see Pritam anywhere. Is he still sleeping? I was going to ask Mom when he walked out of the room as we heard the car sound. So we all went to the hall and found that Pritam is inside the car and his mom took him away from us. I was speechless as to why he did not even say bye to me. I was still in shock when Mom again started to scold my sister. Finally, I snapped out of my thinking and now I am asking Mom what is it, Mom? Mom then started to say that I should not have taught her that we are giving care love and food they are not all beggars. I was confused about what he was even ta
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Attempt to murder
We were waiting for them to wake up when I found aunt had woken up but Pritam still did not wake up as he was badly injured.After Mom called us and found out about the accident he came to the hospital taking my sister along with him.She may have thought it was a good lesson from Mom. And now she is also sorry for what she did before.When we are waiting for his senses to come back the guy who previously gave him blood came in and asked us to give him some time to spend with his son.I stopped him in his place and then told him that it was not good to let him stay alone with him. We don't know you. How will we be relieved that you will not harm him?The man said," he is my son and I love him. How will you even think I will harm him? "Mom this time told him," Oh, so you know you have a son now where we're you when he suffered so much alone with his mom. "The man said," I am asking them to come back since I know about their existence but his mom is being stubborn and I told them I wi
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Woke up
Tuhin's POV,After two days of rest and taking Arjun's phenomenon I finally felt a lot of relief.I wanted to call Pritam as I was missing him so much. Maybe we are not that close yet but I felt like he is the image of me who was trying to stand while struggling so much in this world where omega cannot be a male.In this human world, a make omega is rare and we both become the rarest as we both belong to two different species. I am a werewolf and he is just a normal omega from the Alpha world.But humans can't see through us. We get our periods and heat on a normal basis like girls but they will just know we got a fever or some other stomach problem so, we avoid going to school at those times.Now as I was thinking about calling Pritam I didn't wait and dialed his number.But even after I rang a few times he did not pick it up after three times of calling someone else to pick it up.At first, I couldn't recognize the voice as it was harsh maybe they were crying or shouting like someth
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Yuvan's POV,As Pritam has woken up and now he will stay in the hospital for a few days. He needs to take bed rest as his ribs were broken.But he does not want to stay in his bed. As soon as saw me near him, he was asking to take him away from me.It's like he is scared of something. I spread my phenomenon without my knowledge and he finally calmed down.As we are in hospital and our special doctor is also there we asked about the bond test. It's been two days since we tested it.But the doctor said he still has not received the report yet. So, we said alright and went back home after assigning some bodyguards for Aunt and Pritam. Both are now sleeping peacefully in their bed. As we returned home I saw my sister sleeping in Dad's arms. I asked Dad why she is like this. We do not have this kind of genre from our parents.My mom told me the truth about her being my cousin because when I found her in our house she was just a newborn but my uncle and aunt had divorced befoul they deliver
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1st kiss
This is the first time Yuvan's sister got a scolding from everyone at the same time as she is a pampered girl who has been behaving badly.She started crying and then when Yuvan left to meet with Pritam he saw he was having his breakfast. Yuvan will go back to school this way. He cannot take leave from school.So, he wanted to meet with Pritam for at least a few minutes. But when he arrived Pritam avoided him and then turned his gear in the opposite direction. When Yuvan went near Pritam he said," Stay away from me. Your sister does not like me so, you should think before doing anything."Pritam's mom was also stunned at How he is behaving now. He is Yuvan's mate. He can reject his mate and marry another person because before the bond they can break it if they want.They can reject their first mate. Everyone has more than one mate for themselves and they can have no mate at all as well. They can marry a human and give birth to a hybrid child who will be half human and half of the ot
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As when They all talked bad Bout me being two-timing. I just thought what is the problem here? It's not like I am dating this guy. I just wanted to help him but now I am the one who will be popular because they thought I had a relationship with him.I am irritated and after the class ended I went out of the classroom and went to our secret place where all our friends meet.Likewise, I called Arjun as he is one of us and he has some solution for my problem. He also faces the same problem a few days ago.When I called him the call immediately got picked up but it was not Arjun it was someone else.It seems it's a girl. I asked what Arjun's phone was doing with her. She replied that Arjun is taking a shower that's why his phone is there.I was curious as to what he was doing with a girl then I asked what the relationship between the two of them was.The girl tried to say it's not my business it's not like I am Arjun's boyfriend or the brother of his girlfriend.I got irritated as hell a
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When I was talking with Tuhin and his friends suddenly a guy joined them. He looks decent and innocent from the look but he was starting at Tuhin as if he wanted to devour him.As soon as I saw this I asked who that guy was It was the first time I am seeing him. At that time Tuhin said he is also another member of this group but he is from a different class and as we all are having our lunch at the same time that's why he also joined us.After that, I saw two more guys join them. But as I saw the watch it was time for my class, so now I have to bid them farewell and I said I love him so much and give him a flying kiss. Then I cut the call.Tuhin's POV,As I was talking to him, I saw my friend's boyfriend also join us but they told me not to tell anyone right now in front of all the people in school. That's why I did not say anything to Arjun. After Arjun cut the call I was going to ask them something when that guy said who was I talking with? I was not much comfortable with him yet, s
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Arjun's first day of college
Arjun's first day of college,He is looking so hot as he has been working on his body this last year and he has got a very handsome and sexy look.As he was wearing his casual clothes with his sunglasses he was looking damn handsome. He has gone there on his bike which he has brought for himself.He was going alone like a lion in a pack he does not need others for his protection.He went to the seminar hall where they are going to have their welcome party. Everyone was present there. He thought he would not attend so much attention but it was just his wishful thinking. Everyone is staring at him as if he just came from some movie or anime world.When they called everyone one by one for their introduction on the stage Arjun also just introduced himself when another girl walked up to him and suddenly proposed to him.He felt irritated as he does not like this kind of thing anymore after he got his love. But other students started to shout that he should accept her. But he just made a di
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They are going to eat in the cafeteria today as they will check if they provide good food or not. Arjun has already brought his lunch card, so he is going to buy it. Both of them are entering the hall while hugging each other side by side. Now both saw a few people staring at them. A few of them even approached them and asked if they were from any boy band or celebrity. Arjun glared at them but Tuhin felt shy as he doesn't like this kind of attention. He has suffered enough in school. Now both of them ignored everyone and walked toward the food center and then picked a few dishes which they wanted to eat. Arjun pairs for their food and then they take an empty seat. But when they were going to start eating, a few girls approached them and then started to flirt with Arjun.This time they got irritated and shouted at them," Arjun is mine so stay away s! At."Hearing this they all started to laugh at Tuhin as if he was just spouting nonsense. How can Arjun be his? They both are boys,
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