All Chapters of The Billionaire Mafia's Heiress And The Undercover: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
55 Chapters
Chapter 41
Harley picked up her phone and saw the call from Vivian. She hesitated for a moment before answering."Hey Vivian, what's up?" Harley said."Harley, Tatiana and I are coming to visit you," Vivian said."Oh, I'm sorry Vivian, I can't entertain any visitors right now," Harley said, trying to sound convincing."What do you mean you can't entertain visitors? We're friends, Harley," Vivian said."I know Vivian, but I'm traveling out of the country for some business negotiations," Harley lied."Really? That's too bad. I was hoping we could catch up," Vivian said with disappointment in her voice."I'm sorry Vivian, maybe next time," Harley said, relieved that she had successfully lied to Vivian."Okay, take care of yourself Harley," Vivian said before hanging up.Harley let out a sigh of relief. She knew that her godfather, Ricardo, would not be pleased if he found out that she had entertained visitors in her house. She had always listened to his advice and knew that it was for her own
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Chapter 42
Ricardo clenched his jaw as he listened to Harley's report. Rosalie and Don Marcus had allied with another organization, and they had managed to secure a strong foothold in the market. It was no surprise that their clients were now opting to patronize his rival's business instead."How did Don Marcus manage to find such a powerful ally?" Ricardo asked, his brows furrowed in deep thought."I'm not exactly sure," Harley replied. "But word on the street is that they've been planning this for a while now. They've been pooling their resources and branching out their network to gain a wider reach."Ricardo nodded, deep in thought. The situation was becoming increasingly dire. If they didn't find a way to counter Don Marcus's new alliance soon, they might be forced out of business entirely."I'll start looking for another point of sales for our girls," he said decisively. "We'll need to supercede Rosalie and her cartel if we want to stay afloat."Harley chuckled approvingly. "That's t
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Chapter 43
Harley had always been a smart and cunning person, which was why her godfather, Ricardo, had chosen her to take over his mafia empire once he retired. She had quickly risen through the ranks and become one of the most powerful and respected people in the criminal underworld.However, her newfound popularity and success had also made her a target for rival gangs and factions. They believed that Harley was behind all the recent problems in the mafia world, and that if they take her down, everything would be over for Ricardo and his empire.Despite the danger, Harley refused to back down or hide away. She knew that the only way to stay on top was to be out in the open, to show strength and confidence in the face of her enemies.One night, as she was leaving a meeting with one of her top lieutenants, a group of armed men appeared out of nowhere, surrounding her car and blocking off any escape routes.Harley remained calm and composed, even as the men began taunting and threateni
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Chapter 44
Harley sat on the plush bed in her hotel room, staring out of the window as the city bustled below. She preferred staying in the hotel rather than her mansion, which always seemed empty and too big for just one person. At least in the hotel, she had some company and the staff were always friendly.As she sipped on her champagne, her phone rang. It was Vivian, her trusted friend and business partner."Hey, Viv," Harley answered."Hey, girl. How's the hotel treating you?" Vivian asked."It's good. I needed a change of scenery," Harley replied."I hear you. Listen, we've been making some serious sales lately In the kingdom. The money is rolling in," Vivian said."That's great news, but just be careful, street Is hot" Harley said, Harley knows any sales from the kingdom was coming Into her bank account, and she knows that when It's time to pay salaries, Harley doesn't joke with guys salaries, "Okay, well keep up the good work. You know how to manage the finances, right?" Harl
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Chapter 45
Harley had always been a smart and ruthless leader. When her godfather, Ricardo, was thrown in the mafia kingdom, Harley had stepped in and taken over his position. She had been able to run the organization smoothly and discreetly, without anyone suspecting a thing.Returning to her mansion from a long day at work, Harley let out a sigh of relief. She had spent the day managing her NGO organization. It was a means of keeping up her public appearance, while also doing something good in the world. Harley made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. As she was sipping on it, her phone rang."Hey, it's me," said the voice on the other end of the line. It was Harley's friend, Johnny, an undercover cop who had been working on bringing down the mafia organization for years."Johnny! How's it going?" Harley asked, "I'm making progress," he said. "We're getting closer to taking them down.""That's great news," Harley said, feeling a sense of relief. She had always
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Chapter 46
Ricardo lay motionless on the hospital bed, his breathing shallow. His goddaughter Harley sat beside him, tears streaming down her cheeks. The doctors were doing everything they could, but he was still In pain, Johnny, the undercover police officer, entered the room. He walked up to Harley and handed her a bag. "These are the bullets that were extracted from Ricardo's body," he said, "we need to get them tested to see if we can trace them back to the shooter."Harley nodded, clutching the bag tightly. "Thank you, Johnny," she said, "we owe you so much for everything you've done."Johnny smiled sadly. "I wish I could have done more," he replied, "but at least we have something to go on now."Meanwhile, Romario and his gang were sitting in a rundown warehouse on the outskirts of town. They had just received word that the hit on Ricardo had been successful, and they were celebrating with drinks and cigarettes."That old man had it coming," Romario said, taking a swig from his bott
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Chapter 47
Ricardo sat in his office, his mind racing with thoughts of his enemies. He knew that Rosalie was a stubborn woman, and he couldn't help but worry that she would come back for revenge for her son that was jailed by the law authorities, Ricardo picked up his phone and dialed his goddaughter's number."Harley, my dear," he said when she answered. "I need you to do something for me.""What is it, godfather?" she asked, curious about what he wanted."I don't want any new workers or comrades allowed into the kingdom," Ricardo said firmly. "I need you to continue to concentrate on your NGO organization and keep everyone else out." "But godfather, why?" Harley asked, confused by his sudden change of heart."It's for our own safety," Ricardo replied. "I need to be on the low for a while, and I don't want any new people getting involved in our affairs. It's too risky." He said, Harley sighed, knowing that her father was right. She had always been a bit of a rebel, but she knew that
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Chapter 48
Ricardo had spent the past three weeks enjoying the company of his sex toys - Vivian, Tatiana and Anabel in his new luxurious house. But when his goddaughter, Harley, called him and said she wanted to visit, Ricardo knew he had to send his girls back to his kingdom. After all, he didn't want to risk his goddaughter's safety.The following day, Harley arrived and was greeted by Ricardo's security guards at the gate. They thoroughly checked her before allowing her in."Hey, godfather!" Harley exclaimed as she hugged him tightly."It's good to see you, Harley. I hope the guards didn't give you too much trouble," Ricardo said with a chuckle."No, they were just doing their job," Harley replied with a smile.They made their way into the house, and Harley couldn't help but notice the heightened security. "godfather, what's with all the security?" she asked curiously."I'm just taking extra precautions to ensure your safety," Ricardo replied. "You know I'm a retired mafia kingpin, so
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Chapter 49
Hernandez sat across from the lawyer, his brow furrowed in frustration. "So you're telling me that all the evidence points to Rosalie being the culprit in this murder case?"The lawyer nodded solemnly. "Yes, Chief. We have DNA evidence, witness accounts, and even a confession from someone who claims to have seen her at the scene of the crime."Hernandez leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily. "Damn it. I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this. Rosalie is a good woman, but if the evidence is as strong as you say, then we have no choice but to bring her in for questioning."Just then, there was a commotion outside the office door. Hernandez stood up and went to investigate, the lawyer close behind. They found several officers grappling with Rosalie, who was trying to make a run for it."Let me go! I didn't do anything!" Rosalie shouted, struggling against the officers' grip.Hernandez stepped forward and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away from the officers. "Rosali
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Chapter 50
Harley was sitting in the living room of Ricardo's mansion, sipping on a glass of red wine, and trying to sort through the plan they had come up with. She couldn't believe that she was actually collaborating with her godfather, the retired mafia kingpin. It was surreal."So, what do you think, Harley?" Ricardo asked, taking a sip of his own wine."I think it's risky, but it's the only way we can continue with our business without interference from the kingdom," Harley said, setting her wine glass down on the coffee table in front of her. "But we have to be careful. We can't risk getting caught.""I've been in this business for over thirty years, Harley. I know how to be careful," Ricardo said, a hint of amusement in his voice.Harley couldn't help but smile. Ricardo had always been one of the most confident people she knew, and it was infectious."But seriously, we have to make sure that we have all our ducks in a row before we make any moves," Harley said, leaning back in the
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