All Chapters of Captive Slave Of The Ruthless Lycan King: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
162 Chapters
141: Green Eyed Monster
Leila’s POVHe was fixing up a room for her? By himself?My mind was racing with a million questions, and not the kind that anyone could proffer answers to. Only a deity who oversaw all could help me make sense of Kai’s obsession with Cora, especially after he’d ingested a shit ton of the supposed fate-altering red rose I risked my ass to get.How the hell was he fighting it off? I mean, I knew he was strong but I thought it was just against physical warfare, not the supernatural. The mere fact that he had chosen the worst possible time to show how boundless his strength and determination could be pissed me the hell out.“I just need one more shot at Cora’s life, and this time, I won't miss the target” I looked into my scrying mirror while I waited for it to locate Cora.I barely made use of the scrying mirror to spy on my enemies within the palace because it drew an unimaginable amount of power from me to keep it connected to a magical source. It was usually a last resort when I’d ex
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142: The Traitor
Leila’s POV“Is he okay? Why was he he—” my statement was cut off when I lost my balance on the shelf and fell on my ass.You’re not weak Leila, you can't afford to be.Rene gasped loudly and ran over to my side on seeing my fall, “ God, Miss, are you feeling well?”Her hands went around my back and she pulled me into a sitting position while I struggled to keep myself grounded. I was becoming weaker by the second because I hadn't even taken a minute to rest but I didn't care, I had to protect Kai by any means necessary.“You’re burning up, Miss,” Rene diagnosed after using the back of her palm to feel my forehead and neck.“I did a scrying spell,” I confessed mindlessly as my eyes fluttered weakly where I laid against a shelf.I didn't know if Rene enjoyed gasping, but she gasped loudly again on hearing that.“Alone? Scrying spells are far too demanding to be done alone,” She recited as though I hadn't taught her that in her first year under my wing.“Are you strong enough to do a si
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143: Unexpected Twist
Leila’s POV Kol? I knew I’d seen a familiar figure. The same cowardly asshole that’d made my last trip nothing worth remembering? How did such a lousy excuse for a man get into a cult as powerful as that? How could he have ensured that a closed off tunnel was opened for his secret meeting? How the hell was he sleek enough to do treacherous shit under Kai’s nose? Kol didn't even have the balls to stand in the presence of a mystical being in the body of a little girl so how could he be some brilliant mastermind? He’d really fooled me with that act. “When you're finished, pick your jaw off the floor and leave” He said in a shockingly authoritative voice. At this point, I wasn't even focused on the order he’d given, I was simply trying to recover from my initial shock upon seeing him. It shouldn't surprise me as much as it did since I was a cunning person whose survival depended on covering my tracks, but Kol hadn't just covered his tracks, he’d buried them in his cowardly persona
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144: She has been the one
Kai’s POVNot her, God.“Alpha Kai, are you okay?” Levi’s hand grabbed my shoulders and shook me firmly.When I looked up at him, I realized that I’d unknowingly crouched beside Leila’s dead body and I was absentmindedly checking for a pulse. It was a fucking dumb thing to do especially because I could clearly see the hole in her chest that indicated that her heart had been ripped out.And no, I wasn't okay.Leila was bound to my hip from the first day we shared a morsel of bread together, and although I hated sentimental shit, I hadn't forgotten the promise we’d made to each other that day to live so long that we’d become elders.“H—ho… how?” I dragged in a ragged breath because of how heavy that question had made my chest feel.Recently, I’d been asking questions that I didn't want the answers to, but they were necessary questions so I couldn't exactly avoid them. From the moment I’d identified the dead body to be Leila’s, a feeling of dread caused a hole to plummet in my intestines
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145: You'll have your ashes
Cora’s POVI woke up to a throbbing pain in my arm because of how I’d slept the night before. I’d been scribbling down a poem to calm my nerves the night before and I’d gotten stuck on the fourth line, and then nothing else made sense after that.A while after my creative block struck, I’d started to feel sleepy but I didn’t get up from my desk because I hated to leave the poem unfinished. Well, nature bit me in the ass and I fell asleep with my arm under my head while seated in an incredibly uncomfortable position.Awakening with a throbbing pain was the least of my problems though, and I’d now decided that I very much hated the poem I’d written so I tore off the paper, squeezed it into a ball and threw it in the bin.“Good morning, wildcat,” Kai’s voice seeped through the door to indicate that he’d not left my door all night.It must’ve been how the paper hit the bin that alerted him of my being awake, and now I was contemplating retrieving the poem and using the lines to end him in
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146: Dark Desires
Cora’s POV“Mhmm” I shifted further into the hard body that was over mine like a blanket.Then I shifted again, and again.“Cora….” Kai’s raspy sleepy voice sent goosebumps crawling over my skin as I pushed my ass even further into his crotch.My entire body was raging with a desire for him that was impossible to explain, I just needed to be in his skin, his milky flawless skin.“Good morning to you too,” I turned over and claimed his lips in a soft, slow kiss before pulling away to smile at him.That got his attention and his eyes flew open in surprise, but my eyes remained fixed on his plump lower lip that I’d made a deeper shade of pink by kissing. Instinctively, I reached out and ran my finger over his lower lip and a low groan left his lips in response, and of course my body responded to that by sending heat right to my core.“It’s a little past midnight,” He remarked in a strained voice “I think we must've somehow slept through the whole day”I didn't care about any of those obs
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147: Red Lipstick
Cora’s POVThe smoke signal was slowly dissipating already but I tried to trace is origin from where it looked the thickest and I confirmed that it was coming from beyond the palace fences.That was all it took to figure out that it’d been set off by my partner; the shadow.I had absolutely no clue how he/she always managed to find me and send cryptic messages that only I would understand, but the shadow’s ability to be so attentive to details and an an ardent planner were things I truly admired.Those attributes also made it easier to trust my mystery partner because they were essential in plotting the defeat of a powerful man like Kai whose enemies had been clumsy in their attempts to execute him, myself inclusive.Fucking go already, my wolf urged me as though she wasn't as whipped with Kai as I was.In fact, she seemed oddly at peace and filled with contentment whenever I was with him but since I knew that both our loyalties were still tied to our deceased pack, I understood why s
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148: I Don’t Deserve Her
Kai’s POV“Uh, thanks” She mumbled with a small smile covering her perfectly coated red lips.I’d never get over how adorable she looked whenever she turned red from being complimented, it was in those moments that I realized that despite her hard shell Cora was still a feminine woman with sweet little quirks.“I’m starving over here,” She crossed her legs and my eyes feasted on the beautiful skin of her thighs that were now exposed to me.“Just a few minutes, Milady,” I curtseyed playfully and she shot me a mean glare instead of a small like I’d expected.“I didn't know you were a grumpy ass while hungry,” I walked over to the light switch to dim them before I made my way over to the drawers to pull out scented candle sticks.While doing that, Cora didn't respond to me still, she just sat down and followed my movements with her eyes like a she’d pounce on me any second from now. And in many ways, I was scared for my life as her gaze narrowed angrily while I lit the candles on the tab
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149: War
Kai’s POV“All set?” I asked as I emerged from a shed where I’d been watching Levi order the guards to load a carriage.“Yes, Alpha,” he called out just before a guard mounted the horse attached to the carriage.“Make sure not even a dime is left uncollected, and defaulters for the last payments should pay double this time around,” I reminded him like he hadn't gone on tax collection trips a thousand times.I just preferred to be thorough, and that's why I always sent Levi on those trips. He was through, calculative and I trusted him with my finances as well as my life.“Yes, sir,” Levi responded as he climbed into the carriage.I watched it ride out of the palace gates until it’d disappeared into the woods. I realized then that since Levi would be gone for at least two days passing through the towns under my protection to collect taxes, the rest of the administrative work rested solely on my shoulders since, you know...Leila was dead.But she deserved to die, especially since she wa
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150: Betrayed and Defeated
Kai’s POVThe woman before me couldn't be the same one I’d fallen in love with.And yes, maybe this was the worst possible time to admit that I was ridiculously in love with Cora, but that was the truth, and I’d been in love with her for longer than I could possibly pinpoint.But the woman I’d shared my heart and all of its fullness with wouldn't be smiling while I was in pain, the woman that’d melted in my arms countless times wouldn't have venom in her eyes as she regarded me.I groaned as the ache in my body multiplied.Everything fucking hurt, both within and outside my body as I struggled to maintain my balance.“C–co… Cora,” I fought the pain lodged in my throat as I spoke.She didn't say anything, she just looked me over like seeing me in utter pain was a n extremely proud moment for her and she felt absolutely no sympathy for me.A painful jab stabbed my heart at that.No, no way.“Was it you?” another groan left my lips as the ache in my bones intensified.I was so fucking we
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