All Chapters of The CEO's Daughter: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
116 Chapters
I lowered my gaze, still lying on my chest. He was gently caressing me with his thumb.I took a deep breath before managing to say something. My stomach growled like it never had before. I stared at my stomach, and Ethan quickly got up, his gaze fixed on my stomach, then he looked at me as if trying to hold back laughter."What?" I felt my cheeks turning bright red.We hadn't eaten anything, and what we had done required energy.Ethan couldn't hold back any longer and started laughing at me with a celestial laugh. I laughed too because his laughter was contagious, not because I really liked the joke.I was really hungry.He crawled up to my level and kissed me on the lips. I placed my hands on his shoulders and caressed his right cheek as soon as he pulled away from me.He looked so radiant and happy, how I loved to see him that way."Shall we eat what we brought from the restaurant? Sounds good?" He didn't wait for my response.He kissed the tip of my nose and headed straight to the
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"I found it difficult to open my eyes. It was dark, and my head was spinning. I was lying on the floor. It was cold.I sat up, rubbing my head. I had no idea where I was or what had happened. I looked around, hoping my pupils would adjust to the darkness.I couldn't see anything that would give me a clue about where I was. I got up and walked carefully in search of a door, but I found nothing."Hello?" I shouted, hoping someone would hear me, but all I heard was my echo.I felt the walls until I found something metallic, which I assumed was a door, or at least I wanted to believe so. I shouted a few more times. I didn't know what time it was, not even the day.I was starting to panic; I wanted to be with my father."Please, where are they?" I was scared and very upset.I turned around and leaned against the metal door.All because of those men and especially because of George. Why was he doing this to us? Where was Ethan?"Ethan?" I shouted loudly, realizing that crucial detail.I wai
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Christopher silenced me."Calm down, it's me. Are you okay?"I nodded, his hand still over my mouth."Good, now let's go."Chris got up and took my hand to lead me out. We walked a bit and saw that there was only one light and someone tied to a chair.I recognized Ethan's dark hair.Relief and anxiety rushed through my body in split seconds. I didn't know whether to approach or not. It could be a trap or something worse, a trick of my subconscious making me see something I wished for."Look!" I whispered to Chris, gesturing for him to turn his attention to what I was seeing.We hid behind more wooden crates and watched.George had appeared from who knows where. He wasn't wearing his jacket and had a suit on. Ethan was breathing slowly.I couldn't see his face."Aren't you going to say anything?" an irritated George inquired.Ethan took a while to respond and simply shook his head very slowly.George's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed Ethan's hair roughly, pulling it and forcing him to li
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Ethan's Pov"Minerva. Minerva, please... Don't fall asleep, Minerva. Don't fall asleep," I whispered with desperation while applying the gentlest pressure I could to her abdomen.My hands were covered in blood, as was all of her clothing.My chest ached from the pressure of having my heart in my throat while seeing her in this state. I looked around and realized we were in the back of a black van. Christopher was driving as fast and cautiously as he could. I could hear him talking, but I didn't even bother to listen, whether he was talking to me or on the phone. I was kneeling beside a blood stained mattress, and there lay the woman I loved the most, unconscious and wounded from a gunshot by a damn psychopath.I sighed to suppress the urge to lash out at someone. How could I have allowed her to be harmed? I couldn't even remember how we ended up in that place in the first place, let alone where we were.The last thing I remembered was being in my living room with Minerva, and then, I
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I reached out to the right side of my head where I was supposed to have a head injury, but it didn't hurt, and I didn't feel anything unusual.I looked ahead and saw a trail further on. I glanced back into the depths of the forest. For some reason, I felt an inexplicable peace in this place. I walked down the path for a few minutes, looking for another person to find out where I was or, better yet, how I had arrived there.After the trees disappeared and the trail ended in the forest, I saw a hill leading to a spectacular seascape. I could hear the waves of the sea gently lapping, and the scent was unmistakable.There was a bench on the hill, and a person was sitting on it with their back to me. I ran towards the woman, relieved to finally see someone in this strange place.I stopped and approached the woman gently, touching her shoulder to avoid startling her."Excuse me," I said with the most innocent voice I could muster.When the lady turned around, I opened my eyes wide in amazem
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I felt a burning pain in my chest, especially on the left side. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to move my hand towards where I felt the stabbing sensation, but I couldn't move.I moved my fingers to make sure I could still use them and groaned in pain as I did so, not understanding why it hurt so much.I tried to recall everything that had happened, but they were just fleeting flashbacks that came to mind.I remembered Christopher. We were running, he distracted the guards, and we entered the large warehouse. I saw Ethan, he was badly injured, pale, and listless. I untied him from the chair. Christopher confronted his father for me. We ran toward a van. A gunshot. A scream. So much blood..."Minerva!""Ethan!""Minerva. Minerva, please... Don't fall asleep, Minerva. Don't fall asleep.""Everything will be fine.""No, I have to be with her.""She's wounded, with a bullet in the left side of her abdomen. Her vital signs are dropping rapidly; we need to operate on her now.""Stay calm
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The door swung open abruptly once again.This time, Christopher appeared as quickly as my father. I noticed his rapid chest rising and falling; he seemed like he had been running to get here."Minerva... as soon as I heard the rumor that you had woken up, I came as fast as I could," he approached me from the other side where my father was.He let go of me and gave me some space. Amelia and Ivan were sitting on the couch."Christopher, are you okay?" I said with excitement."What?" he laughed, confused."I was worried about you," I admitted with a smile."Are you crazy? I was the one worried about you! You scared us to death, but I knew everything would be fine," I laughed, shrugging off the situation.The door opened again, but this time, no one rushed into my room. We waited patiently for whoever was about to enter.I knew who was missing from the gathering of people who might show up. We all stayed silent, waiting for his arrival, which took several seconds.When he peeked in with c
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"Are you sure this will work?" Chris asked, sounding very uncertain."Absolutely," Ethan replied with determination."Absolutely not," I immediately objected, crossing my arms and gazing out the window.I saw Amelia and Ivan looking at me from that side of the room. I assumed that Ethan and Christopher were also watching me. I would not allow them to risk this, even if Ethan's plan might work. I didn't want them getting into more trouble."Why not?" my boyfriend asked."Are you really on board with this, Chris?" I ignored Ethan and looked directly at Christopher."Well..." he hesitated."You don't have to do it if you don't want to, Christopher. I understand, it's your father.""What?" Ethan exclaimed incredulously."Ethan, you can't force Chris to be an accomplice in a plan that will send his father to jail," I stated firmly.He narrowed his eyes and gave me a challenging look.We fell into silence, having one of our intense silent staring matches. How could I allow him to do somethi
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Ethan looked at me, and I noticed a certain sadness in his eyes. I felt bad for interrupting our important conversation, but I couldn't just kick Isabela out of my house.He apologized and slipped into his room, leaving Isabela and me in the living room. My friend looked at me strangely because of his reaction, and I shrugged, blatantly lying that I didn't know what was wrong with him.My friend asked me to tell her everything that had happened in her absence. I took a deep breath and began my narrative, as it was quite long.It felt as if I were telling a fantasy story to a little girl because every time I said something, Isabela made facial expressions of astonishment, happiness, sadness, and anger.When I finished the story, her final expression was one of deep concern."How are you feeling?" She tried to reach her hand toward my abdomen.I lifted my shirt to show her the bandage."Better, although I'm still on complete bed rest. I'm dying here, Isa," I made a mockingly terrified f
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I sighed once more. My gaze was fixed on the ceiling of my room, illuminated only by the moonlight filtering through the window. One of my hands was stretched across the bed, and the other rested on my stomach.I took deep breaths with each inhalation, my pillow smelled like him...My father had prepared an exquisite dinner for us a few hours earlier, but I didn't have much of an appetite. I truly couldn't understand what had happened that afternoon.What the hell had happened? I still felt bewildered. Why had he left like that? I tried to explain why I couldn't accept the engagement now, that I didn't feel prepared. Why couldn't he understand that?I rolled onto my right side. I faced the wall. I wanted to call him, to fix everything, to tell him I loved him, that I desired him...I tensed up."I love you," those words echoed in my head. He had never said he loved me before.I kicked my feet on the bed. Why did he have to say it now? Damn it, why so much pressure?I took a deep breat
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