All Chapters of Marked by her rejected mate : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
137 Chapters
The feeling of water being poured on him made him open his eyes gradually as the effects of the poisonous bullets were making him dizzy.Staring down at himself, he saw that he was chained to an iron chair in a dimly lit room with only a few torches on the walls, casting eerie shadows across the floor. The walls were lined with various devices of torture, ranging from stretching racks to iron maidens.Chains hung from the ceiling, and there were cages in the corner of the room.The air was thick with stench of blood and sweat, and he could see soldiers all over.But then, the door to the room burst open and a man in a red hoodie walked in majestically with two warriors trailing behind him."Good day, sir," the whole soldiers greeted in sync, while he listened to the sounds of the leader of his rivals walking towards him.With his hands in his pocket and a sly grin on his face, he walked towards Alpha Alvin who had his head bent low with his eyes closed, before he forcefully grasped
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It is finished
All kinds of torture and punishment was carried out on Alpha Alvin, and he was now covered in blood and had so many injuries as he bleeded on every part of his body, with blood running through his nose and mouth.His hair was now cut short and dishevelled, and it stopped below his nape, while his injuries were difficult to heal due to Annabelle's blood which was poured on him.Her blood prevented him from healing, and he was now chained to a mountain with many chains, and his head bent to the floor as his short hair fell over his face, while he kept coughing out blood from his mouth.He had undergone terrible punishment that no one could survive, apart from him."What time is it," he asked the guards who were standing at a corner of the mountain as they waited for the people to assemble."What?" The guards asked."Just tell me what time it is, what time is it?" he said without raising up his head."It's 1:51 AM," the guards replied without sparing a glance at him as though they were t
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Five long years
Chul Xavier had been living a reckless and carefree life ever since the tragic death of his mate. Consumed by grief and haunted by the loss, he sought solace in alcohol, partying, and casual encounters with women. Despite his reckless behavior, he remained a powerful and cruel figure, using his strength and influence to maintain control and dominance within the Blue Sea Pack.Five long years had passed since he lost his mate, yet Chul's desperation to find her persisted. He knew deep down that she was the only one who could bring his wolf back to life, restore the missing part of his being. Despite his cruel demeanor, his love for his mate still lingered, buried beneath layers of pain and anger.Chul had exhausted every resource available to him in his search for his lost mate. He employed his pack's extensive network, interrogated rivals, and even sought the guidance of supernatural beings to no avail. The trail had gone cold, leaving him frustrated and tormented by the uncertainty s
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His dreamy contemplation
In a vast and ornate hall, Xavier Chul, the Alpha of the Blue Sea Pack, paced back and forth, his footsteps echoing against the marble floor. The hall exuded a sense of grandeur, with high arched ceilings adorned with intricate carvings, and towering stained glass windows that allowed slivers of colorful light to filter through, casting vibrant patterns on the polished surface.Ezekiel, Xavier's trusted advisor, stood near a massive wooden table, stacked with scrolls and documents. He watched Xavier with a calm demeanor, his sky coloured hair catching the subtle glimmers of light. As the Alpha's footsteps approached, Ezekiel took a deep breath, preparing himself for the conversation ahead."Xavier, we must talk," Ezekiel began, his voice steady and measured. "It has been years, and there has been no trace of your lost mate. It may be time to consider other options, for the sake of the pack and your own well-being."Xavier halted abruptly, his eyes narrowing with a cold expression on h
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Old magnificent castle
Xavier's anticipation was palpable as he arrived at the designated location, an elegant, old-looking castle that stood in stark in a vast land. However, as he stepped inside, his excitement quickly turned to disappointment. The lady who was introduced to him had short gold hair and black eyes that held a certain allure, but she was not his mate.His heart sank as he realized that the search for his beloved would continue. The castle's opulence and grandeur seemed to mock his hopes, and he struggled to hide his disappointment. Despite his inner turmoil, he maintained his composure, his features betraying only a flicker of sadness.In the opulent drawing room, the lady's parents, who exuded an air of wealth and refinement, engaged in a polite conversation with him. Their voices were filled with cordiality, but Xavier couldn't shake the feeling that he was a mere pawn in their games of status and influence.As the conversation continued, a delicate figure peeked from behind the heavy dra
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Locked gazes
Lilith sat cross-legged on her bed, engrossed in the pages of a captivating book. Her face was buried within its depths as she lost herself in the world of words. The room was quiet, save for the rustling of pages and the occasional sound of her breath.Suddenly, a gust of wind whistled through the room, causing the curtains to billow and dance. Lith looked up, her eyes widening in surprise, as the window that had always been locked swung open with a creak. The wind seemed to beckon her, inviting her to embrace the unknown that lay beyond.Startled, Lilith remembered her parents' strict instructions never to open the window. Concern etched across her face as she scrambled off the bed, a sense of urgency propelling her movements. She hurriedly made her way towards the open window, determined to secure it shut before any unwanted consequences could occur.As she reached out to grasp the window latch, her heart pounding in her chest, the book she had been engrossed in slipped from her gr
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Locked daughter secret unveiled
Lith lay on her bed, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic man she had glimpsed through her window. The memory of their locked gazes played on a loop in her mind, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within her. She found herself yearning for something more, something beyond the boundaries of her confined existence.As her mind wandered through the possibilities, an audacious idea suddenly sparked in her thoughts—a chance to escape the constraints of her surroundings and embark on an adventure of her own. The notion took hold of her, igniting a fire within her spirit that she couldn't ignore.Without hesitation, Lith jumped off her bed, determination propelling her movements. She hurriedly made her way to a hidden corner of her room, where she had carefully concealed a bundle of clothes twisted together to form a makeshift rope. It was her secret preparation for a moment just like this, a desperate attempt at freedom.Her hands trembled slightly as she unraveled the twisted fabric, her mi
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Generating a way of escape
The enigmatic man called out to Lilith, his voice breaking the silence of the room. "Hey, hey, hey!" he exclaimed, snapping his fingers in front of her face. The abrupt sound and movement jolted Lilith out of her daze, bringing her back to the present moment.She blinked, her eyes refocusing on the man standing before her. Confusion mixed with a trace of fear clouded her expression as she struggled to regain her composure."What were you thinking?" he scolded, his tone laced with a hint of concern as his gaze was locked on her. "You should never attempt such a reckless escape. Your family has their reasons for keeping you here."Lith's heart sank as his words sank in. She had been caught, her secret plans unraveling before her eyes. A mixture of embarrassment and disappointment washed over her, realizing the futility of her attempted escape.Her eyes followed the man's gaze as he glanced towards the twisted cloth rope she had painstakingly created. Without hesitation, he reached out a
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Lilith parents suspicion
Lilith's heart filled with gratitude as she attempted to express her thanks to Chul for his assistance and guidance. However, her words fell upon deaf ears as he remained unresponsive, his cold expression unchanged. The air in the room seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension, leaving Lith uncertain of Chul's intentions or the reasons behind his stoic demeanor.Without uttering a single word, Chul turned towards the door, his steps purposeful and resolute. As he reached the threshold, he paused, his hand resting on the doorknob. With a stern gaze fixed upon Lith, he finally broke the silence."Stay within this room until my men and I have gone far enough that you can't fathom," he commanded, his voice firm and devoid of any trace of warmth. His words carried a sense of urgency, hinting at unseen dangers that lay beyond the castle walls.Lith nodded, a mixture of confusion and apprehension clouding her expression. She understood the weight of his warning and the necessity of caution.
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Lilith's escape (I'll be free now)
In the dead of night, Lilith's eyes fluttered open, her determination to escape pulsating through her veins. She had reached a breaking point, and the longing for freedom outweighed the fear that had held her captive for so long. Carefully, she slipped out of her bed, ensuring not to make a sound that might alert her parents or the guards.Lilith tiptoed to a hidden corner of her room, where the strange guy had meticulously placed plates on the wall to aid in her escape.Pulling up the curtains, she stared at her means of escape with a smile on her face."I'll be free now," she assured herself.Gripping onto the first plate, she tested its sturdiness before placing her weight upon it. The metal groaned softly, but held. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest, as she began to climb.Silently, she ascended the wall, using the plates as her makeshift ladder. The adrenaline fueled her every move, pushing her closer to the freedom she craved. The night air whispered agains
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14 Protection Status