All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2211 - Chapter 2220
2381 Chapters
Chapter 2212
Wilbur glowered as he said, "You're forcing my hand, and you're going to die!" He channeled the power of light into the dragon, which turned white as it grew in size before charging into the air. "Roar!" The white dragon flicked its tail, and all ten Arlots disappeared into black miasma. At the same time, countless branches reached out from the tree to form a net to trap the white dragon. The net shrank and the white light faded before it was completely covered by the branches. Just then, however, the net of branches was blasted apart and reduced to dust in a huge explosion as the white dragon emerged from within, flying around in circles before charging downward. "We've won!" Aite said excitedly. Vernon asked, "What should we do now, Mister Penn?" "Everybody retreat to the starting point of the passage and pull on the rope with all your might to open the door." "Got it." The men rushed back to the door as the white dragon flew above Wilbur's head in circles. Yet the
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Chapter 2213
The gigantic tree laughed loudly. "Wilbur Penn, your powers truly fascinate me. All of you shall be sacrificed today and remain here forever!" The tree waved its branches, reaching out for the dragon. At the same time, Wilbur leaped into the air with the first dragon cauldron in his hand, melding himself inside of the white dragon altogether. The first dragon cauldron continued to release dragon aura above Wilbur's head, and Wilbur's Light Gloves continued to channel the power of light into the white dragon's body. The dragon swung its tail over hard, breaking the branches off the tree before grabbing the tree trunk with its claws. With a loud explosion, a huge opening appeared in the trunk of the tree. Wilbur wasted no time, controlling the dragon to charge downward as it absorbed all eight explorers into its body. "Are you guys alright?" "We're fine," said Vernon. "But the door won't open, and we have no way out." The waters had risen above the passage then, and they cont
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Chapter 2214
As the passage became narrow, the white dragon shrunk in size as well. It finally charged out of the well, dispersing into dragon aura as the nine men toppled onto the ground. The next second, Wilbur grabbed the cover of the well and dropped it on top of the opening. A golden seal appeared, flashing brightly in the air. The ground rumbled several times, then everything went back to normal. Mitch, Vernon, and the others had just gotten up and immediately fell back onto the ground from the quaking. "What…" "What on earth just happened?" The explorers looked at each other in shock. "Whew!" Wilbur collapsed onto the ground as his chest heaved, flicking off the water on his face. Had it not been for the formation sealing the tree in place, Wilbur and the others might not have been able to escape. After all, what happened just now was far too shocking. The tree's branches had stretched all the way to the opening of the well. What kind of being was that tree even? Wilbur w
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Chapter 2215
Wilbur frowned at the thought, sensing that something out of the ordinary must have happened. "Senior Josie, I don't know what your end goal is, but can you tell me why you did that?" Josie smiled. "Sure. If you pass my second test, I'll tell you before the third test starts. How's that?" Wilbur opened his mouth, but words failed him. He simply nodded, saying, "Alright, then. Well, Senior Josie, what's your second test?" "Oh, this one's simple enough. You know now that there's an enormous formation at the bottom of this forest, right? The formation actually has three formation cores, and each core is watched by a formation guardian." "All you need to do is defeat these three guardians, and you'll pass my second test." "Formation guardians? Are they powerful?" Josie looked at Wilbur. "The three formation guardians are all at the Emperor level, and they're all chosen ones." "What does that mean?" "They all have the protection of the middle dimension elites. That's right,
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Chapter 2216
A wild boar with gleaming fangs strode out of the trees slowly. The boar was huge, probably weighing around a hundred and thirty kilograms. It eyed Wilbur hungrily as if he were a delicious meal. The boar's front left trotter stomped into the ground twice. Both Wilbur and the boar were staring each other down, and the entire forest seemed to go quiet in their wake. All of a sudden, the wild boar let out a furious roar as it broke out into a sprint, charging toward Wilbur. He smirked at the sight before him. Instead of using his thunder cleaver, he charged over to grab the boar by its fangs. The boar shoved at Wilbur as he backed up a few meters, kicking up the leaves on the ground in a frenzy. Anyone else would have been scared out of their wits as a wild boar in a primeval forest was supposed to have the purest of its species' blood. A wild boar that weighed a hundred and thirty kilograms could kill ten people at once. In the past, a wild boar once showed up in a small town
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Chapter 2217
"Wonderful!" The old man rubbed his hands. "I haven't eaten proper human food for some time, young man. Can you treat me to some?" "Uhh… sure." Wilbur had planned to store the rest of the boar in his demiplane as rations. After all, eating a bit of a pig that weighed a hundred and thirty kilograms would probably be enough to last him a whole month. However, he could not bring himself to turn the old man down and could only nod. "Oh, thank you so much." The old man was staring hard at the trotter Wilbur was holding. "That part looks pretty good. Why don't you give that to me?" "You!" Wilbur felt like the old man was being rude. After all, the rest of the boar was right there. The old man had three other trotters to pick from! The old man licked his lips as he stared at the trotter Wilbur was holding. After waiting for a while and realizing that Wilbur had not responded, the old man looked up at Wilbur gleefully. "It pays to be kind, young man. Just give me the trotter,
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Chapter 2218
Following that, the old man began digging in happily once more. Wilbur saw that and continued eating on his own. The old man, however, had a positively frightful appetite and eaten all four trotters and a large piece of pork within half an hour. The old man sat on the ground, licking the grease off his fingers as he stared at the rest of the boar on the grill. "That was really quite good. I'd even say it's the best wild boar I've had in thirty years." Wilbur said, "Are you done eating now, sir?" "Yes, I'm done," the old man smiled. "Alright, I'll put it away now." The old man saw Wilbur getting up and scrambled to his feet to grab Wilbur. "Hey, hey, what's the rush? You can put it away later." Wilbur took a deep breath. "Sir, I can tell you really like the taste of this wild boar. You could just say that, and I'd be happy to give you half of it so we can both have food, okay?" There were plenty more wild boars in the forest, some of them even weighing more than this one.
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Chapter 2219
The old man blinked. "Well, uhh… I'm sure you know about the enchanted formation beneath this forest, don't you? That formation has three cores, and each core is protected by a guardian. I'm the guardian of the formation core on the left, the Wind Sprite." "Oh," said Wilbur. "You're Mister Wind Sprite." "I saw that you're Dashan, just like me. That's the only reason I appeared to see you." Wilbur had already guessed that the old man might be a formation guardian but hearing it from the guy himself still shocked Wilbur. "Alright, then. Since you showed up yourself, I don't have to go looking for you. Let's have the duel here." "Ha. You're a little impatient, aren't you?" The Wind Sprite flicked his sleeves. "Well, let's go, then." "Don't mind if I do." Wilbur leaped off the ground holding his thunder cleaver and charged toward Wind Sprite. All of a sudden, Wind Sprite turned invisible. Wilbur's attack missed completely, and he looked around in search of his opponent. The ne
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Chapter 2220
As long as he could summon the dragon formed from his dragon aura and have it fly around, the dragon would be able to block Wind Sprite's attack. However, this was the only chance Wilbur had. If he were to fail, Wind Sprite would probably kill him before he could summon the dragon once more. Thus, Wilbur had to improve his hearing and attack speed to secure a chance at beating Wind Sprite. With that in mind, Wilbur made up his mind on what he was going to do. His body had completely recovered half an hour later, and he tore off a strip of fabric from his clothes to use as a blindfold. He picked up a rock off the ground, tossing it out. The rock hit a big tree, causing its branches to shake as a wave of leaves fell from the tree. Wilbur's ear twitched, and he struck out at once. Wilbur danced through the air, swinging his sword around, piercing through each leaf one by one before they hit the ground. After the leaves stopped falling, Wilbur took off the blindfold to inspect the
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Chapter 2221
Wilbur let out a cry of fury, swinging down in an attack. The black blade aura struck the magical tower with an enormous rumble, but it was completely unaffected. "Ha! I guess you're going to have to wait another ten years to enter the Vicente Primeval Forest again! The only thing that will break this tower is an upper dimensional law. Nothing else works!" Wilbur's eyes lit up at the words. He muttered a spell as he put his hands together, and a big dragon appeared around him. Just then, a golden pearl appeared above Wilbur's head. It landed on the dragon the next second, turning the dragon into a golden color as it melded into the dragon completely! The golden dragon had appeared! Wilbur roared, "Dragon Move Third Level: Dragon out of the Water!" It turned out that Wilbur had been practicing the Dragon Move this entire time and had now raised his skills to the third level. "Roar!" The golden dragon flicked its tail, soaring upwards. Its tail struck the tower, reducing i
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