All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2241 - Chapter 2250
2345 Chapters
Chapter 2242
At this moment, Wilbur finally understood the Aqua Dragon's intentions. Immediately, he controlled his dragon aura and formed it into the shape of a large dragon. In the next second, the dragon plunged into the water, swimming rapidly, and a vortex quickly formed. When the vortex's diameter reached ten meters, the blue formation reappeared. "Roar!" The dragon let out a furious roar, stubbornly resisting as it felt the water around it press in like walls. Wilbur chanted an incantation and used the Dragon Move. Instantly, a golden pearl appeared out of thin air above his head. The next second, the pearl plunged into the water and merged with the dragon. In an instant, the dragon transformed into a golden dragon and let out a mighty roar. "Roar!" Seeing the vortex grow larger, Wilbur's eyes lit up, and he excitedly said, "That's right, it's now! Third level: Dragon Out of Water!" The golden dragon swam swiftly in the water, then suddenly shot out of the water. In a flash, the
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Chapter 2243
"Alright, I see that you have quite a bit of potential, but you haven't fully established your foundations yet. If you had apprenticed yourself to a dragon of any other element, you probably wouldn't have been able to establish your foundations completely, and you wouldn't have had this chance. Oh well, perhaps this is truly destiny given to you by the heavens. From now on, stay in this great lake, and let me use the power of the Aqua Dragon to help you open up your circulation, allowing you to internalize your cultivation." "Open up my circulation? Internalize my cultivation?" Wilbur felt puzzled, but suddenly, a cool force surged up from the soles of his feet, traveling through his leg bones. This sensation was similar to what he felt when practicing the Dragon Move, and he immediately understood Orkot's intention. Since Wilbur had previously worked on his foundations, his energy circulatory pathways were already somewhat open, but the energy flow was still too weak. However, t
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Chapter 2244
However, due to the persistent disdain and misunderstanding those cultivators from the middle and higher dimensions held toward the lower dimensions, they were reluctant to come to the lower dimensions. Cultivators in the middle and higher dimensions, upon reaching a certain level of cultivation, automatically received a dimensional ring, which was a symbol of their status. In the world of cultivators which was filled with constant strife, everyone wanted to become stronger. The dimensional ring carried the dimensional laws comprehended by the cultivator. Obtaining a dimensional ring, devouring it, or comprehending it allowed one to acquire corresponding dimensional laws. If a dimensional ring was devoured, the dimensional laws could no longer be enhanced. Comprehending the dimensional ring, however, equates to inheriting its dimensional laws, which can be further improved. Thus, the middle and higher dimension worlds were rife with slaughter because everyone wanted to become str
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Chapter 2245
Thus, Orkot would always be nourished by the Water Spirit Pearls, preventing his body from losing moisture for too long as dragons cannot be away from water. Wilbur's coincidental acquisition of the Water Spirit Pearl and his apprenticeship with Orkot seemed to be fated. Standing on the shore, Wilbur looked at Aqua Dragon Orkot standing majestically in the water and cupped his hands in farewell. "Master, I must leave now. Take care." Orkot gazed at Wilbur and said, "I understand. You have your mission to fulfill, and that fellow won’t let you go easily. Continue with what you need to do. Just don’t forget me as your master." "Thank you, Master. Farewell." Wilbur bid farewell to the water dragon and proceeded deeper into Vicente's immortal realm. There were many large lakes in Vicente's immortal realm, and the fragment of the ninth dragon cauldron that Wilbur was seeking was hidden in one of these lakes. Previously, Wilbur might have had to exert great effort to search for the f
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Chapter 2246
Wilbur shook the woman's hand and said, "Yes, my name is Wilbur. Nice to meet you." The woman, with reddened eyes and a bright smile, replied, "My name is Caitlyn. Nice to meet you. I'm from the Allied States." "Ah, the Allied States is a great country." "Perhaps," she said. After this brief exchange, the two fell silent. Wilbur took out the newspaper he had bought at the airport and began reading. The travel newspaper contained information about Kosanto, including an article on its history. It said that a thousand years ago, Kosanto was a forest kingdom, with forests covering 90% of its land. Now, only 30% of its land had greenery, with the western and southern regions turned into deserts. The cities where the people of Kosanto once lived were buried under the sand, and much of the history and culture of these regions was lost. Only a few elderly residents in the desert city of Wrecknam retained some memories of their ancestors' ways of life. Most of the surviving arti
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Chapter 2247
It turns out that Caitlyn's multiple trips to Kosanto were due to a special relationship she had three years ago. Three years ago, Caitlyn met her boyfriend on a flight to Kosanto. They quickly became interested in each other. They traveled together and soon confirmed their relationship. They dated for three years, but two months ago, her boyfriend broke up with her. This ended their relationship, leaving Caitlyn heartbroken and unable to move on. She decided to return to Kosanto two months later, hoping that this trip would help her find closure and move past her feelings. Caitlyn said, "Actually, my ex-boyfriend was also from Dasha, but he was settled in the Allied States, so you know…" With that, Caitlyn choked up again and shrugged helplessly. After hearing her story, Wilbur felt a sense of helplessness as well, not expecting Caitlyn to have such a past. Wilbur nodded and said, "I'm really sorry about your past relationship. I might not be able to offer much help, but I
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Chapter 2248
Wilbur nodded helplessly, realizing the truth in the saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Caitlyn was right. Every place had its unique ways, and what the locals did, outsiders might not understand and should not overthink. After chatting for a while, Caitlyn said, "Actually, there's something very important I need to do this time. Wilbur, do you believe in fate?" "Fate? What do you mean?" Caitlyn explained that three years ago when she and her boyfriend first came to Wrecknam, the desert city, she had a chance encounter with a local prophetess, a woman who could predict the future. This prophetess was named Angelia. At that time, Angelia had predicted that Caitlyn and her boyfriend would have a three-year relationship, after which they would break up. Caitlyn did not believe it then, but three years later, everything happened exactly as Angelia had said. Though She was heartbroken, Caitlyn was eager to know if she could rekindle her relationship with her ex-boyfrie
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Chapter 2249
"No, no need. This is my destiny!" Caitlyn, tears streaming down her face, leaped from the ten-meter-high city wall. Seeing this, Wilbur lunged forward, catching Caitlyn in mid-air. With the support of his dragon aura, they landed safely on the ground. Caitlyn struggled and pushed Wilbur away, saying, "Why did you save me? Let me die!" With that, Caitlyn ran off into the distance. Wilbur hurriedly chased after her. They had barely run a hundred meters when they saw a sandstorm quickly approaching from beyond the sand dunes. Seeing the sandstorm, Caitlyn became even more frantic, running towards it like someone possessed. Wilbur followed closely, shouting, "Caitlyn, stop!" The sandstorm advanced rapidly, and soon Caitlyn was engulfed in it, swept into the air by the violent winds. Wilbur leaped, catching Caitlyn in mid-air again, and they floated gently to the ground, shielded by Wilbur's dragon aura. The fierce winds of the sandstorm roared past them, but thanks to the dragon
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Chapter 2250
However, Wrecknam seemed to be different from those other desert cities. It was not only built in the desert but also located right in the center of the Levon Desert. According to common sense, the center of a desert was the place where water was most scarce, making it an unlikely location for a city. Yet, the Levon Desert seemed to defy this logic. Otherwise, Wrecknam couldn't have been built there. Without a water source, it was impossible for people to live there, let alone build a city. With this in mind, Wilbur picked up a map of the Levon Desert and examined it carefully, but he did not find anything unusual about the desert. Then, Wilbur searched through historical records and discovered that this area was a forest a thousand years ago. Later, due to geographical changes, the river changed its course, leading to water shortages and a gradual transformation into a desert over a thousand years. This record suggested that the evolution of the Levon Desert was no different
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Chapter 2251
"Trust me, young man. You'll find the answers you need, but you're going to have to pay for your actions before that." Wilbur wanted to ask more, but Angelia refused and stopped talking. An assistant told Wilbur that the prophecy already revealed the ways of fate, and Angelia refusing to say anything further meant that the heavens did not allow her to do so. Wilbur could not help but find the answer rather funny. Nonetheless, everyone else seemed to respect it enough and he had no choice but to leave. Upon returning to the hotel, Wilbur thought about Angelia's words. He had changed Caitlyn's fate, but they would never see each other again. Wilbur found the whole encounter with Caitlyn rather unbelievable. There were so many strange factors about it, especially with Caitlyn choosing to go back to the Allied States. Wilbur's master, the Aqua Dragon Orkot, once told him that every person's fate was an aura that led them forward in life. When there was a change in this force in a
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