All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2331 - Chapter 2340
2345 Chapters
Chapter 2332
Wilbur picked up his thunder cleaver and attacked the old man. The old man wielded the black wand in his hand and recited a spell. A black vortex instantly appeared in the air, generating a powerful suction force that pulled Wilbur in. After that, the vortex simply vanished. The old man stood still and shut his eyes. "Mister Svenberg?" The butler tried calling out to him, but the old man stood there with no reaction. Fawkes put his hand on Bart's shoulder and said, "Shush. Mister Svenberg said nobody can touch and call him when he enters the Spirit Domain. Otherwise, no one can stop Wilbur." "Yes, sir." Fawkes sighed and complained, "I'm so unlucky. I should've known that Wilbur Penn is astounding. I shouldn't have messed with him. I can't believe Mister Svenberg is involved now. It looks like I'll be an embarrassment in Moda from now on." Fawkes loved money the most in the past when he started as an entrepreneur. Now that he was rich and made it big, he placed his dignity
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Chapter 2333
"Die!" Svenberg suddenly raised the wand in his hand and aimed it at Wilbur. The wand instantly shot out a ray of light. Wilbur held the thunder cleaver across his chest to intercept the ray, which shattered the cleaver into pieces in an instant. Wilbur had no choice but to take on the attack with his hands. The moment that the ray of light hit the Light Gloves, it was immediately absorbed and emitted a bright glow. Sven clenched his jaw and said angrily, "Damn you! I can't believe you absorbed my energy. Bring it on! Let's see how much you can take before you explode!" The ray of light shot from his wand grew stronger in the following minute as Wilbur stood there absorbing the energy. Svenberg had been working for Fawkes for over two decades. He had played the role of a judge and killed countless cultivators before he absorbed their powers. Svenberg was a peak Emperor level cultivator, but his mentality was weak because of his greed, which led to his inability to reach gre
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Chapter 2334
Soon, the ball of black mist reformed into Svenberg's figure. The voice that came out from his throat was hoarse and terrifying, "The Light Gloves finally appeared. It looks like you're the chosen one. I'm going to kill you and take the Light Gloves for myself!" "Why you…" Wilbur looked at Svenberg in shock. He had been curious as to why Svenberg was able to store so much energy. He finally realized that Svenberg had sacrificed himself to an evil god. "Shut up and die!" Svenberg yelled angrily. He quickly descended from above and grabbed Wilbur by the neck at high speed. Wilbur wanted to retaliate, but he suddenly felt restrained. He could not move at all, so Svenberg lifted him up without any problem. Wilbur suddenly found himself to be suffocating. All of a sudden, the power of light within him erupted and he emitted a bright, white light from his body. Amidst that glow, Wilbur felt a warmth inside him, and the feeling of restraint he felt earlier was gone, so he instinctive
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Chapter 2335
Soon, the blade energy clashed with Wilbur's defense formation, and it created a loud explosion. Boom! The storm around him instantly grew stronger, eating away at Wilbur's defense formation hungrily. However, Wilbur did not panic. He continued to gather his dragon aura. The powerful dragon aura gradually weakened the storm. Svenberg's eyes became jet-black when he saw that and flew toward him with the black sword in hand. The black sword hit the storm, allowing Svenberg to infuse all his energy into the storm. The dwindling storm grew stronger once again. Wilbur noticed that and quickly activated his Iris Veritas. He looked up, and as he expected, there was a black pillar of energy that connected Svenberg and the sky. An endless supply of black energy was being sent to Svenberg from another dimension. Wilbur had the experience of killing the puppet of Bloodism, so the power of light in him instantly erupted. A defensive shield quickly spread out with him as the center, and i
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Chapter 2336
Fawkes looked at the black energy in the air and said with a panicked voice, "Now's the chance, Mister Svenberg! Revive quickly!" Fawkes knew that Svenberg sacrificed his soul and body to the God of Destruction. Fawkes also wanted to sacrifice his soul and body to the God of Destruction back then, but it was a shame that he was not a cultivator, so he could not do so. However, Fawkes witnessed Svenberg's incredible transformation and how powerful Svenberg became firsthand. Svenberg was more than eighty years old, but after he sacrificed himself to the evil god, he was able to change his appearance. Fawkes found it quite unbelievable that Svenberg could change his looks into a young man in his twenties. Reverse aging was the dream of countless people, and Svenberg did just that. Therefore, Svenberg was almost a god to Fawkes. He believed that Svenberg would never die with the God of Destruction's protection. Therefore, Fawkes looked forward to the black energy reform again and S
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Chapter 2337
"It's you, Johnson?" "That's right. It's me." Just when Fawkes and Johnson looked at each other, Bart abruptly turned around. He saw the gun that was pointing at him. "Mister Fawkes!" Bart's nerves caught up to him right then. He thought if he did his best, Fawkes would spare his life even if he could not kill Wilbur. He also thought he would get something rewarding in return. However, he saw what was happening and was immediately infuriated. He knew what Fawkes was up to. No matter how much he did for Fawkes, he was nothing but a chess piece to him. Fawkes was only using him when he needed him. However, he would kill Bart when he no longer needed him. Since Fawkes was such a ruthless person, Bart wondered what was the point of working for him. Bart threw the sword in his hand and turned to walk away. Bang! Bang! Bang! Fawkes shot Bart in the back three times, killing him on the spot. "Bad timing, Johnson. You almost ruined my reputation." "Ha!" The robot extend
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Chapter 2338
Fawkes yelled out when he noticed what happened. "What? Damn that guy! I can't believe he placed a formation here!" Johnson seemed very calm and said softly, "Cultivators are not the same as ordinary people, but when it comes to the Satan Robot, any cultivator can be taken down by spending some money no matter how powerful they are." The robot arm switched into a rocket launcher and aimed at Wilbur, then shot out a rocket. The rocket instantly flew toward Wilbur, and the formation made with dragon aura instantly formed a shield to defend against the attack. Boom! The rocket hit the shield and immediately exploded, resulting in a powerful wave of energy that rippled outward. The dragon aura that surrounded Wilbur weakened by thirty percent. "It seems like the so-called formation is not that powerful," Johnson coldly insulted before he launched two more rockets. Boom! Boom! The rockets hit the formation, and the power decreased further after the explosions. It was barely
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Chapter 2339
Fawkes glared at Johnson in frustration, but he had no choice. He needed Johnson's help, after all. He clenched his jaw and transferred two hundred million dollars to Johnson's bank account right away. Johnson could see the text notification on the screen in the Satan Robot, so he smirked and said, "Thanks, boss. Don't worry, I'll kill Wilbur Penn right now." With that, he raised his rocket launcher and aimed it at Wilbur again. Bam! Suddenly, a black figure flashed by, and a loud explosion could be heard. The dust faded, and Johnson saw Kiro standing outside of the defense formation. He took on the rocket. There was a cold glint in Kiro's eyes at that moment as he said coldly, "Nobody is going to mess with Wilbur Penn when I'm here." Fawkes lost it when he heard that. He screamed, "How outrageous, Kiro! Don't you recognize your owner? How dare you do this to me?" Kiro replied coldly, "I don't have an owner, only an employer, Fawkes. Don't you forget that you're just my emplo
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Chapter 2340
Tyga, Sparrow, and Woody sprinted over to join the battle and fought Johnson. However, Johnson seemed to have his focus elsewhere. He turned to look at Kiro instead. Johnson attacked with a punch when Kiro came at him again. There was purple lightning on his fist and arm, and the electricity passed through when it hit Kiro. "Argh!" Kiro screamed angrily. "Kiro!" the trio called out. Tyga, Sparrow, and Woody were all shocked to see Kiro injured by the attack. They then turned around to glare at Johnson and continued to attack the Satan Robot. However, as they approached the Satan Robot, it emitted a powerful surge of electricity on them. Crackle! … The powerful current held them together and restrained them. They clenched their jaws and seemed to be in pain as they glared hatefully at Johnson. Johnson was looking at the screen inside the Satan Robot at the moment and it showed that the current was a thousand volts, which made him smirk in delight. Electricity was the m
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Chapter 2341
Johnson immediately maneuvered the Satan Robot to take several steps backward, then abruptly turned and fled from Fawkes' mansion. Kiro, Tyga, Sparrow, and Woody remained to ensure Wilbur's safety. Soon, an hour had passed, and the protective array around Wilbur automatically disappeared. Slowly, he opened his eyes. "Thank you, everyone." "It's nothing. You didn't kill us, so we wouldn't let you die." "Hahaha!" The four burst into laughter. Wilbur had feared he would die at Johnson's hands that day. Although he had been meditating with his eyes closed, he had heard everything that happened outside clearly. Wilbur was deeply moved by the help of the four. However, today's events also made him realize something very serious concerning the evil gods. Evil gods were special entities that transcended time and space. Ordinary people who sacrifice to the evil gods can only gain some power. However, certain exceptionally strong individuals, such as Emperor level practitioners lik
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