All Chapters of The Alpha King's Fate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
78 Chapters
21. Embracing The Darkness
They were going to die in the fancy hotel. Layla was sure of it. And Jackson had been right that she couldn’t defend herself. Even though they were in the middle of all that danger, her wolf still hadn’t reappeared. Jackson’s arm was around her middle, and his legs entwined with hers, something she was grateful for after he’d told her they could snatch her out of her bed. He’d been reluctant to hold her at all, which hurt. But she had to try to put all of that aside until they got out alive. She’d kept some of the floor lamps on despite her perfect vision. The bed was behind a solid wall, adding a little to her sense of security. It was a false sense of security. The only other time she sensed so much evil was when she had come face-to-face with the hunting party. There didn’t seem to be many people inside the hotel, but she could sense several outside, stepping carefully through the underbrush quite a distance from the hotel. They were either the hotel security or people sent
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22. No Touching
Jackson watched the morning light start to spill into the room. He shifted his weight slightly to get more comfortable against the headboard, and Layla’s grip tightened around his torso as she burrowed into his chest. She hadn’t let go of him all night. He looked down at her sleeping face and felt the raw, unguarded power radiate from her. They were still shrouded in darkness. It was the strangest thing he’d ever experienced. He had no idea if he would ever be able to share that much of Layla’s strength, but it was amazing to experience first-hand how red wolves hid under people’s noses so easily. They had been able to go around the whole room to break all the hidden cameras they could find, and no one had knocked on their door yet to ask what was happening. Maybe they were scared. Or they already knew what Layla could do. It was like they had blended into the darkness. Vampires had the same sensitivity as wolves, but that assassin hadn’t heard their heartbeat or caught their s
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23. Keep Your Head Down
Layla sensed the darkest, most oppressive aura pressing down on her as they walked down the hallway. Several cars had arrived since she had woken up, but she could feel that the new arrival was different. Darker. The cruellest. When they entered the lobby, her muscles stiffened involuntarily as she looked towards the hotel entrance. Hotel staff were lined up on either side of the doors as a limousine stopped just outside. Someone rushed to open the car door, and her heart skipped a beat as she waited to see who would come out. Something in the back of her mind told her that, somehow, her life was about to change forever. She was about to come face to face with evil. Perhaps the face of the person who’d tried to have them killed while they were sleeping. A man in a dark suit and sunglasses stepped out of the car. He brushed imaginary lint off his jacket and straightened his clothes before looking up. Though the sunglasses hid his eyes, she felt he could see through her. And tha
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24. Alpha Cole
Jackson turned the moment someone somehow snuck up on him and grabbed his hand. His claws extended, ready to rip their throat out, but he slashed through... nothing. A spotlight came on and blinded him for a moment before his eyes adjusted. Layla was not in his arms anymore. Lead settled in his stomach when he realised what had happened. His rage ripped through him instantly, and Cain wrested control from him, half-shifting as he looked around the circular prison that was the main attraction in all Circle trials. It was a raised stage made of silver, surrounded by an invisible ward of dark magic to keep him inside it. And he knew from experience that the Circle’s witches would have also warded the whole room. His jacket and shirt started to rip at the seams, constricting him. It took him seconds to get rid of both as he met the gazes of the people that sat around the stage, only feet away from him. “What are you doing?” he snarled. “Give my mate back to me.” It was no longer him
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25. Inevitable
Layla stopped banging on the door and screaming when there was no response. She turned and leaned against the door to look around again. The room felt even smaller. Her throat started to close up, making it harder to breathe. Was she still at the hotel? Did Jax know where she was? “Breathe, Layla,” she gasped. Her knees gave out, and she slid to the floor. So much for being the queen, the woman worthy to stand beside Jackson. She couldn’t even get out of the room. Jax had been right—she was not ready. She was a liability and should never have come with him. If she had left when she’d wanted to... Pain lanced through her chest, but she forced herself to breathe through it. She had to think. She was still alive, which meant Jax was also alive. He would move heaven and earth to find her. Her heart calmed down as her panic started to dissipate. She pushed her fear to the back of her mind and focused on her link to Jax. ‘Jax?’ No response. She couldn’t even tell if he could h
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26. It's Not You, It's Me
“Are they coming after you?” Jax cradled the phone on his shoulder while he thought about how to answer Dylan. The Hunters spotted near Faith’s college were all the proof they needed that those bastards were involved in all the disappearances. The whole pack would be worried. Did he want to worry them with details of how much he’d pissed off the Circle, too? No. But it had to be done. The pack had to prepare for the fallout that was coming. Once again, he was the reason everyone would suffer. He popped the trunk open and pulled up a go bag. Considering all the dangers they faced when they left their territory, having one or two bags full of clothes and emergency supplies in the car was necessary. He pulled a pair of sweats and a t-shirt out before picking something out for Layla. It was a shame about her outfit. They had to burn their bloody clothes and all the evidence so they could travel home, and that outfit had become a favourite. “Jax. Is the Circle going to come for us?”
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27. Feeling Small
Layla was a bag of nerves when Jax stopped the car in front of the packhouse. It had been so easy for the Circle to separate them, and it would have been just as easy for them to kill her. She would never have been able to defend herself the way Jax had done. She would have been the cause of Jackson's death. She was his weakness. Useless. Even the wolf that had come to her aid and given her confidence that they could rescue Faith had abandoned her without telling her what the hell she was supposed to do. She got out of the car without a word to him and rushed up the front steps. Dylan was already waiting there with Gavin, and they didn't look like they'd slept since she'd last seen them. She could cut through their anxiety with a knife. "Have you learned anything else?" she asked them. Both men didn't answer her directly. Instead, they looked behind her at the man coming up the steps. Jax was an emotional void, but she could never completely escape knowing how he felt. His a
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28. Yes, Jax...
It was late when Jax walked out of the ensuite naked after a shower. Layla was on the bed, facing the wall, pretending to sleep. He’d never felt more like a dick than he did from the moment they’d got home. His heart was wounded, and he was taking it out on the woman he loved. Childish. It was so fucking childish, but he hadn’t been able to stop himself. And those fucking bastards. What gave them the right to touch his mate? What made them think it was okay? He’d had to sit through the rest of the meeting with them even though he’d wanted to rip their limbs off. Gauge their eyes out. Rip those tongues out that dared to speak to Layla like he wasn’t in the room. They had enough shit to deal with; they didn’t need to antagonise Cain on top of that. He threw the damp towel he’d been using to dry his hair somewhere across the room and looked at Layla again. How could she think their relationship wasn’t important? It was everything. His gaze went to the couch and then back to the be
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29. Not A Drill
There were holes in the arms of the chair where she'd gripped the fabric too hard to stop herself from going after Jax. She was a coward. On the ride to meet the Circle, Jax had admitted that he thought something was wrong with her wolf. There had to be for her to have been so aggressive with him, even before she’d slapped him. She shouldn’t have made things worse by asking him to go and leave everything behind to protect Hope. Now he thought she was the type to abandon their child easily. He’d been rightfully angry, even before they’d messed things up with the Circle. And then what did she go and do? She’d been like a wolf in heat, further distracting him from what was important— saving the missing wolves and preparing for the Circle’s next move. She couldn’t face him again so soon after that. She’d let the Alphas deal with the logistics of mounting a rescue and only help once they had a plan. Her senses were superior even without her wolf’s aid. She would find a way to be helpfu
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30. The End Of Everything
The planes were in a part of the forest that Layla hadn’t dared go into before. She’d only seen the vast, endless sea of green from Jax’s lookout spot. The cars could only go so far into it, and the rest of the journey was made on foot. The trees were thicker and the canopy denser. And the animals around them didn’t seem to scurry away as they did on the other side. She could sense they were the intruders there. The animals were used to being the kings in the forest and were taking their time deciding if the children were their next meal. She knew only the presence of the adults who already had their wolves were keeping them at bay. She held Hope tighter against her chest and pulled Britney to her. Britney stumbled, as she had already done several times. It made her panic a little. The children could easily see where they were going because they were born with superior senses. Even she’d had excellent eyesight, though she hadn’t known why then. What if this meant Britney had no w
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