All Chapters of The Billionaire's Stripper: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
122 Chapters
Hard To Let Go
“Sir?”Wayne snapped out of his reverie and realized that Tom was holding the doors and waiting for him to step off the elevator. He stepped off the elevator without a word and made his way to his office.“Sir? Umm, excuse me Sir.” Ben spoke up meekly.Wayne sighed with exasperation but didn’t stop walking. “What is it Ben?” This better be good because he wasn’t really in a talking mood after seeing Rose walk away like that.“Umm… Sir… Are...” Ben hesitated to say what was on his mind.“Spit it out for God’s sake.” Wayne stopped and looked at Ben.What was getting his personal assistant all flustered?“Umm, aren’t we going in the wrong direction?” Ben finally let it out.Wayne was about to give a sarcastic reply but looked around first.This wasn’t the way to his office.Wayne had thought that he was going to his office, but he had been walking towards Rose’s office. 
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Kind Hearts & Thick Skins
Nathan had spent the night counting down the hours until what could be considered a reasonable amount of time to give a woman space to forgive you; after you had abandoned her for seven months had passed.He was able to wait until the next morning and had finally decided to call Rose. He picked up his phone and dialed her number.As he listened to ring, it felt like his heart was vibrating in sync to the tone. It didn’t bode well for him if she didn’t pick his call; unless she would call back with the excuse of being busy or something.If Rose answered his call then it meant that she hadn’t written him off yet and was still ready to give him a listening ear. So he would have the opportunity to fill her head with more lies.Nathan had taken a course on Psychology in college and thought of himself as an expert when it came to human nature. He attributed his expertise to how he was able to easily manipulate Rose.Maybe it was because he knew
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Reignite The Spark
“Well, that’s the story.” Rose finished with a sigh.She had just told Jessica the reason Victor said he had left and how he wanted her back.“Damn, that’s really something.” Jessica remarked thoughtfully.“Sooooo, what do you think about it?” Rose asked eagerly.She really wanted to get Jessica’s thoughts on the whole issue. She had believed Victor when he had told her the story, but Wayne didn’t believe a thing Victor had said.Rose couldn’t even understand what Wayne’s issue was. He didn’t want her but he was trying to discredit the man who had come back for her. He hadn’t even been there when Victor had revealed everything.He hadn’t seen the raw pain and emotion in Victor’s eyes when he had told her about the trauma he had endured. So who the hell was Wayne to sit on his high horse and call people liars?But Rose decided she would have a second thought about the whole thing if Jessica thought something fis
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Save My Pigs
“Earth to Rose! Hellooooooo? Can you hear me Sweetie?” Theo snapped his fingers in front of Rose’s eyes before she finally blinked and snapped out of whatever reverie she had been trapped in.“Oh Theo! I’m so sorry; I drifted off for a second. What were you saying?” Rose smiled apologetically and hoped that he would just let it go.Theo raised a brow as he stared at her and she widened her smile. “Theo pleaseeeee! I’m really sorry. It won’t happen again.”It was her lunch break and she was currently at ‘Fits like a Glove’ so she could try on her dress for the Business Awards which was coming up in a few days. Theo was also a designer and he had decided that it would be better if he customized a dress specially for Rose’s big night instead of just stuffing her in a ready-made dress.So he had tapped into his well of creative juice so that his girl could shine brighter than everyone that night. Rose was surprised with the marvelo
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The File
“Are you sure that you wouldn’t rather go with Victor?” Jessica pressed on for the hundredth time.“Like I told you before, he’s not going to be around because there’s an emergency concerning his pigs back at home.” Rose said as she tried not to sarcastically roll her eyes, although Jessica would never know from the other end of the line.Rose had walked into the office a few minutes ago and decided to call Jessica before delving into work. This was the last day before business would be put on hold in celebration of the Business Awards and she wanted to tie up any project with loose ends before taking off.She had been unable to reach Jessica the night before because there had been a big celebration going on at The Pink Glass. Jessica was probably still a little drunk and that was why she kept repeating the same question.Normally, Rose would have given her a few more hours to sleep it off but they needed to finalize plans on going to ge
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Lies Flying Around
Rose managed to stand tall until Wayne walked out of her office. But then she quickly lowered herself into her chair because her legs felt like jelly.Tears stung her eyes but she didn’t want to cry anymore because of Wayne. Who the hell did Wayne think he was?She couldn’t understand what the heck was going on with him. One moment he was glad to be rid of her and push her into Victor’s arms. The next moment when she was powering through and getting over him, he shows up and was apologizing for being an asshole.He dropped a file of lies on her table and expected her to just fall for it and back into his arms.What was wrong with him? Why was he bothering her when so many other women would leap at a chance to be with him?Maybe he was missing the particular feel of her oven.She couldn’t care less!It would be a mistake to ever get tangled in the sheets with Wayne again. Her heart wouldn’t just let he
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The Big Night
Rose woke up with a flurry in her chest.It was finally today! The Business Awards.The only advantage of the whole thing with Wayne was that she had been too occupied to bite her nails about if she was going to win the Marketer of the Year Category or not.Rose wasn’t one of those people who if they didn’t win lied around that they had been satisfied just to have been nominated. She really was satisfied because getting nominated was a huge deal and by this time last year, she never would have imagined that she would have gotten to this point in her career.If she didn’t win the award this time, she was going to work harder and try again next year. She planned to only go forward in her career and never backward.Rose was highly confident that the Business Awards was something Wayne couldn’t influence. He didn’t have any ‘relevant’ people to tamper with results on her behalf. He had never seemed like that kind of person
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Suspense and Drumrolls
All the other occupants of the Blackstone Corp table immediately straightened their backs and sat at attention. It was like they didn’t want the boss to catch them slouching. Rose took a deep breath to steady herself. Asides from when Wayne had come to her office with the file, this was the first time they were going to be in close quarters for a long period of time since the night of insults.She was going to have to get used to being around Wayne. He was her boss and whether she liked it or not, there were times she was going to have to tolerate his presence. She could totally handle this.She was just going to be polite and mind her business like a proper adult. She was going to greet him and move on with her evening. She didn’t even have to look at him after the greeting.Rose really wanted to send Jessica a text but she wasn’t with her phone. People weren’t allowed to bring phones to The Business Award
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Awards & Accusations
The cameras zoomed in on Rose and she showed up on the huge screen onstage.Rose was stunned!The spoon was still halfway to her mouth and it took all her effort to convince her hand to let go. But that was she could manage; she was still frozen in shock.Meanwhile, the host was still going on and on. “This award is not given based on the company the marketer works for. It is given based on what the marketer has managed to accomplish through hard work, innovation and diligence.Rose Cohen is Blackstone Corp’s Chief Marketing Officer, Manhattan Headquarters and she was employed in July. There was a level of doubt concerning if she was fit for the position and would be able to carry out her duties but Wayne Blackstone stood by his decision and stated in a private interview that Miss Rose was a force to be reckoned with. Plus who are we to tell Mr. Blackstone how to run his business?” A chuckle spread through the hall.Ro
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The Cobra
The moment had finally come!Jessica was beside herself with glee. She almost gave Tina the standing ovation she thought that she so rightly deserved.The only regret she had was that she had been unable to bring her phone into the hall. The look of shock on Rose’s face was everything. Jessica’s only consolation was that the reporters present had probably all gotten the picture.So she would get it one way or the other when it was published the next day. Hmmmm, maybe she would frame it. Jessica had been racking her brain ever since the first time she had eaten lunch at Winifred’s place. Winifred said that Wayne detested bad publicity and disassociated himself from anything that would put a stain on the Blackstone name, company and the things he had worked hard to build.Ever since then, she had been chanting it like a mantra and trying to see how she could get Rose into that category. But it w
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