All Chapters of Pregnant For My Boss: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
95 Chapters
Chapter 31 Annoying Question
||" DAMIEN "||Hearing that name from her mouth got me taken aback a little. Truthfully when she said she wanted to play truth and dare, this wasn't what I had pictured. Whatever was transpiring between us right now wasn't what I had wanted.The question wasn't the questions I wanted, everything had gone out of plan and now she knows Lucia too.Stupid Damien, hi2 careless would I be for me to have muttered that name to her hearing, not like I should have a problem with her knowing that but I just didn't want any random person saying that name carelessly around me.So I pulled a trigger, I was already tipsy and almost might have seemed pathetic to her, so what more could I say that could be so bad?"I will answer your questions if you bend to my rules, not all of my rules anyway, what do you say?" I asked,"What are your rules, Damien?" She asked, eyes trained on me as if she 2as daring me to mess up.I huffed, "I will ask you my dare and truth questions and you are to answer and do ev
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Chapter 32 A Tidbit Of My Past
||" Kristen Stewart "||I was blaring angrily at him, I couldn't believe he did such high-end research on me, was that how it was done with the rest of the staff in the company or was it just me?If it was just me, why did he do that, what did he hope to achieve by doing that, it was crazy the things he knew about me, things I thought I could have hidden forever. Even though my mother doesn't know I worked as a stripper, I had told her I worked at a club as a bartender and the customers were generous since the club had an underground ring where drugs were in supply for the elites and VIPs that came to the club.I never told her that where I worked had a casino and a strip club, and I was apparently working in that dept as a stripper and a delicious treat sight for those men that constantly flooded the casino. Only Sky had known of this secret, would she have been the one to tell Damien? No, Sky would never do a thing like that, she didn't even tell my mother about it, she had no reaso
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Chapter 33 Bad Move
||" Damien Troy "||I was nervous, she was trotting me, to say the least, she had amazed me so far, impressed so fucking much, she asked questions and stood her ground in ways u didn't think possible for a woman.Whatever she was going to do to me right now, I wasn't going to go against it, I could not even go against it even if I tried. She had me in a chokehold. I never knew she was that kinky when she threw off her mesh shirt, I swallowed painfully and bit down the choke that wanted to escape from my throat.She was going to reward me…reward me for being good, I felt very vulnerable being in the position to receive that, I didn't contend with her, didn't want to contend with her.I was so dazed and felt so intoxicated that she could have asked me to bark and I will go on my knees and bark, that was how intoxicated I felt.I just wanted relief."You have been so good, Damien, responding and answering all my questions like a good man, right?"I nodded, ignoring the domination stink t
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Chapter 34 A Bit Surprised
||" Kristen Stewart "||"Even if I was pregnant?!" I blurted out without thinking, I honestly don't why I said that I shouldn't have said that, it was supposed to be a secret, what the actual fuck!!!Kristen, you loud-mouthed bitch! I cussed myself,"Pregnant?" Damien repeated looking up,Oh shit, he heard me!What do I do now? He actually heard me,This was stupid, I should just deny but God helps ne, I am not the type to mince and play with words.So…"Yes, would you still like everything about me if I was pregnant?" I asked again, ignoring the sudden wobble that was floating in my stomach."Are you pregnant Kristen?" He asked, his eyes searching mine as if he would find the genuine truthful answer in there, "Answer my questions Kristen, are you pregnant?"His voice sounded cold,The room suddenly became chilly, as it had always been this cold, or it was just the temporary loss of emotional connection between Damien and me. We had been in the high spirit of desiring each other but r
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Chapter 35 The Night End
||" Damien Troy "||My lips quivered, I didn't know what was happening to me, I actually felt hurt, I had prickly heat swelling up in my chest, I didn't like this, my mind was clouded and felt blurry.The world felt blurry.It's a lie….I kept repeating it to myself, like a mantra, Kristen's words felt alive in my ears, I could feel every statement, every line of words she said. I could feel everything.She was hurting and haunting me with her words, and as much as I didn't want to give her the satisfaction that she was winning, she wasn't,At least that's what I told myself."Kristen?" I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper, someone might even think I'm crying, even though I wasn't, yes I was hurt and my heart pinged with pain but I wasn't crying. I will never cry for myself, much less a wannabe dominant woman."Are you crying, Damien?" She asked, her eyebrows raised questionably, even the tone of her voice had softened.I shook my head, "No, Kristen…I'm not crying, why? Would y
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Chapter 36 Taken By Surprise
||" Kristen Stewart "||"Kristen, you are going to be late for work," I heard my mother cry out for the umpteenth time, I sighed and reached for my covers, pulling them over my face to block some of the sun rays from peering into my eyes. She has been shouting the same thing since the early hours of the day, I couldn't help but wonder if she wasn't tired of shooting already and nope, I wasn't going to work today.She was already asleep when I got off the phone with Damien yesterday, I had asked permission to be given a day off today, to rest and hopefully, some of the bruises on my neck will fade before I return to the office.I tried going back to sleep but even after closing my eyes and lying still for sometimes trying to get myself to slip off into unconsciousness, it still proved futile. I was awake, much to my detest.I still felt the ache and soreness all over, exactly why I wanted to extend my sleep schedule this morning.This was my mother's fault, I grumbled as I made my way
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Chapter 37 A Plan
||" Damien Troy "||I lay on the bed feeling exhausted after my return from the gym that morning, I knew I was sweating but I didn't want to be unbridled by the fact that my sweats were going to soil the sheets.I knew the maid was going to change it immediately after I was out of the house for the day.I went straight to the gym after I left Kristen and from there I exercised for more than 4hours, I can't remember the last time I did so much exercise and stretches for that period.It was exhilarating as it was also very exhausting.But I did, thanks to the mess in my head, My mind was fuzzy with nonsensical thoughts, and I felt like an asshole, I couldn't seem to come to terms with myself.Not to mention that Kristen's words kept looping in my mind, even when I tried to distract myself by working out the extra hours, but it was futile.With a frustrated grunt, I jerked up from the bed and headed to get a quick shower.Within minutes I was already dressed and headed out to the office.
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Chapter 38 He is Here
||" Kristen Stewart "||My mother looked at me with the same surprised look I had on my face."Mama, Sky just said that my boss is on his way here to have lunch or brunch, I don't have any fucking idea," I said worriedly,"Language, watch your language lady," Mother chided,"My apologies mother, I just feel stressed and I thought it was going t9 be a rest day for me, but apparently not." I sighed, "Sky said it's supposed to be a secret, she was asked not to inform me about them coming,""Them?""So Sky will be coming with him, and I'm pretty sure Mr Vitali would be joining him too, Mr Vitali is the head of human resources, he is the one in charge of all the workers' well-being.""Oh, that makes sense. Then there is no need for us to sit around. Since we already know about them coming here, we should make good use of that information." Mother said,"What are you suggesting?" I asked,"Well, your boss is here to eat right?" She asks,"Yes, that is what I have been told,""Well then, let
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Chapter 39 Feels like home
||" Damien Troy "||I didn't know what to expect when I decided to go to Kristen's home. My anxiety rose even more when I arrived at the house.It was a beautiful complex building, with a beautiful garden that had only flowers. It smelled homely. It felt at home like I was home.Now that was a feeling I haven't felt in a while."Let's go inside sir," Sky said after she stepped out of the car."This is where Kristen lives with her mother?" I asked,"Yes, sir." Sky replied, "Is there a problem?"I shook my head, "There is no problem at all, but just curious, do they deal in flowers, why are there so many flowers in the garden?"Sky peered her eyes towards the garden and then smiled fondly. "Kristen has loved flowers since she was a child, so she plants them for pleasure and also for learning. She also experiments with them in her free time." She explained,I nodded in understanding,"I didn't know Kristen was that type of woman, I'm both surprised and impressed," Vitali added,I nodded
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Chapter 40 He Wants My Invite
||" Kristen Stewart '||I rolled my eyes when Damien shrugged, it was the audacity he had for me, first of all, he comes to my house unannounced and now he is throwing words to provoke me.Tell me that isn't like the joke of the century.But I won't give him the satisfaction he wants, I will ignore him as I should…I glanced back at Vitali, "If you like it that much, I could sneak more from the fridge. My apologies though, it never occurred to me that other people will have similar tastes to my mum and me.""That will be very nice of you, Kristen. I knew you were the right choice for the job from the moment you stepped through the door of my office," He flattered, "I chuckled and smiled gratefully,"Thank you for giving me a chance then, Mr Vitali, honestly if you didn't give me that chance, I would have concluded that I was out of luck," I said,Damien scoffed,Vitali looked at him and then looked at me and grinned, "You are very talented, Kristen and also very…" He glanced at Damien
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