All Chapters of After Divorce I Became A Zillionaire: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
192 Chapters
Pass out
KeishaI was so pissed and angry and the moment, the fact that that foolish girl had to guts to run away from the slave masters regardless of the top security that means she needs to be feared, even after two years that sticking bitch thinks she still deserves to lives, I already know the fact that Dom would never accept a bitch like her again, but then I’m worried, Dom had been in a coma for years, only for me to get a call right now that he woke up and left the country, well this means one thing. This is not good, the Dom I know is crazy and ruthless, he's surely going to come back for me and right now, I don't have much support anymore since the slave master who provided me with guards and gangs is all upset with me, especially the chief head, he's so angry with the fact that the foolish girl ran away from the bunkHow am I supposed to fight Dom when he comes for me, what am I supposed to do at this moment, I need to protect myself I cannot die so much, maybe I should go back to t
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DomWe made sure the old man, whose name turned out to be Mr Zino was moved to another place with his kids and my Tana, we moved them to a place more safer and conducive, a place that has everything they needed and also a secret doctor will be coming to check on Tana from time to time till she was up. I called my father and told him how we found Tana and send her to a better place, my father welcome the Idea as we all agreed to keep it a secret, now that my Tana is safe and sound, that bitch Keisha gave nothing on me anymore and I think it's time for me to pay her a little visit“That bitch Keisha!” Viper groaned in anger as he kept on smoking heavily. I asked my boys to keep an eye on Keisha’s whereabouts so it can be easier for us to strike or do whatever we want to do.I dialed the number of the head gang and placed it on my ear“What's the news?”“Boss we are confused”I looked at Viper who gave me a raised eyebrow muttering….“What happened?” I signaled for him to be patient “Wh
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Keisha's determination
KeishaAfter almost six hours of using me like a toy, those crazy servants tossed me into the sheep house and locked me up, I can't believe I walked into the pit of suffering on my own accord, I thought that useless master was going to help me but it turned out I ended up becoming a tool to satisfy those hungry servants they sex urge,I could barely stand up, I was fucked so hard till I could no longer cry anymore, I was covered in blood, I was still naked and my whole clothes has been torn into pieces, my hair was so dissolved and tacky after several grabbing and twisting from different men, I was still sweating profusely, I looked so tacky and disgusting at the moment and yet they still locked me up in the sheep’s house that l is filled with sheep’s dug and dirt all over the places, I was naked and lying in this dirty place is not good for my health, They could even offer me a piece of rag to cover my naked body, I was so thirsty and yet they refused to offer me water after almost
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Keisha's determination
KeishaI woke up with my whole body sore, they finally managed to wear me some sackcloth, it's better than being naked in this dirty place, I tried standing up but I couldn't my whole body was sore, I was feeling pain all over my body and I have no single energy left inside of me, I was thirsty and hungry yet the only thing I’m seeing is hungrily looking sheep's that looks like they want to devour me, That slave master is so heartless I swear if I ever get out of here I’m going to kill him on my own, I ain't rest till I kill that heartless man, I never knew this was what that innocent girl has been suffering for the past how much I have myself for being the reason for her pain, how much I wanted to curse myself for all the things I made her pass through. How could I have done that to her?If only I could get a second chance to rewrite my wrongs, I know I might never get out of here alive, but that's okay cause I deserve everything that's happening to me right now, but one thing's for
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The plan
DomWe got out of the slave master’s mansion with all the evidence we needed, we got to our car and removed our disguise including our mask. I was still wondering I can't believe that those masters will do that to Keisha,“I couldn't recognize Keisha when I saw her,” I said to Viper, “I think they want to torture her till she tells them of Tana’s whereabouts”“Keisha doesn't even know where Tana is…”“That's the point but Keisha knows that Tana is still alive but does not want to tell those slave masters, and do you still remember the comment she made when we walked in, when she had not seen our faces yet?”“Yes, she said if they are there to ask her about Tana’s whereabouts that she rather die than say anything to them,” I answered “But why is she protecting Tana all of a sudden?” Viper asked“Maybe because she has seen the pain that Tana went through all because of her and she's repented and decided to protect Tana with her last breath, but it's already too late cause everything h
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The gunshot
KeishaI couldn't stop feeling anxious it felt more like something is about to happen and I can't place my hand on what it is but I know that I feel so restless at the moment, I can't continue to stay here, I need to stand up and find a way out, I was weak I need food, I need to bathe cause right now I’m even disgusted by my smell.I tried to get up but I was too weak to stand up, I was still struggling when I heard the fumbling of keys outside the door, I acted like I was sleeping but was silently waiting for whoever it is to come in, the door opened and it turned out it was one of the guards, he came with a bucket of water for the shee to drink and a bowl of leftover rice, he walked to the sheep and dropped it in front of them,He kicked me and walk over me like a slave, I winced silently in pain and watched as the guards left and locked the door afterward, I struggled and crawled towards the bowl of rice that was kept for the sheep to eat, I pulled the bowl of rice close as I began
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She's alive
KeishaI watched myself as I tumbled down the hill, with my back hitting so many hard objects, I could see myself about to fall into a deeper part of the hill when suddenly I saw a shrub and held onto it, with the little strength in me I managed to find a level o place, I crawl to the leveled part of the hill and slowly laid down. Right now my breathing is so faint, I tried my hardest to stay awake but I couldn't, I could only do my best by staying awake till now, I’ve lost so much blood and dizziness was at the door knocking, the more I fight it the stronger it gets,I looked around this whole place and nobody was walking around this place, I still remember that I promised myself that I’m not going to die till I sent that heartless slave master to hell, I was slowly crawling into darkness with nobody around to help me, But I was a fighter even till my very last breath I fought to stay alive, I was fighting to keep my eyes open slowly hoping that someone would pass by and have pity o
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The operation
DomIt was finally the day for us to leave for the operation, Viper and I were already at the slave master’s mansion but we were packed at a distant place, we wore matching black sweatpants and black leather jackets, and we were both wearing bulletproof underneath the jacket, we both wore a face cap and cover our faces with a mask, we were fully armed, we were packed at a distance as we monitor the movement outside using microscope, using the tracking devices we placed outside the house the other day,The police and the FBI are already on their way and we are waiting patiently for them to come so we would go over to the back and block the back exit while the police and the FBI will carry out the rest of the operation from here, today seems different, the numbers of the guards outside are more in numbers,“Do you observe anything different?” I asked Viper“I was thinking the same thing, the number of guards outside is so much, it's more like they already heard that we are coming”“Exa
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Reunion 3
DomI opened my eyes and was surprised to see all my family members starting from my father, mother, and Viper, “Dom, you're awake” Viper asked in tears holding my hand“My baby” Mum called crying “Son, you made it,” My father said in a cracked voice, I held my head and tried sitting up on the bed, “Wait let me help you,” Mother said and placed a pillow behind my back and helped me to sit up“What happened, Viper? Where are those bastards?” I groan“Calm down Dom, they are now in prison”“Prison?” “Hmmm, you have been unconscious for one week, it's a miracle that you woke up now, the doctor said you're a fighter, thank you for waking up Dom, I was so scared” Viper cried hugging me so tight“ don't cry, okay?” I said patting his back, “I’m just happy you made it” I smiled and wiped his tears while my father and mother stood by the side watching the both of us, “Viper?”“Hmmm….”“Thank you for always standing beside me, thank you for being the best brother and friend
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The wedding
TanaWalking down the aisle was a dream come true for me, this is a day I once never thought would ever happen again, I once thought life was officially over not until that day when Keisha sneaked in and saved my life, she helped me out of the slave master’s gate and never to look back, I was scared, but I believed in fate, and here I am today, finally getting married to the love of my life, All my family were present and that is the best part, including my friend, Xavier is now married to Lily, Xander is also married to Donna while Xacky was still single and achieving the good things in life too. All my friends are wealthy, and I couldn't be much happier seeing them on my wedding day,Did I also forget the part that their parents came too, except Mr Nicklaus who's on a business trip and couldn't make it today, my family and friends were all smiling brightly as they watched me walk down the aisle with my father, My colleagues at work all came including Tracy my personal assistant, I
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