All Chapters of The Billionaire's Alternate Plan: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
136 Chapters
Chapter Eighty-One—Michael’s Self Discoveries
“I don’t believe I’ll be doing that anymore. Because I’ve realized something I failed to consider. You aren’t like the others. I’ve seen people accuse you of doing things that angered me in the past. I took their word without verifying their evidence. Now you’re telling me you have evidence of things I sent you, that I didn’t send you, and you’re willing to use it against me in a divorce that will not happen.” Michael pondered how the evening had transformed from a first date to discuss divorce proceedings. He desperately wanted to fix this. Now he had someone impersonating him to his wife. “Fine. I will show you one video and you could figure out if it happened. I received this the morning of January first this year.” Julie came back onto the balcony with her photo and handed him the evidence. When the video played, he saw himself in a bathroom with his pants around his ankles, driving into a woman. Initially unsure of her identity, the person who recorded th
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Chapter Eighty-Two—The Campaign Against Juliette
Julie snatched her phone from Michael’s hand, and he pulled out his phone. “Crap, it’s Leon. I wonder what his problem is. He’s probably having more problems with Aria.” Michael said. His words came out in a grumbled before he answered the call. “Can it wait until the morning?” Michael asked. He wanted to keep talking to Julie and finally come to an agreement. “Nope, we need damage control, Mike. I’m sending you a link. Look at it now. You will not like it. I’m trying to find out who’s feeding this information to the journalist. But we can now get them on not verifying their facts.” Leon didn’t sound thrilled at making this call. “What are you talking about? I’m putting you on speakerphone. Julie is with me.” Michael said. He glared irritably at his phone and spoke to his friend. “You’ll want to take this call somewhere else. She will not hear this because it’s going to upset her.” Leon warned Michael before he even opened the link to the gos
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Chapter Eighty-Three—Juliette’s Email Complication
Michael finally ended the call with Leon, promising that they’d meet in the morning and come up with a game plan. He expected to turn around and find Julie listening to the information. Or eager to ask questions. What he found was Julie staring at her phone, and she’d clearly stopped listening to his conversation. “Julie? You’ll need to contact your agent and have him talk to your publisher about this.” “Why? Stephen’s already contacted me. He’s trying to get the contracts cleared up so I can get my copyrights back from my publisher.” “What? Michael was clueless about the situation, but sensed something was wrong. They informed her publisher they’d dealt with the matter and the articles held no validity. “They want no connection to someone the media has destroyed the reputation of, and they’re claiming I broke a morality clause. Michael, I don’t remember if there’s a morality clause in any of my contracts with them.” “Wel
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Chapter Eighty-Four—Making Juliette See Reason
“You’re really looking after this? Of course, you’re looking after this. It affects your reputation and image as much as mine. Your friend’s reputations and images are involved as well.” “Don’t let Leon hear you say that, Julie. He sees himself as your friend and never cannot tell me when I’m screwing up with you.” “Really? I guess you didn’t listen to him very much about that.” “After we married, we talked little because of the mess Aria pulled. Just because I told him he could take Aria, that didn’t mean I liked it. He thought he was saving everyone by taking her away. Leon wasn’t expecting Aria to latch on to him like she did. He confessed his interest in her, which sparked chaos in his life. When I realized what he went through about six months later, I was glad it was him and not me.” “Why did you allow her to return? If you were glad to have avoided that situation, why bring her back and string her along? “Two reaso
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Chapter Eighty-Five—Michael’s Changes Noticed
The next morning, Julie woke up feeling a little better and remembered Michael had a meeting to speak with Leon. She needed to start things so he could prepare. She couldn’t remember the exact time of his morning meeting, but she knew it was early and his first task of the day. They’d be dealing with this mess online. Julie remained uncertain about his ability to do what he claimed. She’d been all set to give up again and here she was finding hope in a person she’d least expected help from, let alone hope in any form. Michael was slowly persuading her to accept this at face value and have faith in him to create miracles. Right now she needed to run around doing her routine, so everything was in its place before she lost herself in writing or doing her own editing before it went off to Mike, the man she’d hired to edit her last two novels. In the bathroom, she grabbed a quick shower in case the meeting was here. Julie suspected she wouldn’t be able
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Chapter Eighty-Six—Meeting With Leon
Leon arrived on time, and Julie caught sight of him. She saw Michael looking rumpled and unhappy, and then Leon, who appeared ready for war. He’d been the one to set up the downfall of the modelling agency staff and Aria’s manager for the drugs. Julie didn’t remember seeing Aria taking medication over the years they knew each other. She remembered rumours during school about Aria taking drugs. But she was sketchy on the details. Again, Aria’s life took precedence over hers with Michael. Julie hated it. She felt how unjust and one-sided it was. She hated being the one on the losing end again. The pretty blonde received all the attention, leaving Julie to fend for herself. Julie worried about disappointing Michael again, and this was the reason Julie believed she wasn’t worthy like Aria. She couldn’t work in this emotional state, and Julie unconsciously looked for something to do so she could avoid her work. Ju
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Chapter Eighty-Seven—Getting Their Facts Straight
Michael brought Leon into his office, and they closed themselves off from the rest of the apartment. “Mike, what was that? After signing the separation and divorce papers, I never saw her again. Michael could see Leon’s discomfort of this. “I’m sorry if I said something wrong. Dude, it’s not any better, is it?” “In some ways, it is. I’m less annoyed with her now that I understand her deliberate actions and the unintentional consequences of dealing with her day and the surrounding people. But we’re pussyfooting around the past and it’s a real pain. I’d rather not revisit last night. It scared the crap out of me. That wouldn’t have scared me before I figured this out about Julie. I would have thought I’d annoyed her, and she’s giving me the silent treatment.” Michael hated saying this to Leon, but of anyone, Leon was the one person he believed he could trust. “Wait, what happened? Rewind for a minute and fill in the details you missed the first time
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Chapter Eighty-Eight—In A State, Like Any Other Day
Julie tried to get through her work, but try as she may, it wouldn’t happen. She’d have to send it off to Mike for editing as is. To stay on schedule, she had no other choice. The schedule became irrelevant when the publisher rejected the novel, but Mike’s popularity meant they still had to make appointments for him. It was something that kept her working and on schedule for other aspects of her writing. Deadlines helped, as did music. It didn’t work for everyone, but it worked for her. Unlike Michael, she could wear a set of earbuds with the music on softly, and Ms. Higgins could do as she pleased around the apartment. It wouldn’t bother her one bit. If the music was instrumental only. But today the music wasn’t cutting it. She changed playlists three times, but it didn’t help. Julie couldn’t forget the kitchen scene. She’d been rude to Michael and Leon. Michael’s only intention was to help her. All they discussed was how different she was from Aria.
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Chapter Eighty-Nine—Dealing With Trouble
“She says start and she’ll be right here. I found Julie in the kitchen baking cookies. Is that something she does regularly?” Leon returns to Michael’s home office, and he took his seat at the table before a monitor that hung on the wall where the faces of four men appeared. One man Leon didn’t know grumbled. “Great, she’s anxious and avoiding doing her work.” Leon looked at Michael. “That’s Stephen Jones, Julie’s agent.” “When we arrived to prepare for the meeting, she had already been working for hours. She craved something sweet but couldn’t find it in the kitchen, so she made it herself. I’d say that’s using her time wisely. Oh, she promised to bring something in here for us when she came.” Seeing the publisher’s logo behind the other stranger, Leon decided it wasn’t wise to say it in front of everyone. “You’ve met John and Gary, our lawyers.” Michael gave the final introduction of the attendees. He’d not expected the
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Chapter Ninety—Juliette Sees Michael’s Efforts
Julie didn’t know what she walked into when she first opened Michael’s office door, but she wasn’t expecting to hear him go for the jugular of a representative of her publisher. She recognized who he worked for by the symbol on the wall, not his name. But there Michael sat, acting like they’d attacked him personally, and cancelled his contract with them, not hers. She felt a warm spot form in her chest from this discovery. Was this part of his plan to win her over? Julie felt indifferent but appreciated having someone on her side besides her few reliable allies. She’d expected that to happen for Aria with Leon there, and she couldn’t picture Michael doing this for her without seeing it herself. If someone told her, he’d done this, she more than likely wouldn’t have believed them. Julie was too busy listening to people defend her against the publisher’s representative and criticize the media’s gossip articles to speak. The veiled threats flew from Michael and his lawyer so
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