All Chapters of Broken Luna-Rejected And Reclaimed: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
109 Chapters
Rightful owner
WINTER'S POV:I kept staring at my mother, memories of Helios warning me about my children trying to hide the necklace flooding back.This must be the level of danger he had mentioned. The gravity of the situation was pronounced in my mother's expression; she wasn't joking.And I doubted she'd ever joke about something like this."I haven't been the best mother to you," she whispered, her voice cracking toward the end. I thought she might start crying, but even though she didn't, I could see tears welling up in her eyes."I'm sorry, darling. I should have let you make your own choices. I wrongly assumed I could make better decisions for you. I went wrong right from the beginning when you took that oath..." She paused, took a deep breath, and continued."Your father had warned me against it, but I chose to follow my own path. I'm truly sorry, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." She murmured, her grip on my face gentle. "We can talk about whatever you want when you
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Tornado from hell
WINTER'S POVI didn't think I had managed to distance myself very far from it. And I didn't believe I could, either. Exhaustion gripped me; my hands ached from clutching the horse's reins too tightly, and my head throbbed. Wincing at the bitter taste that now dominated my palate, I pushed myself beyond my limits.Firstly, my primary goal was survival. If I got caught up in the tornado, I doubted anyone would find my remains—this was the most violent one I had ever witnessed.Secondly, I couldn't afford to fail my mission to meet Rafael; dying would render all my efforts pointless.Lastly, for some unknown reason, I couldn't counter the strong wind. It was perplexing, considering I had been able to deflect even the fiercest gusts before. Nevertheless, no matter how hard I struggled, all my attempts were in vain.The horse let out a distressed neigh, abruptly coming to a halt. "Come on," I groaned, rubbing its mane. "I know you're tired too, but I promise we'll find a safe place to res
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What the hell happened?!
RAFAEL'S POVI groaned and rolled out of the sleeping bag. My eyes ached from barely getting any sleep.Ever since I embarked on this journey, which I believed to be a suicidal mission, shutting my eyes had become difficult. Even the slightest movement made it nearly impossible. I didn't think I had traveled far, but it was still distant enough for anyone to reach me—anyone like Winter. I had intentionally left without telling her because I knew she would have tried to stop me.Additionally, I noticed that the mark on Naomi was the same as the mark that had been on James when he was attacked. If powerful werewolves like James and Naomi had been injured as though they hadn't even tried to defend themselves, it indicated that their opponents were formidable enemies. Strangely, the marks on them matched the ones I had seen on the people the night before. I was certain they were connected.My hands clenched into fists as I lifted myself off the ground, groaning as my stomach rumbled. I g
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Never meddle
RAFAEL's POV:When I woke up later, I felt better than before. I could move my limbs and other parts of my body, although pain still shot through me at intervals. I glanced at Winter, who was still unconscious and walked towards her. Carrying her proved somewhat difficult due to my exhaustion.Luckily, the hut hadn't been swept away despite the destructive force. I took her inside and laid her on the hay grass before draping a cloth over her."I hope you wake up soon enough to explain the meaning of this," I said, glaring.Sitting beside the hut, I clasped a hand over my face and exhaled deeply. A large part of the forest had been utterly destroyed, revealing a path I had just noticed.My brows creased as I stood up and walked slowly towards it. It wasn't just ordinary; it seemed like some kind of gateway or perhaps a portal. I couldn't tell, but it was swirling, and with each step I took towards it, it seemed to change in dimension and color.I couldn't explain what it was. I tried w
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Crystal clear
WINTER's POVRafael ignored me for a while, refusing to speak. I couldn't help but wonder if his silence was due to his anger over my presence. Yet, that was something I wouldn't apologize for. In fact, it should be me who was angry at him, not the other way around. He was redirecting all his anger towards me."What's our plan?" I mumbled, trying to start a conversation. The earlier tornado had obliterated everything, and I suspected the goddess had lent a hand in the destruction as well.I distinctly remember being pulled into its powerful grip and pushed into Rafael. The tornado had slammed into him numerous times. It seemed like he should have suffered from serious injuries, maybe even broken bones, but astonishingly, he appeared unscathed, as if nothing had occurred.While I couldn't say the same for myself, although I might not have any physical injury, I felt pain internally."You should be asking yourself that," Rafael responded. "After all, you caused this.""I'm not referring
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WINTER's POVWe had barely taken a few steps into the forest when the first drop of water landed on my skin. I assumed it was Rafael as he took a sip from his bottle. I turned to him, glaring."What?" he asked innocently."You know exactly what you did," I retorted, my scowl deepening."I didn't do anything," he shot back defensively."Yes, you absolutely did," I replied firmly."Do you always go around accusing people of things they didn't do, or is it just the pregnancy hormones talking?" he grumbled.His words stung, and I crossed my arms, glaring at him. "You clearly poured that water on me, yet you're acting as if you're innocent. An apology wouldn't hurt, you know. No need to act so arrogant all the time!""I genuinely didn't do what you're accusing me of!" Rafael growled.I opened my mouth to argue back, but the roar of the wind and thunder interrupted me.I glanced up at the darkening sky. It seemed like night was falling quickly, and I assumed it was just the time of day. I h
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Are you jealous?
SLADE'S POVWinter was still in my arms, sobbing softly. I struggled to understand our situation and how we ended up in the forest, but my mind felt empty and confused.The more I attempted to inquire about what was happening, the more Winter's sobs continued. So, I chose to let her cry it out and patiently awaited her explanation.After a while, her tears gradually subsided, and as soon as she met my gaze, I couldn't help but stare back. Her eyes were rimmed with red."What's happening? Why are we here?" I inquired."I can't believe you're alive," she whispered, clutching my shirt in her hands. "Oh my god, you're alive, and it feels like a dream!"She exclaimed, her eyes welling up with more tears."As long as I understand the situation, I don't think I can fathom what's going on," I admitted, guiding her to a nearby timber."It's complicated, Slade," she sighed."I'm all ears for a story like that, and I've got all day," I reassured her.Winter shook her head, wincing slightly, her
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Slade, who is Rafael
WINTER'S POVI groaned as I woke up, sitting up abruptly as the memories from the previous night flooded back to me.It wasn't a dream; it felt too magical for that. It seemed like we had both given each other everything, as if it might be the last time we'd see each other.A grimace crossed my face as I noticed my clothes strewn across the forest floor, and Slade was nowhere in sight.Slade or Rafael? Despite him mentioning that he was the former, it still felt surreal. I tried to piece together what had happened without getting lost in the passion, but all I could understand was that the goddess had spared me from venturing into the dangerous forest to seek Slade's memory.A smile lit up my lips, and I rose gingerly from my spot, forgetting my earlier shyness due to my nakedness. It had been an insecurity I struggled with, and though I knew Slade would make me feel better, I didn't want to dwell on that too much.Once I was dressed, Slade returned from who knows where, and I raised
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Hello Sister
WINTER'S POV"Winter, you're hurting me!" Slade cried out."Please, stop!" Rafael choked."You can't kill me without killing them!" chuckled the monstrous figure before me. "I told you, but you're too stubborn to listen!"Stunned, I let go and stumbled backward, my eyes widening as I tried to make sense of the situation. I thought I had finally achieved what I wanted, but it seemed like wishful thinking.I couldn't hurt the monstrous figure without hurting them.Now, I was a pawn in the goddess's twisted game, and I couldn't find a way out, no matter how hard I thought.It felt as if there was no escape for me. Whatever I did, it seemed certain that I would either end up harming Slade or Rafael. Shaking my head slightly, I asked, "Who sent you? Are you here to kill me, and why?""Who sent me?" He scoffed, his lips twisting into a sneer as if I had said something absurd and awful. "Who sent me doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm here to kill you so that the darkness within you nev
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Only you can help him
WINTER'S POV"Summer," I breathed out, my eyes wide.I couldn't believe she was standing before me.There was no way! It felt like an eternity since I last saw her, and her presence was a strange mix of comfort and disbelief."Well, won't you give your favorite sibling a hug?" She asked, tilting her head.I noticed her blonde hair was shorter than I remembered, now shoulder-length. But that wasn't the only change. The color appeared darker as if it had been tinted. Her outfit was different too, a khaki sleeveless dress that fell just above her knees cinched at the waist with a belt for a better fit.A bow slung across her shoulder, and an arrow gripped in her hand. Summer never struck me as the arrow-and-bow kind of girl. Seeing her with one felt oddly out of place.She moved toward me, and I instinctively stepped back, my eyes narrowing at her. "Don't think I've forgotten everything you did to me. There's no way I'm pretending we're on good terms.""I'm glad you still feel that way a
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