Semua Bab Trafficked to the Viper's Don (book 1): Bab 111 - Bab 115
115 Bab
Chapter 111 Trust no one!
*Lilith POV*My eyes flutter open, followed by a pang of pain. I didn't know what happened; what I could only remember was that I was hit by a stranger, but the stranger felt farmilar."Hello! Who is here?"I called out, using the last straw of my strength. My orbs studied the room in which I was placed; it felt more like a cell. My body was covered in dirt, and my legs were chained, leaving my body with only underwear and being placed on the cold floor.My mind felt fuzzy, but I tried to keep my eyes open. Whatever this is, it's very dangerous, and I can bet I'm not in the viper's household.After awhile, the door finally opened, and a masked figure entered, holding a plate of food."Who are you, and why am I here?" I questioned the guard but received no response from him; he just gestured for me to eat and left."God have mercy," I mumble in shaky breath. It didn't take long before I was fetched from the room, heading to God knows where. I simply followed them quietly till we got to
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Chapter 112 Haunting the traitors
*Thierry POV*After learning about what I did last night, I felt so awful and decided to make it up to her.I asked Boris what I could offer to my wife for hurting her, but his dumb brain was worse in the aspect of women than mine, so I quickly did research online, and after so many ridiculous ideas, I settled for bouquets of flowers and some luxurious sets of jewelry with her name engraved on them beautifully.Getting to the base, I was delayed a bit with an emergency about Jahi missing from the base as well as some of our weapons.After taking care of the issue a bit, I decided to head to my room to see my woman before going back. "Babydoll! Babydoll!" I called out sweetly but got no response.I searched the entire room but couldn't find her. I didn't know when panic began to sip in, but I didn't allow it to get to my head. I guess she must be somewhere in the household.Seconds passed into minutes and minutes into hours, but Lilith couldn't be found, her whereabouts unknown."Bang!
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Chapter 113 Kill the traitors!
*Thierry POV*The fool thought that just because he has given me such a beating, I'm good as dead, but that was his costly mistake.As soon as he left me for a moment to go and reload his gun, I summoned my strength and lunged for him from behind.I throw out my fist, hitting him on the nose till it broke to my satisfaction. I throw my fist again to his side, but he dodges it, throwing out his, hitting me straight in the eye. I wince and kick his gorin. I aim for his left, kicking his ass out, then duck, tackling him to the ground.I brought out my pistol and blew off his brain, killing him on the spot. I stood up, brought out a handkerchief, and cleaned up the blood from my body.I made a body twist, whining my shoulders to an unknown song as I whistled forward to get another opponent.The sound of bullets didn't stop going off in the atmosphere, as did the sound of pain and cries. I got to a particular door and took out the goons without much difficulty."Welcome!" A proud voice gre
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Chapter 114 A moment of peace
*Lilith POV*I was ushered into a huge bedroom, where I stumbled upon a set of sexy clothes with the note, "Get sexy for me!" I felt like poking, seeing the disgusting note, but I have to fight myself to stay strong, if not for anything but for the sake of my baby.I scan the room, hoping to see an escape route, but unfortunately I can't pinpoint any. The window was off limits because it's built like a cell window, with rods crossing each other.I bite the bottom of my lips, stomping my foot on the floor, clearly frustrated. I prayed for what felt like forever for someone to come to my rescue. I can't stand that old hag laying his hands on me. I would rather die."Oh baby!" The door cracked open, revealing the devil himself. I scooted away from his approach before he could raise those stinking hands of his to touch me."C'mon! Be good to daddy."He chimed, coming closer to me while I continued to step back. "Stay away from me, old man!" I yelled but got a terrifying slap in return."I
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Chapter 115 Epilogue
*Author POV*The Viper's household was buzzing with celebration; after the burial ceremony of their late Don, came the immediate crowning of the next Don for a new regime.Thierry made a glorious walk to the stage with his heavily pregnant wife, Lilith.Cheers and praise filled the atmosphere at the great entry of their new leaders, the Mafia King and the Mafia Queen.Thierry raised his hands high as an indication for Slience: "I have some great news for you all as well as a bad one." He spoke authoritatively."I know you all have been wishing for such a day, a day where you will be free from this bondage of the Viper's organization." He starts his speech."What I am about to say is a decision I have thought of day and night, and I have come to the conclusion that you all deserve it. From now on, the organization known as the Great Viper's will be temporarily disbanded until further notice!" He announced, causing an uproar to fill the air; he could see people arguing and raining curse
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