All Chapters of The Mafia Have Feelings Too: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Chapter 29
Damian's pov Tuesday 20th July 2021*******************************Tonight is the threesome with Vinny and Will. I don't think I've ever seen Vincent more excited. He's reminding me of Cole the way he's bouncing in his seat as I drive us towards the club. Will and Vincent are going to meet for the first time in the subs room with Cole there to introduce them. We spoke on the phone this morning to plan what we are going to do and to discuss limits so Vinny has been excited ever since. "Can you not go faster?" He asks."I'm going the speed limit," I say firmly. "And? That is just a guideline.""I'm not getting a fine before we even get to the club.""You won't get a fine when I'm here, majority of the police are on my payroll," he says. I don't answer him as I pull into the car park behind the club. "See? We're here now," I say and get out of the car. He holds my hand as we go inside and to Marcus' office where Cole is waiting outside. "Vinny!" He says excitedly and pulls my boyfr
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Chapter 30
Damian's povFriday 30th July 2021*****************************"Did you miss me?" Adrian asks, his sinister smile fresh in my mind. I try to run away but I can't move, my limbs are frozen in fear as Adrian approaches me. I try to close my eyes so I can't see him but I just can't, I have to watch him walk towards me with his whip in hand. "Don't try and leave slave, I'm not done with you," he growls. "Leave me alone!" I shout but he doesn't stop. Then I see Vinny. He's tied to a cross with a panicked look. Adrian is stood behind him with his whip that ruined Marcus' back. I try to shout as he lifts his arm to crack the whip but no noise comes out. I try to get to my love as he screams from the whip's pain. "Leave him! Stop!" I yell as Adrian hits Vincent over and over with the cruel whip. There's blood everywhere as I try to run to help him. "Wake up mi amore!" Vinny shouts, his hands on my shoulders as he shakes me awake. I quickly sit up in bed and look around the room but Ad
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Chapter 31
Vincent's povTuesday 3rd August 2021********************************"Is it safe to come in?" I ask loudly as I knock on the front door of Enzo and George's house. I do not want to see my cousin being fucked by his boyfriend."Sì!" Lorenzo shouts from inside so I open the door and go inside. This is the first time I'm meeting George and I need to make sure he's not a mole. We've had the police try that before but we usualy are good at telling the difference. "Ciao," I say to Enzo who's sat on the couch covered in bruises and scratches. I'm about to say something about it but George walks in looking even worse. He's limping and is holding a tissue to his nose which I presume is bleeding. "What the fuck happened between you two?" I ask as I cross my arms across my chest. George seems to be afraid of me as he sits on the other side of Enzo. "We just get a little rough," Enzo answers as I see his bruised knuckles. "I still am not happy with this relationship. It's not healthy," I sa
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Chapter 32
Damian's pov Wednesday 4th august 2021*********************************I love this man so much. He's cuddled into my side with his head on my chest as he snores quietly. I'm so happy he said yes to wear the collar, it looks amazing around his neck. I'm so proud to wear the key on a chain around my neck, it symbolises the dynamic between us but also how much trust he has in me.After our wax scene last night I drove us to his mansion and I stayed over with him because he was very clingy and I didn't want him to have a sub drop when he's alone. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet but I'm trying very hard to prevent it. I notice him stirring in his sleep so I look down and see him yawn."Goodmorning my love," I say and kiss his forehead. He makes a cute grumble noise as he rolls over to cuddle me."Buongiorno mi amore," he mumbles as he lifts his leg over mine. I feel his morning wood on my hip as he half consciously humps it against me once. "Are you horny?" I ask and he opens his
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Chapter 33
Vincent's povFriday 13th august 2021******************************"Today is going to be so fun!" Cole shouts as he gets in the backseat of Marcus' car with me and Nathan. Today we're going to a theme park so me and Damian are going in Marcus' car as Lucas, Lacey, and Thomas are going in Lucas' car. I'm excited because this is the first theme park I've ever been to, Antonio never brought me to fun places like this. "I can not wait, the videos you showed me look very fun," I say and Cole rests his head on my shoulder. I have to be in the middle seat between Nathan and Cole which I was not happy about but Cole refuses to sit here so I had to. Damian is in the passenger because he wouldn't fit in the back comfortably with two other people because of his broad shoulders."We have to go on the biggest roller coaster!" Cole says as Marcus drives us to the theme park. It'll take an hour to get there so I try to get comfy as Cole tells me all about the rides there. I feel nervous that I w
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Chapter 34
Vincent's povSunday 15th august 2021*********************************"Have you heard from Stefano?" I ask Emilio when he walks into my office. "He called to say he is going to Italy with Martina for a few months," Emilio says."Good. Hopefully when he comes back he'll accept Enzo is gay and will stop giving me problems," I grumble as I look back to my laptop on my desk. I'm trying to solve an issue with a shipment that the buyer wants today but bad weather means the cargo ship is coming in tomorrow. "Need any help?" Emilio asks as I furiously type. "Call the number I will send you and explain his shipment will be late by no fault of my own," I say and text him the number. He picks up his phone and dials the number as he leaves the room. I sit back in my chair and sigh loudly, picking up the box of cigarettes I've been working my way though today. Damian would be pissed but I'm too stressed to care about a punishment right now. I light a cigarette and take a deep breath of the b
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Chapter 35
Vincent's povFriday 27th August 2021******************************"Will you move in with me?" Damian asked as we were cuddled in bed together. "What about my work at the mansion?" I said and he sighed. "You could move in with me there." "Really?""Of course mi amore, I love waking up to you," I said and kissed him to show him how true it was. That was last week, and now I have my boyfriend living with me all the time. He's going to keep his house for when we want some privacy because a lot of people are in and out of the mansion all day. Luca, Giovanni, and Matteo were excited because they really like Damian and get to spend time with him while I'm working in my office. I've had to warn Damian not to tease me while I work like he did a while ago because I could be in a lot of trouble if I mess up something. I've already got Cappos from other families breathing down my neck, waiting until I fuck up and they can take me down. I've told everyone they can't come in my bedroom anym
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Chapter 36
Damian's povMonday 27th September 2021************************************Today is going to be very fun. Vinny wanted to do role play after Enzo told him about George wearing his police uniform in the bedroom so I bought myself a costume and told him how the scene would work. He's now at my house waiting for me to get there and "arrest" him. I pull my car up and see his fancy sports car on the drive so I park next to him and get out. I knock on the door and wait for my sexy sub to answer. The door opens and Vin smiles at me before he pretends to look shocked. I push him inside and pin him against the wall as I close the front door. "Vincent Romano, you're under arrest," I say in his ear as I use my foot to spread his legs. He struggles against me and I get the handcuffs from my belt to cuff his hands together behind his back. "Please Officer, I'll do anything if you do not arrest me," he says as he plays his part. "You'll do anything?" I ask and he nods quickly. "Yes anything
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Chapter 37
Vincent's povThursday 30th September 2021*************************************Damian finally said yes to a fivesome with Cole, Nathan, and Marcus! Me and Cole have been trying to convince them to say yes for a few days and they all finally agreed! Me and Cole are in the sub's room now prepping for the kinky night. "I can't wait! I get to top you!" Cole says as we exit the showers after our enemas and shaving routines. "I also get to top you again, so do not get too excited," I say but he rolls his eyes. "I love both of those scenarios Vinny," he says and I grumble. "Stop calling me Vinny," I tell him for the hundredth time. "Why? It suits you. You let Damian call you it," he argues with a smug grin. "Damian is mi amore, you are not. I hate the nickname but it is okay when Damian says it," I tell him and he says "aww". "What else should I call you?" He asks as we both pull our shorts on and then sit on the bench to tie our laces. "Everyone calls me Vin," I say but he shakes
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Chapter 38
Damian's pov Friday 1st October 2021*****************************I agreed to let Vinny get a dick piercing and he's decided he wants one even if he has to wait months for sex. We have an appointment for this afternoon so I'm doing a quick scene with him now to make the most of his dick. "I am ready," Vinny says as he walks back into our bedroom. I sent him to the attached bathroom to prep and he's done it very quickly actually. "Good boy. Now come here," I say from where I'm sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard. Vinny walks over and gets on the bed as I guide him to straddle my naked waist. He looks down at my semi hard dick before he looks back at me with a cheeky grin. "What are we going to do?" He asks as he puts his hands on my shoulders. "Well I was thinking you'd ride me as I edge your dick with a vibrator. Maybe I'll choke you again," I say and his face lights up. "Please mi amore," he breathes out. I take his hand in mine and guide it to my dick to str
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