A LUNA'S STORY 의 모든 챕터: 챕터 31 - 챕터 40
48 챕터
ELIAS' POV "Do you think they'll be fine" I heard Ayesha's shaky voice say as I walked pass their room, I felt bad realising that Ayesha needed all the rest she could get and instead of doing that she was getting worked up about Rihanna and I."Yes, arguements and quarrels are normal and healthy in every relationship we just have to know our limits so as not to leave lasting damages on each other, they'll be fine" Jack's husky voice came in "Do you think he said he liked it here and didn't want to go rescue her pack?" she asked again "I don't think so, I've been hearing child in their conversation" he told her stylishly"Shit, Anna must have asked for a child, poor girl she must have felt safe here""Yeah, we all do I guess, he's just not ready yet""Jack do you want this child?" she asked him and there was a brief silence "if you're not ready yet we can abort this one and try again" she added "Ayesha calm down ok, I'm sorry we didn't have time to talk things through but believe
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RINA'S POV Elena never allowed me do what I wanted or eat what I wanted to all through my pregnancy, she was literally on my neck and made sure I hated seeing her face. God! she was a thorn in the flesh. She made me go hunting earlier than usual and always be the last to come back to the palace and after that a very light breakfast of rabbit, she wouldn't allow me rest after that, I'll have to follow her to the field to train just like other warriors were doing, only after three hours of training like one who was going for, we'll follow short cuts back to my chamber. Only then will I eat and rest a while, evenings were for knitting and stories. She made sure to read bravery stories to the child while i sit back relaxing on a rocking chair. We went hunting and I almost killed a vampire, she was surprised and the vampire became alarmed but she pleaded with him on my behalf, I just stood watching. I didn't know it was a vampire, not that I cared so much about their kind but then I'd not
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In a warehouse miles away from the vampire empire, a hidden cave is seen, disguised as an old useless store. Far from Jerome's eyes, a greedy vampire holds wolves captive. Cyrus was a frequent visitor of the humans, a warrior who fought and killed wolves during the last war that made the vampires leaders. However, Cyrus was not satisfied with Jerome's judgment and instructions after taking over. His mother, a traitor, was running for her life with him by her side trying to catch up. They ran for days in the woods until she came across an abandoned house, she didn't know belonged to werewolves. They stayed there for days feeling safe until a young wolf came running in on us. Scared his mother killed the young girl, They were enjoying the rest of their meal which was the young wolf's blood and roasted body when her entire family showed up, fierce and furious. The father tore and destroyed Cyrus's mother in pain and anger. There was nothing left of her, his claws sank into her intestines
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CYRUS' POV I came back to the woods where I'd be free to be me without having to hide or keep taking drugs to preventsunburnn. At the time I found jJeromefamily and he was building an army to fight and take over the greatest wolf pack, iI id all I had to do to prove my, oy alty and was recruited. I fought with all my heart and though my life depended on it, it gave satisfaction that I was aveIging my, mother and t felt good. My joy was however short lishort-livedrome gJeromes big speech only to favour the wolves. I couldn't take it, I knew soIehow I must do. Something, beasts should not be allowed to roam around. Since Jerome was beautiful, I had to find ways of doing just that. And I got to Iork that very night, I watchedIas all the other vampires went for beautiful sexy wolves to lay but I watched for something else, strength, persistence, and heal, thy healthy-lookingdies. And I found Ine, she was Sheutiful too and I was alIost moved to have mercy on her, but I didn'tI I held her
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RIHANNA'S POV "Eli im sorry" i apologized still in his arm with my face buried in,his chest "no Lia, I should be the one apologising for getting upset over nothing. he apologised too"no, i was the one too rigid to see that i was hurting you, my desires got,me,and i couldn't wait, i didn't think there was a need for that, i ended up ruining our relationship, please forgive me elias""i am sorry too for not understanding your plight, i was blinded by my own selfishness, it won't happen again" he promised looking into my eyes, i felt like tearing him apart but i knew i had to surpress ever feeling if i,didnt want to be misunderstood."i missed you elias, you mean so much to me" i admitted biting my lower lip"i missed you more amelia, i can't imagine we didn't talk to each other foe weeks, shit" he added wrapping his hand around my waist "you sure about that elias?" i asked him wrapping my hands around his neck "sure, you want me to prove it to you?" he answered and asked again almo
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Chapter 37: TROUBLE
olives pov i was in my room naked on my rocking chair reminscing the memory of the previous night, the memories were so alive that they sent shivers down my spine, i did my best to control myself but it wasn't working, walking up to my mirror stand i pushed a button and went back to the bed sitting with my legs parted and wide open. A tall fine guard walked in smartly, he quickly bowed in respect " give me a good suck" i instructed him and he went to his knees after dropping his sword on the ground, he grabbed my waist firmly making me bend backwards unto the bed, his tongue licked up all my juice like a dog making me itch the more and for a moment i made to push him with my legs when he took hold of my clit and i opened my mouth widely as a loud moan escaped. I lifted myself from the bed in an attempt to push his head deeper into vagina but he hit my hand away pushing me back to the bed, no guard had ever done something of such to me ever and i wondered where this one had been all
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rihannas pov i had allowed anger to take the best of me, well that was what i thought when i thought id die, but now thinking about it i realise that it was birth pangs that made me so crazy now i believe all i heard about motherhood, now i believe what they said when the said a mothers love is the strongest. It was motherly that made me restless because my child was trying to communicate with me and i couldn't understand what she was saying, she wanted all the uncertainty to end but i was too inexperienced to hear her call, but i am glad that she was brave and even when i thought i could not do it she still fought. Who would have thought that i could give birth on my own, i didnt think that either, untill my precious child tired of waiting for me to understand showed up in the middle of chaos. I was engaged in a fight with the luna when i started feeling severe pain in my abdomen, i later found out it was contraction, it had started since the previous day but it had gotten worse now
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Chaos was an understatement of what Ayesha, Jack, Elias, and Rihanna caused in Olive's pack the day they killed the Luna, a lot of guards died, women men, and children alike, but even at that, peace reigned and when it was confirmed that the luna was dead, what looked like chaos turned to a celebration, but even the celebration on lasted for a moment. As Jack and Ayesha rushed out of the palace with Rihanna's wolf and child, the wolves followed with their eyes but some however couldn't hide their sympathy; they followed them to the abandoned house where the old woman tended to her. After what seemed like forever, she was revived and turned back into a human. After she asked to be given her daughter, she asked to see Elias and that was when the duo realised they had left him at the lunas chamber, turning sharply in response with wide-opened eyes, Jack rushed back to get Elias and found Blake and the other guards who escaped being killed trying do hard to revive him "What's going on he
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Rihanna held Elias's hands tightly as he approached. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness, knowing that this moment could change everything between them. "Elias," she called softly, cupping his face with her hands. Slowly, she leaned in and kissed him, a short but passionate kiss that left them both breathless. They broke the embrace only after the old Luna cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the other wolves who had been watching with curious eyes."Do you all need someone to tell you to excuse the couple, or do you want to learn the act of love making from the two love birds?" the old Luna said with a playful glint in her eyes, her hands on her hips. The other wolves chuckled, some blushing in embarrassment. When they didn't immediately move, she playfully wielded her staff, lightly tapping the more stubborn ones until they stood up and walked away."Ayesha and Jack, stay back. I'd like to have a word with you," she said, addressing two wolves who seemed
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Rihanna only remebered opening her eyes in the morning, she didn't know when she fell asleep. when she was fully awake, she looked at her baby who was sleeping peacefully beside her, she breathed in the fresh air, it was a brand new day, she opened her heart for the best of the day and of course the worst, and she wished and prayed that the day favors her daughter. She looked around, elias was out but she was determined nothing will spoil her day, her eyes caught the baby things the old luna gave her the previous night, getting up she went to the bathroom to get her bath ready, after she did she came back and met her baby awake she picked her lovingly and marched to ayesha and jacks room to give them the girl. After knocking without getting an answer she pushed the door and went inside, she didn't find any of them inside "i guess it's just you and mummy in the big dark quarters then, isn't that great, we are definitely going to have fun!" she giggled nudging the beautiful daughter w
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