All Chapters of DESIRED BY MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 Chapters
"Dear Purple," it read."I hope you're fine. Well, I guess that's the least important question you hope to hear right now because it's obvious that you're far from fine. Your days have been, well…, crazy, for it shows in your eyes. Is it because of me? I hope not.I'm writing this so you can stop fretting or being paranoid because although I've been watching you from a distance, the fear in your eyes is giving me the bumps. I know you're oblivious of me, and I hope it remains this way, till, well, the right time to strike.You hurt me purple, in more ways than one. Your betrayal felt like thousands of needles being stuffed down my throat, it felt like a raging fire. I really hope you can turn a new leaf and see me for who I am, love me, appreciate me, and stop being so proud and haughty, for it doesn't suit you.In the meantime, stay safe, stay sound, stay fine, and sleep well, for the bags under your eyes have extended to your cheekbones, and it's really not appealing.Bye my darlin
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Two days later."How's the new marketing proposal kicking off?" Lucas asked.Bryan cleared his throat. "Much better than expected sir, the investors are ready,""Fair enough. The new branch in Atlanta still needs a partner. Have you found someone for the position yet, or are you perhaps Interested in being the new partner?As he asked the question, he hoped that Bryan would not be interested. He could not afford to lose a great brain like his, an asset, not just to him, but to the company.To his relief, Bryan replied. "No sir, I very much enjoy working with you, and yes, I'm still looking into the applicants for the position,""I'm impressed, Bryan,""Thank you, sir,""That's all, you can go," Lucas dismissed."You have a conference call by two, sir. I sent all the messages you'll need to your email, the meeting starts in an hour,""And the copies to the board of directors?""They are all in the conference room,""Thank you, Bryan. Did you confirm tomorrow's appointment?""Yes sir,"
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She stood still, her face completely white. How come Lucas was here all of a sudden with a notice?"Holy shit! Lucas, what are you doing here?"She held him firmly as his body slipped to the floor. He blinked rapidly, and when he looked up, there was disappointment in his eyes."Bun…" he started but failed."Lucas…" she panicked, her heart racing.She looked behind and saw a pool of blood dripping from under him. It made her sick."Oh my God! What in the fuck have I done?""Are you ok…okay?" She cried, patting his shoulders.Lucas opened his mouth to speak but the words failed to form. His back was hurting like thousands of soldier ants were drilling holes in them. The knife had penetrated deep, and he feared he might lose his ability to walk, worst, he feared he might die.He had only come to surprise her, not hurt her, so why did she behave in such a rash manner? And the fuck, she had a fucking guard, so why did she think she could be attacked under a guard's nose?Or was he at fau
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She walked slowly into the room with a furrowed brow and a set chin."Lucas, are you there?"There was no response, and she pushed open the bathroom door but it was empty, no sign of him."Lucas…?"Could he have stepped out to get something? She shook her head, it was not likely because there were several nurses running errands, and besides he was not too strong to move around.Where could he be? She had to ask Dr. Abel, but as she made to leave, her eyes caught Lucas's wristwatch on a small table beside the bed.She picked it up, and beneath it was a piece of paper. In curiosity, she opened the paper and as her eyes read through it, she grimaced. It was a note from Lucas."I left, and I'll be gone for a long time. Please don't bother looking for me, take care.""What?!" She exclaimed and read the text again. Was the note meant for her? Why keep a creepy note like this beside your bed in a hospital? And, he left? to where?Her pulse raced in thought. Could Lucas be dead? Could he have
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"Ah!" Purple groaned, holding her head and sitting up straight. There was a blinding pain in her forehead accompanied by a stomachache.She made to stand up but collapsed to the bed. Her head felt like millions of bees were dancing inside. She rubbed her temples with closed eyes in a bid to recover her strength."Why did I have to drink so much?!" She whined.Yesterday night had been, well, kind of crazy. She had walked into the bar with a high spirit, and for the first time, alcohol had tasted like sugar in her mouth. Dancing had felt so good, so therapeutic, a relief, but Charles had dragged her home against her wish.Her hands reached out to her purse and she grabbed an aspirin together with a glass of water and swallowed, at least to ease the throbbing pain in her temples.It was the weekend, so there was no fuss about going late to work, she could sleep all she wanted, except…Yeah, right, Lucas. She had ignored his text the previous night because she was mad at him. How dare he
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" are you doing here?" Purple stuttered.He smiled slyly and walked towards her, ignoring the wild look of surprise on her face."Hey, beautiful,""Enough with the nice guy act, what are you fuvking doing in my office?""Are you going to offer me a seat, or are you going to kill me with questions?""I wish questions could kill, then you'd be dead this instant," she blinked."I'm going to sit nonetheless," he said and lowered his butt to the cushioned chair opposite her."You haven't answered my question, Harry,""I miss you," he whispered."Oh fuck you!" She brushed him off. "How did you even know where I work?""It wasn't that difficult,"Purple sighed and crossed her arms. She was going to kill Tricia when she got the chance. Why allow a fùcking stranger into her office without an appointment?She eyed Harry who still had a grin on his face. Really? He was such a pathetic asshole with a fake smile. Once bitten by him was a painful lesson, twice would be a disaster."Now that
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"Good evening, Daisy. Can we get a bottle of white wine and two plates of spaghetti with chicken?" Harry said."Alright, sir." The waitress nodded and left.Harry shifted his attention to her."Are you sure you're fine?""Do I look unwell to you?" Purple snapped."You look more than unwell,"She opened her mouth to give a reply, but at that moment, Daisy returned with their order."Here's a tip for you," Harry smiled."Thank you, Sir," Daisy smiled and collected the money."Women are your specialty," Purple smirked, noting the way his sly eyes had devoured Daisy's butts.He laughed. "There's no woman in my life, except you,""Poor me," she said dryly while he uncorked the wine and poured her a glass."This restaurant is classic," she could not help noting."Yeah. I come here from time to time,"He cleared his throat then lifted his glass to a toast."Here's to my apology,""Such a weak toast," she mocked but pressed her glass to his."I'm sorry, Purple, for my lack of understanding an
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As the plane landed, Lucas felt a tingle of nervousness flush through his veins. He fought the urge and tried to remain calm, even though every muscle in him screamed of the need to see Purple.He missed her.Within seconds, he arrived at the terminal and flagged down a car that took him to her house. He knocked on the door and heard her voice from within."Who's that? Coming!"He paused, refusing to say anything. Within seconds, the door opened and his breath caught in his throat as a result of her beauty.She was wearing a small tank top that did little to conceal the hard nipples that were trying to push through, it was obvious she was not wearing a bra. His gaze shifted downwards and he wondered if there was underwear beneath the short sexy skirt that adorned her long, tanned legs.Lucas swallowed. Goodness, he missed touching those breasts.He lifted his eyes to stare at her face, noting the tousled hair. Her marble cheekbones were tilted to the right and she held an expression
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If looks could kill, then Purple would long be dead from the dagger shooting looks by her boss. Her palms twitched in discomfort as her head hung low. For goodness sake, he should say something other than just staring at her."Why is there no report from you about the shareholders' account?"Purple heaved. Finally, he spoke! "I'm sorry sir, I'll have them delivered to you today,"He searched her face. "Miss Brendon,""Yes, sir,""You were supposed to send in those records yesterday,""So…something came up," she stammered."You allowed whatever it is you're dealing with to affect your job performance?"She bit hard on her lips, searching her brain for a suitable explanation. It was not her fault, but how could she tell him that she had been worried sick about her boyfriend in that she hadn't slept a wink throughout the night, nor could she concentrate on the records.There was no telling him that she had rushed Lucas to the hospital this morning because the abdominal pain had increased
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"I'm sorry," Lucas whispered.Purple walked towards him, cupped his chin, and placed a kiss on his lips. "It's alright, the diagnosis says appendicitis. We'll get through this together,"He brought her into an embrace. "There's something else,""Which is?""There are signs of a growing tumor in my brain,""Oh my goodness!" She hugged him tighter. "You're going to be okay. I trust you'll be,"There was a sniff behind her and she knew he was trying so hard to control his emotions. Who the hell said that men shouldn't cry?"Cry all you want, pie. I'll be a shoulder to lean on,""I'm so sorry, bun"She brought his head to her breasts. "It's not your fault,""You don't deserve this, I feel…""Hey, listen. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right by your side,"He looked up with a weak smile."You're going to be alright," she assured."Thank you,""Should I make tea for you?""No, I'm fine. I should head back to the office. I have a meeting to attend by 2"Her eyes darted to the wall clock. "I
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