All Chapters of BLOODWOLF: The Curse of the Alpha's Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
139 Chapters
Chapter 61. The Chosen One
"A werewolf will be born at the peak of the red moon. She is the chosen one. She will bring great power to eternity, destruction, and death to her Mate."The sentence was written very clearly on the parchment. It was a sentence that showed how powerful the ability of the "chosen one" in the prophecy was.However,"How can you interpret it? I don't even know what language it's written in," Jayden asked curiously.Albert shook his head."I have no idea. I don't know, either. It's all just in my head," Albert replied.Indeed, only certain people could read the writing on the parchment. Only those who were the "chosen one"'s Mate could interpret it."I remember," Albert said as he turned quickly to Jayden. "These words are the same ones my father once showed me. He once handed me a piece of paper. He wrote some words and asked me to read and interpret them. I think my father took the words from the parchment," he added.Jayden opened his jaw as he nodded his head."I think I know why Alph
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Chapter 62. Manipulating the Prophecy
Ryn's eyelids blinked softly. The scent of romance lingering on her body made the girl smile. Still, with her eyes closed, Ryn hugged the thick blanket that covered her body."I love you, Albert," she murmured as she opened her eyes.It was an amazing experience. Seeing that she was still naked, Ryn was sure what happened was not just a fantasy. She and Albert were doing it. Then the girl touched her neck, where Albert had left his mark. Once again, the girl's lips turned up in a smile."I knew I could trust you," Ryn said.It was only right that she did not listen to Darla's ramblings about Albert not wanting her. Albert even marked her before the mating ceremony, as he had promised. Wasn't that enough to prove that Albert wanted her?"She must know about this," the girl said.Ryn removed the blanket and then carried her naked body to the bathroom. Although it was hard for her to wash Albert's scent off her body, she had to do it.After cleaning up, Ryn immediately went to Darla's ro
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Chapter 63. Reject Your Mate and Marry Another Woman
Sebastian's last sentence struck Ryn's mind like a lightning bolt. The girl covered her gaping mouth with tears that fell uncontrollably."Reject your mate and marry another woman."That sentence was like a double-edged sword. Every word was equal to a gesture, which was extremely painful. Unable to contain her sadness, Ryn left with a gaping heart.Meanwhile, in the room, Albert couldn't believe Sebastian would say that. He shook his head slowly."That's no way," Albert said."I told you before," Sebastian said."I couldn't possibly do it. I love her, Uncle." Albert said aloud."That's how your father felt at the time. Therefore, he never dared to take such a gamble." Sebastian agreed.Indeed! Albert would never be able to reject Ryn as his mate. He had marked her. He could not possibly leave the girl without leaving her devastated, just as he would be ruined. That option would not enter into his consideration."But," Sebastian said, which caused Albert to shift his attention. "This
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Chapter 64. Jessi Morrow
After escorting Ryn to her room, Albert met Jayden. He looked frustrated, thinking about the curse issue. Before he could find a solution, a new problem had arisen. Albert knew that this trust issue could get bigger if left unsolved. Once Ryn's trust in him was cracked, there was a good chance the girl would always be suspicious of him."Alpha Albert!" greeted Jayden, who immediately exited his seat when he saw the Alpha coming.Albert did not reply. He sat down on the chair with a loud sigh."This curse is killing me," Albert complained. He rubbed his face roughly, then turned to Jayden, standing nearby. "She heard my conversation with Uncle Sebastian," he said.Jayden's brow furrowed visibly."She... you mean Miss Ryn?" he probed.Albert did not say yes or no. The Alpha said, "Uncle Sebastian has a solution he thinks will break the curse. He told me, but I don't know if Ryn heard it.""What solution did Sebastian say?" asked Jayden as he sat across from the Alpha."Reject her and ma
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Chapter 65. A Coincidence
Judith Morrow and Jessi Morrow—are they the same person? Albert's body froze. Why could this be so coincidental? Both have the same last name, Morrow, and items with identical carvings. Is this just a coincidence?"Are you sure her name is Judith Morrow?" asked Jayden, replacing Albert, who was lost in his thoughts."Yes, of course. She mentioned it herself," Ryn replied. The girl had a quizzical look on her face. "Hey, is there a problem?" she asked later.Jayden did not answer. The Beta turned to Albert, waiting for him to speak. However, it seemed Albert was still too shocked by what they knew."Alpha Albert?" Jayden called after him.Albert blinked and gulped saliva. He turned to Jayden and asked, "Is she the same person as the one in the hospital?"
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Chapter 66. Too late
The heart inside Albert's chest felt like it was about to jump out of his chest as it beat so hard. His hand moved down after hearing the sound of someone inside opening the door. A creaking sound accompanied the narrow gap created when the door opened. A woman appeared from behind the door with a frown on her face."Yes? Can I help you?" the woman asked as she looked at the three people at her door with a questioning look.Albert half turned his head towards Jayden. He needed help because Jayden was the one who knew what Judith looked like. The perceptive Beta quickly approached and whispered, "Not her."Immediately, Albert turned his head back. "What?" he squeaked."She's not the one we're looking for," Jayden said. The man stepped forward and asked the house owner, "Excuse me, ma'am. We're looking for Judith Morrow. Is she in the house?""Judith? Are you her friends?" The older woman didn't answer and asked instead."Err... we are, yeah. We're her friends. I'm Jayden. Judith and I
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Chapter 67. No Results
A man got out of a car and ran away from it. With rapid breathing, the man approached Albert and Jayden, who was having a serious conversation in the courtyard of a house."Alpha Albert, Beta Jayden," Mike greeted.Albert gave a nod in reply to the greeting."How was it? Have you met Judith? Mike asked curiously."She doesn't live here anymore," Jayden replied."What do you mean?" asked Mike with furrowed brows."She moved out," Jayden replied."Moved out?" Mike looked at the house and returned his attention to the men before him. "When? She didn't say anything to me," Mike continued."Three days ago. The woman in the house said that Judith would live with her son. Do you know anything about that?" Jayden explained."Son? I didn't even know she had sons," Mike said."Yeah, no one knows she has sons," Albert said.Mike and Jayden looked at the Alpha quizzically. They didn't mean to offend Albert, but the Alpha's feelings seemed very sensitive."I'm sorry, Alpha Albert," regretted Mike.
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Chapter 68. The Body in the Prison
"Hey, why don't you answer me? I need an explanation. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep thinking about it," Ryn said.The girl's voice snapped Albert out of his reverie. He blinked his eyes and then licked his lower lip. He glanced at Ryn with a faint smile."That's because ...." Albert's words hung unfinished.The Alpha considered telling Ryn about the prophecy and the curse that bound them. However, he needed clarification about doing so. What if Ryn could not accept it?"Because of what?" urged Ryn again, rousing Albert from his reverie."Umh, it's because... err, there's something I want to talk to you about," Albert said.The Alpha then pulled the car over and stopped by the roadside. This would be a serious conversation, and it wouldn't be good if they talked about it in a moving car.At that moment, Mike's car pulled over. Mike rolled down his window and looked at Albert's car. The Alpha also lowered his windshield."Is there a problem?" asked Mike."No, there isn't. You guys
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Chapter 69. Maverick's Ramblings
Ryn's nether eyes bulged. The girl was lost in a feeling she couldn't describe in words. She was sure she recognized the woman's face that was lying lifeless on the floor. It was Merry.Tears flowed freely, like spring rain. The joints in Ryn's legs felt as soft as jelly. The girl ran to the bars and shouted, "No, this is impossible! Merry! Open the door! Merry!"The key to the prison door was in Hugo's hands. However, he dared only take action with the Alpha's permission. Meanwhile, Albert was still rooted to his spot. He looked at his Mate, who cried hysterically over Merry's death."I said, open the door! Open the damn door, damn it!" Ryn turned around while banging on the bars. "Open the door, or I'll destroy this fucking place!" Ryn commanded emotionally.Hugo looked at Albert with a pale expression. He needed orders before the girl went even crazier. Hugo then said in a low voice, "Alpha Albert?"Hugo's voice sounded like someone who desperately needed help. Really! He wouldn't
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Chapter 70. Bound by the Prophecy
Albert's silence confirmed what Maverick had said. The old Maverick's ramblings again angered Ryn.The girl punched and pushed Albert's chest, shouting, "Answer me!"Albert stumbled backward. He thinned his lips. Maverick had ruined his plan. That old fart had gotten him into unexpected trouble again. Albert tried hard to calm Ryn down while determining the most appropriate answer."Tell me! What else are you not telling me?" Ryn shouted.The girl was getting even angrier. After learning that Albert held Merry until she died, Ryn still had to face another shocking fact. Albert brought her to his palace just to kill her. Why didn't Albert deny it? Was what the man in prison said true?"There aren't all the things I can tell you right now. Come on! Let's get out of here. I'll explain it to you," Albert said as he reached out, grabbing Ryn's arm to bring the girl out before Maverick poisoned her even more.Ryn shook off Albert's hand with tears ready to fall from her eyes. She opened her
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