All Chapters of The Betrayed Wolf of the Moon Goddess: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
120 Chapters
Chapter 71.
Titus POV.Stepping through the portal, we arrive at a field close to the border of Colorado. Everything is quiet, peaceful. No birds chirping or any sound of any kind.“Titus, this is bad.” Orion is on alert and I have to agree, this is bad something isn’t right at all.Fenrir steps closer to me and we both look out towards the treeline. Listening for any kind of sound, but there is nothing. Sniffing the air for any scent of the rogues and nothing.“Something is wrong. They should be here.” Fenrir says his wolf on the surface and I nod, stepping forward towards the treeline.Did we arrive at the wrong place? My phone rings. I take it out of my pocket and see it’s Destinee.I answer it, and she is frantic. A feeling of dread washes over me.“Titus, they are heading towards a human town.” My eyes widen. They have shifted course, fuck!“Which one? Destinee which one?” I panic, they will destroy the town and kill all the humans.“Denver!” FUCK!“Ok, we are behind them. Keep me informed o
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Chapter 72.
Destinee POV.Watching the carnage on the screen in the office, I’m nervous and terrified. Clasping my hands together and my leg shakes. As I lean forward on the sofa, not taking my eyes off the screen.The phone in the office rings, pulling me out of my trance. Sadia answers it and she calls me, handing me the phone.With shaking hands, I take the phone.“This is Alpha Destinee. Who am I speaking to?” I say as calmly as I can. Not taking my eyes off the screen.“Alpha Destinee, this is councilman Hayes. We are looking for Alpha Titus. Where is he?” I see Orion on the screen, running into the fray, and I hold my breath.He is bigger and more fierce.“Hello, Alpha Destinee. Are you still there?” I blink and I take a breath.“Yes, sorry, councilman Hayes. Alpha Titus is currently dealing with the rogues in Denver.” He gasps and gives orders. I’m too focused on the screen to hear what he is saying. My heart is beating against my ribcage.When I wince, feeling something hot pierce into my
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Chapter 73.
Destinee POV.“Aura, stop this. I understand you’re upset, but this is not the way to do this. Give me control now!” I shout at her, trying to break the barrier. But she won’t budge, stubborn wolf.“No Destinee, they deserve to die. I will not back down from this. They ran here and did nothing. They didn’t uphold their vows as Alpha’s. They deserve their fate.” I groan in frustration.“Aura, then you hold the power to strip them of their titles. Don’t challenge them, we could end up getting hurt! Do you want that? Do you want to risk our pup?” I scream, with tears streaming down my cheeks.She whimpers at the thought of something happening to our pup. I’m getting through to her.“Fine, I will strip them of the very thing that makes them who they are.” I calm down, taking a breath, listening to her words.“Thank you Aura, please let’s sort this out amicably, ok?” I plead with her and she snorts in response.“Aura, let me have control.” I ask her and she stays quiet.“Destinee, let me d
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Chapter 74.
Destinee POV.It has been two months since Aura stripped the council members and Alpha’s of their titles and wolves and I am so tired lately.Fenrir has not been in touch so I can only assume he is still busy vetting new the Alpha’s and council members.I now have a visible baby bump. Today I am staying in bed. Everything and everyone is pissing me to no end and so I have locked myself in the bedroom. Too scared in case I lash out.The hormones are too strong and so they are affecting not just me but Titus too; we had an argument two weeks ago and I still refuse to speak to him. He is gone before I wake up and only returns to the bedroom when I’m drifting off to sleep.Dark thoughts plague my mind that he is up to something. My gut churns with the thoughts. I know I said the past needs to remain buried but now and then the thoughts enter my mind and I blow up like a bottle of coke which has had mentos added to it.Yeah, not good. Damn pregnancy hormones. What makes it worse is Aura is
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Chapter 75.
Titus POV.As much as I love Destinee and Aura, her hormones are becoming unbearable. Destinee has become unreasonable. She will not let me near her at all and the argument we had two weeks ago started because she I was sparring with one of the female warriors.Destinee never had an issue before, but since she has been pregnant anytime a female is anywhere near me, she is snarling. I tried to apologise to her, but she kicked me out of the bedroom.Orion told me that Aura was being the same with him and we needed to give them both some space. Looking at her sleeping in my arms in her nest, I now understand what is happening with her. She let her guard down unintentionally, and I saw what was running through her mind. My heart broke seeing what has been taunting her and yes, it is my fault.So, for the time being, I will do my best to reassure her and stay away from the unmated females. However, that will be a problem.Destinee whimpers in her sleep and groans as she moves onto her back
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Chapter 76.
Destinee POV.Waking up in my nest, I feel calm only difference is I can’t move. I look down and my eyes widen and I scream.What the fuck? When did my belly get so big?The door opens, and his scent hits me, Titus.“Destinee, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” he enters my nest and I keep looking at my belly.“Destinee?” he asks softly and I slowly lift my eyes to his worried green eyes. He bites his bottom lip as he gazes at me, full of concern.I look back at my belly, and he sighs.“It’s ok, your belly has got a lot bigger. You have been out since yesterday. Everything is ok I promise.” I bite the inside of my cheek, noting something is wrong.“Don’t lie to me. Yesterday I hardly had a bump and now I look like a pregnant whale.” I say with tears in my eyes. Yes, I’m being a drama queen, but I have never heard of this happening before.Titus comes closer and gives me a hug. Stroking my back lovingly he sighs.“I won’t lie to you. The pup is feeding off Aura’s power, increasing her growth.
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Chapter 77.
Destinee POV.Hearing Titus snicker, I lock eyes with him in the mirror. He kisses my shoulder.“As much as I want to take you here and now, I know you are too tired. When you have regained your energy, I will make love to you.” I smile at him. He is sacrificing his needs for me. Chewing my lip. I do want to sleep with him, but he is right. I’m exhausted.Our little miss is sucking my energy right out of me. I sigh, placing my hands over his on my belly, “thank you, Titus, for understanding. It’s not that I don’t want to because I do. I’m so tired these days.” I whisper, and look away from his gaze. My hormones are all over the place, don’t get me wrong I want to fuck him one minute, then the next I’m exhausted. This is embarrassing to admit.“Hey, don’t apologise. You are growing our princess and that is tiring work. Besides, I will wait for you to make the first move. I love you Destinee, now come on let me help you in the bath.” He Squats in front of me to help me take my knickers
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Chapter 78.
Destinee POV.After my little prank on Titus and my explanation, he calmed down and realised how silly he was being. We are currently walking round the store and I’m wearing his sweatpants and a shirt. These are the only things that fit me right now. But luckily enough, in this store there is a clothing section and I plan on heading over to get some things.Pushing the trolley, Titus is beside me as I lean on it, letting it take my weight. He is grabbing snacks and things, everything I seem to pick up, in fact. He is adding to the trolley. We have two warriors with us. The trolleys they have are pretty full. I shake my head. If he carries on, he will buy everything.We make our way down an aisle and I stop in my tracks, seeing the baby toiletries. Now these we definitely need.I waddle over to the nappies and look at them; I stretch to reach when Titus reaches them for me and hands me the packet and I thank him as I read the back. Newborn size. Will these fit her? She is already big.
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Chapter 79.
Titus POV.Walking back into the living room, I find Destinee asleep on the sofa. I walk towards her and take the blanket off the back of the sofa and place it over her. Looking at her, I notice her face look ashen. She looks ill.Crouching down I run the back of my fingers gently over her cheek, “everything will be ok, sleep my queen. I love you.” In order not to wake her up, I whispered to her. I stand and leave the living room.Passing a few omegas, I instruct them not to allow anyone to enter the living room. Destinee needs to sleep. Each time our pup grows, it drains her completely and I know it’s painful for her because I feel the pain, just not as much as she does.Walking towards my office, Marcus approaches me. “Hey, how is she?” he asks me, full of concern. I sigh as I turn to look at him.“The pup is feeding off Aura’s power and so it is draining both Destinee and Aura. Marcus, I have never heard of anything like this before.” I tell him and he nods before he clicks his ton
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Chapter 80.
Destinee POV.My heart is threatening to explode with how hard it’s beating. That nightmare wasn’t real. It wasn’t real.I keep telling myself when hurried footsteps enter the living room. I look at my mate and I burst into tears, holding my arms out to him. I need him. The things I have just seen, no, it was just a dream, a horrible, horrible dream.“Hey, shhh it’s ok, you’re here. Breathe my queen, breathe.” I take a few deep breaths in between sobs, but I can’t unsee what I have just been shown.Titus holds me tight as I cry, my heart broken when I see the image and I scream out. My hands go to my baby bump. No, she is still there.“Baby, what happened?” Do I tell him? No, he will only tell me I’m being silly. I don’t want him worrying about this. It was just a dream.“Destinee, look at me.” I bring my gaze up to him and he is concerned. I can’t tell him. It’s crazy it was just a dream.“It’s nothing, just a bad dream. I’m fine.” I tell him, forcing a smile. He narrows his eyes on
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