All Chapters of The Ex-Girlfriend of a Billionaire : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
204 Chapters
While Ana and Diego's vow renewal party was in full swing, Karla, Ana's mother, and Silvia, Diego's mother, were sitting together in a quiet corner of the garden, sharing an intimate conversation.Karla, with tears of joy in her eyes, hugged Silvia tenderly. They knew that this moment was special not only for their children, but also for them as mothers, who had witnessed the many struggles and triumphs over the years.Amidst the overflowing emotions, Silvia expressed her gratitude to heaven for having the whole family together and happy, especially after the painful departure of her husband. She felt his presence in her heart, knowing he would be proud to see how his family had found joy and renewal.Karla, in turn, hugged Sílvia tightly, sharing the pain of the loss and the happiness of seeing her children happy and fulfilled. They knew that, as mothers, they had played an important role in building these love stories and that they were reaping the rewards of their unconditional lov
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"In the soft pulse of life that follows, Love, sublime essence, reveals itself. A feeling that the heart welcomes, And in the union of souls, it reveals itself.It's in the symphony of days lived, That love intertwines in every step. It's the warmth that warms wounded hearts, And wraps us in its sweet embrace.From love is born the strength that leads us, In moments of pain and joy. He transcends matter, light shines, And guides us in the search for harmony.In every look, in the touch that warms, Love pulsates, vigorous and constant. It is the essence that makes life full, Turning moments into diamonds.In the union of souls, the bond is strengthened, And together, we face the walk. Love nourishes us, with sweetness and prayer, And unites us on a blessed journey.May love be a beacon on our road, Inspiring us to love and forgive. May he be the source of bold hope, Reminding us that together we can fly.May love make us sowers of peace, Uniting hearts, linking hands. May he teach us t
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After a few years, Miguel's long-awaited graduation day finally arrived. The family was beaming with pride and excitement to see their son become a neurologist. Everyone was present at the ceremony, including Thaís, who had overcome the trauma of the kidnapping and was now following her path with courage and determination.During the ceremony, Miguel was called on stage to receive his diploma. His parents, Ana and Diego, applauded him with enthusiasm and tears in their eyes. It was a moment of great achievement for the whole family, as they knew how much Miguel had dedicated and strived to get there.After the ceremony, the family gathered to celebrate. It was a moment of celebration and gratitude for all the achievements and overcoming that they had gone through together. Ana and Diego were immensely proud of their children and all that they had achieved.Thaís, who had been the target of a kidnapping in the past, had found the strength to move on and build her own trajectory. She be
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Bella's parents, Bernardo and Ella, were devastated to hear the news that their daughter was in danger. A whirlwind of emotions washed over them - fear, despair and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. How could they help their beloved daughter who was so far away?They immediately contacted Miguel to share the horrific discovery. Together they bonded in pain and determination, willing to do anything to get Bella back safely. Bernardo and Ella didn't know what to do, but their strength and unconditional love for their daughter spurred them to act.They also contacted the police and shared whatever information they had. The pain of seeing their daughter in danger was unbearable, but they couldn't allow despair to overwhelm them. Together, they held out hope that they would find Bella and bring her back home.Bernardo and Ella did not rest for a moment. They mobilized all possible resources to help with the searches. They appealed to the community, putting up posters and sharing infor
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Bella dove headlong into the investigation, following obscure leads and pursuing confidential contacts in search of crucial information. She infiltrated dangerous environments and ventured into clandestine meetings, where the line between life and death became increasingly blurred.Meanwhile, Bernardo, Ella and Miguel did everything in their power to protect Bella and help her on her mission. They assembled a trusted team of security and intelligence experts determined to bring the gang down once and for all.With each discovery, Bella and her team got closer to the dark truth that was hidden in the shadows. Disturbing revelations emerged, revealing the extent of the gang's influence and the involvement of powerful and influential figures. It was a complex web of corruption where the lives of Bella and her loved ones were constantly in danger.Meanwhile, the gang leaders began to realize that they were being investigated. They have become more elusive, tightening security around their
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Despite the concerns and pleas of her loved ones, Bella remained steadfast in her decision. She understood the risks involved, but she also felt an inner calling that pushed her to face the challenges of the investigative profession.With determination and dedication, Bella continued to hone her skills, participating in rigorous training and gaining specialized knowledge. She became a respected investigator, known for her cunning, insight, and courage. Her passion for justice and solving difficult cases motivated her to overcome every obstacle that came her way.While Bella ventured into complex cases, her parents and Miguel followed her journey with a mixture of pride and concern. They understood that this was Bella's passion and respected her for following her heart. Whenever possible, they offered their unconditional support, providing advice, emotional support and a safety net.Bella faced dangerous situations, unraveled intriguing mysteries and brought justice to the victims. Her
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Ana and Ella were delighted with Bella and Miguel's marriage proposal. They quickly dove into preparations for the big day, discussing details like the wedding venue, decor, food, and guests. Both happily shared ideas and plans, eager to make Bella's wedding a truly special occasion.Meanwhile, Bernardo and Diego, although happy for the couple, decided to leave the decisions and preparations in the hands of the women of the family. They had full confidence in Ana and Ella's ability to take care of everything and knew the result would be amazing.While the women busied themselves with preparations, Bernardo and Diego supported Bella and Miguel emotionally, sharing their experiences and advice on marriage. They reminded the young couple of the importance of supporting each other, communicating openly, and always remembering the love that brought them together.Over the next few months, Bella and Miguel's wedding quickly approached. The anxiety and excitement grew every day. The family m
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The situation between Diego and Alice became tense and full of disagreements. Diego couldn't accept his daughter's decision to be a single mother and felt frustrated at not being able to meet the father of his future grandson. Ana, on the other hand, tried to calm things down and find a balance between father and daughter.Meanwhile, preparations for Miguel and Isabela's wedding continued amid this turbulent climate. Ana worked tirelessly to ensure that everything was perfect for the big day, but family tensions began to affect her mood and her ability to concentrate.Alice, though determined in her choice, was also suffering from her father's lack of support. She felt hurt and misunderstood, but she didn't give up her decision. She drew strength from her love for the baby to come and from the people around her who supported her unconditionally.In the midst of all this turmoil, Miguel and Isabela tried to stay focused on their own relationship and preparations for the wedding. They k
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José and Suzana felt a mixture of sadness and helplessness when they found out about Alice's pregnancy. They cared deeply for their niece and knew that the baby's biological father was not the ideal person to be by her side at this very important moment.As they dealt with their own feelings, José and Suzana also felt responsible for raising the boy who now brought so much pain to the family. They knew they had done their best to raise you right, but character and individual choices also played an important role in shaping a person.Despite the difficulties, José and Suzana made the decision to support Alice unconditionally. They recognized that the situation called for family unity and unconditional love. Both reached out to Alice, offering all the emotional and practical support she needed.In open and sincere conversations, José and Suzana shared with Alice their concerns and disappointments in relation to their considerate cousin. They emphasized that even if the biological father
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After a memorable wedding party, full of emotions and special moments, Miguel and Isabela left for their long-awaited honeymoon. The two were beaming with happiness, looking forward to enjoying moments alone and creating unforgettable memories as husband and wife.The destination chosen for the honeymoon was a paradisiacal place, with white sand beaches and crystalline waters. Upon arrival, they were greeted with warm smiles and impeccable service, ensuring the experience was perfect.During the honeymoon days, Miguel and Isabela enjoyed every moment together. They walked hand in hand along the beach, feeling the gentle breeze caress their faces. They dived in the sea waters, exploring the exuberant and dazzling marine life.They took a boat ride at sunset, enjoying the beauty of the horizon and the sense of freedom that the sea provided. They dined by candlelight, savoring delicious dishes and toasting their union.Amidst laughter, hugs and kisses, Miguel and Isabela reaffirmed their
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