All Chapters of MESSIAH SALVATION OF THE OMEGA: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
175 Chapters
Mate night
LAURAThe night came with a sensuous breeze, the sort that touched the skin with care and seer deep through the pores, arousing the nerves, the veins, the arteries, clenching the muscled walls of the vagina, and causing it to drip rivers of pleasure, wetting the thighs and craving a touch.It was the night I had always dreamt of. The night I wished to have with Ricky.It was the full blood moon night.As custom demanded, I wore a silk gown that could be brown off by the breeze, and within the silk gown, were my lace underwear, while I lay in wait for the new Lycan king.I had been told earlier that he was off with his friends, having fun over bottles of Swedish champagne supplied by Andy.That was what most males do before meeting with their mates in the room. They take champagnes for the night’s merriment, and bitter herbals for the night’s business with the wet mates.I had oiled my body with sweet smelling lotions and oils that made my body soft and gleaming, and I had circled my l
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QWENI stood by the rusty window of the warehouse, breathing in the calm breeze on the warehouse which bore the smell of rust and stagnant water, while the old man, Lucio sat on the seat on which he was previously tied, before ordered my boys to cut him loose.“You sold your niece, got her into being a sex slave at a very tender age, and you know that was a great damage to her. You messed up her teen-age.” I said with the tone of an odd spirit reminding its victim of the uncountable evil he had done.Trust me, I was good at what I do. I know to hype, how to demoralise, how to instigate, and that was exactly what I was doing to the old man.“Did you bring me here to remind me of the evil I’ve done?” he asked, his voice sounding a little tougher than I thought it would.I thought my words would break him and make him speak with a sort f panic or remorse which would help cement my psychological puzzle, and help me gain control of his mind.“I don’t mean to remind you of the evil you did,
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Gova's death
RHETTI did not go looking for Gova, knowing she must be either at her friend’s chamber, or at her mother’s place.I have been drinking throughout the day, and I have no plan to stop, but one bad thing about these drinks I had guzzled in my room was that they do not have enough alcohol to get me as drunk as I wished.I had rejoiced when I saw the orator read the rejection blood letter, hoping it was an opportunity for me to emerge and claim both Laura and the throne, but then came the bastard, Killian.I pulled a bottle to my lips and gulped hard till there was nothing left in it, but I still felt nothing. Maybe someone intentionally brought these lazy ass drinks to my room, to keep me to my feet while I pass through the trauma of loosing Laura and the throne for the second time.I tossed the bottle and the wall and it shattered as it landed on it, but the wall was not ready to have me cast a bottle at it and go scot-free.It tossed a sharp piece of the bottle back to me, and it lande
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Earth to earth
LAURAI’ve been into bitter situations of many calibres, I’ve suffered pain in many ways, but I’ve never had a friend as dearly and loving as Gova.Losing her was the most painful experience of my dear life.I could not help the tears that well up in my eyes as her body was laid on the burial pyre. Her mother had demanded her body be cremated since her death was shrouded in a kind of mystery, which to me, was no mystery.Gova was my friend till her dying moment.She died the death that was meant for me, and that was such a bitter experience. Imagine being rejected, picked up by a strange guy, and losing your best friend in just a couple of odd hours.I didn’t bother to dab the tears that was threading its way down my cheek.A torch of fire was brought in and handed over to the pack’s priest, who held it up above his head, such that we all had to look up to see the torch burning like youthful strength, and flickering like a rush of adrenalin.“From the gods our souls came, and from the
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RHETT“Gova.”She was standing by the window of our room, clad in in the regal she wore the day she left to join her friend, Laura in her chambers, to cheer her up and escort her to the stage where she would be crowned the Luna of rainbow crest by the council.She had a warm smile on her beautiful face, and her eyes were lit with an unfading excitement, the sort that had always been there, the sort that made me find her pleasant.She beckoned on me to come, and gently, I made to the window post to meet her, but I saw her body transform into a sleek and curvy body I’ve always lusted after, and her hair changing into the hairs I wanted to smooth and sniff the most.But I was adamant.I saw no reason to back away from the transformed body, but getting to her, I realized something strange.The body was Laura’s, but the face was Gova’s.Her smile had turned pale, and her eyes had gone dim with sadness, full of goals she never accomplished, and pretty plans that never came to life.It was f
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Maybe it's a miracle
RHETTWe broke the hug and I led them inside. I wasn’t glad that Andy came with her, because I hate him as much as I hate Ricky and I believe my hate for him is justifiable because you can’t hate a master and hate his servant.Offered a seat in the room, they sat side by side, while I sat on a small sofa, facing them, with sad look of a mourning fellow on my face.Cassey had the basket she brought with her dropped at the centre table, which grimed with sweet smelling glass oil which the servants of the fort had used in polishing it clean.“How have you been, brother?” Cassey posed with so much words left in her lips.Had I gone pale and weak with mourning for crying out loud, she would have had so much to say, and she could have said everything without hold any of them back in her mouth with her lips tight.Well, I did mourn Gova. I did feel her absence. I did cry my eyes out when the priest set fire to her funeral pyre, but I knew I was not meant to exceed the boundaries of mourning
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My true Luna
RHETTShe turned to me, her eyes red with prolonged mourning of her dear friend, who was my dear love, but I wonder people get so concerned with mourning the demise of others than it is necessary.“Laura.” I took up a saddened voice, and she approached me and buried herself in my hug, sobbing into my chest, giving me the pleasurable warmth of her breath and her sob.I imagined her breathing this warmth of hers into my nostrils, while we engage in a deep French kiss on my bed in a cozy night and in a calm morning.I caressed her back, pretending to sob along, and forcing tears to well up in my eyes. Fake tear, I bet no one the universe can create such more than I do. I can force as much tears as the crocodiles in swamps and lakes, and I can sob and wail in pretence, more the wives of a polygamist who had met his earthly demise.“I couldn’t help her…I couldn’t help her when she needed me the most.” Even her sob and her wailing were so alluring, rousing my nerves and making me wail even
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Once hated, twice punishment
QWENI bet the mirror knows me better than anyone do. It always gave me the response I desired so much each time I stare into it. It displays me to me, and what exactly is the me she displays to me?An epitome of evil; hate and malice. Those are what the mirror in my massive room says of me each time I stand before it with my brazing red lipstick.Of course, I’m evil and it gives me pleasure.Maybe I’m the first freak you’ve ever known, or maybe I might not, because even I myself had seen and had intimacy with an old freak, his name is Lucio, and I suspect that he has his hands in the swap of events on the marking ceremony, but his plans got ruined after it worked out.Well, I wouldn’t swear over it, because I’m not sure if he did anything wicked on that fateful day.I drew a round circle on my lips with the lips stick, forming the blazing red I loved so much. The red that made people mistake me for a Russian model, maybe because Russians had a lot to do with blazing red.Well, that
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Caught in between
LAURAHaving spent some time in the garden, mourning Gova and consoling Rhett, I decided to visit Killian’s chambers, where I was meant to be as his Luna, but you know, there are laws that permit the Lycan king to have his own chamber, while his Luna remains glued to hers, but there are no laws that stops the Luna from paying the king an impromptu visit.Truth be told, I had nothing in stock for Killian. He only picked me up in my greatest moment of shame, and I heeded to his call without saying a word.But despite the fact that he was never what I wanted, and the hatred I had of recent, developed for his twin brother, had in a way found its way to him, I knew I had to play his Luna, and that was what I was doing.Being his damn Luna.I walked through the long walk way, passing by omegas who bow their heads to greet me, and returning their greetings as well, but getting to his chamber, I was curious when I saw guards standing at the first entrance.“Good morning, your majesty.” They g
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Living with an enemy of light
ANDYEver since Ricky left the palace, and Killian emerged from no where, claiming the throne to himself, the palace had become a playground where anybody from anywhere could stage their own game as they wished.Passing by the garden, I saw Laura and Rhett staging their own games; Laura lying atop Rhett, and Rhett wincing in pretence to be in pain over a mere skin cut.I knew at once that it was Rhett playing Laura.What do you expect from a man who lost his fiancé?There is no one to warm his bed, and he has to find one, and, who else would be in his choicest list if not the beautiful friend of his demised fiancé?Laura had a skin that looked like heaven, a smile that is as alluring as the glare of the moon, and any man who sets an eye on her would desire her in the next minute.I remember being tempted to shoot a shot at her, but remembering that I would be making the greatest mistake of my life, I shunned the desire not to go that mad.But the truth is, I didn’t dare because I fear
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