All Chapters of Enchanting the Billionaire's Cold Heart : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
136 Chapters
I'm sure it's nothing, Axel." Donald tried to assure him while speeding down the lane."My mother screamed, Donald." Axel gave him a cold stare. "In a very unladylike manner. That's not nothing.""Okay." Donald looked out the window. "But being anxious won't help. We'll be there soon."Axel sat back in his seat. He hated leaving Claire alone, but he had panicked when he heard his mother's voice. So he called Jubril to the office and asked him to take the ladies home, and drop off Myla at her apartment. He wondered what was wrong, and considered possible worst case scenarios. Maybe his father had died. He shook the thought off immediately. He had seen the old man a few hours ago. He didn't look like he would drop dead any time soon. He tried thinking about some other possible reasons, but he didn't find any, so he gave up. Donald was already going as fast as he could in heavy traffic, and he did not want to urge him on any more than he wanted to get into an accident. When they finally
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Axel stormed out of the mansion. Rage, pure and unadulterated, flooded his veins and clouded his vision. His hands shook as he tried to open the passenger door of the car. Donald helped him open it from inside. He was staring at him with fear."It's that bad, isn't it?"Axel ignored him and stared out the window, the album firmly clutched to himself.Donald poked his shoulder tentatively. "Where to, sir?""Home." He responded curtly.Donald put the car in gear. "Home it is."The ride to the penthouse passed in silence. Donald snuck glances at Axel, but his face remained set in stone. No one could tell what he was thinking, no matter what they tried. When they arrived at the building, Axel alighted silently and ran up to the elevator. He bypassed the men's suite and stopped at theirs."Claire!" He banged the door open and hollered.It was unlocked, and the fact that she did not care about their safety enraged him more."In here!" Her voice was weak as it floated through their bedroom d
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Axel looked at Donald, and Donald looked at Axel."Don't even think about it." Axel warned.Donald raised his hands. "I've just got to say it, Axel. If she's right, and all of this is nothing but a huge misunderstanding, you're fucked, you know that?"Axel's brow turned down. "I'm going to follow her. I bet she's going to that man of hers." He clenched his hands into fists. "If I could just know who he is, I would crush him."Donald sighed. "I'm coming with you. I can't believe Claire would do something like this, but I'm coming with you."They left the suite together. As they were stepping into the elevator, Danielle ran towards them. Axel hid the hand he held the photos with behind him."Hey Axel, is Claire okay?" Her forehead was pinched with worry. She barely glanced at his hand. "Jenise mentioned she had very terrible cramps. She usually does, and I'm worried she might have passed out."Axel and Donald exchanged looks. "Claire stepped out for a bit." Donald said a little too hur
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"Claire!!!"Axel was standing by the edge of the bridge, shouting out for her. He was crying, hot and salty liquid dropping from his eyes. The emergency team had responded promptly, and were now combing the waters in search of her. Donald was trying to control the crowd that had formed and were now with cameras turned on, capturing the entire event.Lisa knelt by the bridge, her hands in cuffs. A policeman stood beside her, different from the one that had interviewed her earlier. He was a tough cookie, who ignored every flirtatious gesture she made. She sneered when she heard Axel call out Claire's name."Claire is history, Axel. Why can't you see that?" She gave him a charming smile. "The both of you were not meant to work out. I did a good thing getting rid of the traitor, didn't I?"Axel froze. "What traitor?"Lisa wrinkled her brows in confusion. "Didn't you see the photos?"Axel feigned ignorance. "What photos?" "The ones your mother gave to you."Axel sniffed and took his handk
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Axel's mother stared at him for a long time, before moving in to hug him."I'm so sorry, son. I had no idea the photos were doctored." She released him and looked up hopefully. "They are not the reason she was in an accident, right?"Axel saw the sadness in her eyes, and it made his blood boil. He shifted away from her and glared at the wall above her head."Why did you hate her so much, mother? You didn't even get to know her."A hurt expression flashed on her face, but it was gone as soon as it had come."I just wanted to be sure you had not chosen wrongly." She rubbed her temple. "Besides, there were so many stories flying about, and I didn't want it all to come back on you and the company."Axel's mouth thinned out. "Exactly. You were afraid of anything taking away your wealth and social status."His mother looked affronted. "That's not…""Don't even think about denying it." He raised his voice. "You shouldn't be here. Claire won't be happy to see you here."She inclined her head
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Jenise was frowning. "How could the doctor have told him that, even after seeing he was under great stress?" Everyone was gathered in the men's suite. Coco was fast asleep on the love seat, holding a heart shaped cushion firmly with her puny fists. Hunter had called the hospital to check on Claire's status, and one of the nurses had informed him that she might become brain dead. Then she had lowered her voice and quietly informed him that Axel might be losing it."Do you think someone should go check on him?" Myla asked."Maybe we are looking at all this from the wrong perspective." Eric snuck a glance at Danielle. She had her arms wrapped around herself. Her eyes were closed, and she was rocking her body on the sofa.Donald followed his gaze. "You're right. Maybe we should focus more on the fact that all of us, not just Axel, are in danger of losing Claire. We all love her too." Danielle opened her eyes, and they were wet with grief. "Some more than others.""But we have ourself."
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The doctor rushed into Claire's hospital room."I heard the alarm. What's going on?" He asked calmly."Her finger moved just now!" Axel pointed and shouted. "I swear I saw it move."The doctor checked Claire's pupils and the reading on the machine. "I'm sure you saw it move, Mr. Lysander." He said in a disbelieving tone. "We'll take a scan to check her brain activity."Axel heaved. "You don't believe me, do you?""Mr. Lysander, I'm sure you are very eager to see your wife wake up, but it is possible that your mind is just playing tricks on you.""Why would I make something like that up?" Axel yelled. "The reading on the machine spiked, and she moved. She…""It's true." A little voice said quietly.It was one of the residents who entered with the doctor."Look." He picked up her hand. Claire's fingers were still. The doctor glared at him."I don't see anything. What do you think you are…"Her fingers closed around the resident's. The doctor glanced at the beeping machine."Get her do
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"You vile creature."Those were the first words Claire spoke, and they were directed at Axel. His heart broke at the pain and hurt he found in her eyes. The doctor coughed, and Axel sent him a scalding look."Get out." He snarled.The doctor did not need to be told twice. He left the room with the rest of the hospital staff. Only Danielle and Axel remained with Claire."Claire." He began, but stopped.What was he going to say? He had no explanations for his actions. He had thought severally about what he was going to tell her when she woke up, but now that she was actually awake, his mind went blank.Danielle pushed him out of the way and sat beside Claire. "We are so glad to have you back, Claire. We were so worried."Claire's eyes softened around their edges. "I know. How long was I out?""Three days." Danielle looked up at Axel. "As much as I am very upset about everything, I have to mention that he was right beside you all that time. He never left your side."Claire squeezed her
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Danielle sighed. "You manipulator. Fine, you win. But you're a married woman, Claire. You should stay at your husband's home."Claire looked at her empty finger. She must have lost that band of gold that tied her to Axel."Not any more, D. And I don't care about the contract. I would rather go to jail for breach of contract than stay any where near him."Danielle folded her arms. "He really messed up this time, didn't he?"Claire yawned and pulled the sheets over her head. "I need to sleep, D. When I wake up, please make sure all the arrangements are in place."She fell asleep pretty easily. The hardest part was staying asleep. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was him. In the kitchen, in the men's suite, in the office, in the car. The imagery kept recurring in her dreams. She desperately wanted to fight it, but it was too strong for her.She slept fitfully and woke up too frequently for someone who was supposed to be resting. Once when she woke up, she found the docto
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Axel sat in the hospital lobby, watching patients and the hospital staff come and go. For the first time in days, his mind was surprisingly blank, and at a time he needed to think most. He had gone down every train of thought of how he could get reconciled to Claire, and he had discarded each one.Nothing seemed right to him. He wished he had a lot more time to think, but nighttime was fast approaching and Claire was insisting that she needed to leave the hospital as soon as possible. The memories were probably painful for her, but even more so for him. Danielle found him sitting there, brooding over the issue. She paused midstride when she had almost reached him."Axel."She was not surprised at the lack of response. Danielle was sure if someone blasted a horn beside his ears, he would probably not notice. She reached out her hand and gently shook his shoulder. He started, but relaxed when he saw who it was."Hey." Danielle wrinkled her brows in concern. "Are you okay?"Axel shrugge
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