All Chapters of Death Wish : Dead Kiss: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
Secret of Vanara Pack
She was looking at the window while holding her breath and without blinking. It was not a human but a shadow of a wolf. A werewolf. The moon was bright enough to show the outline, and she could see all its fangs. It was standing up on its hind legs to get closer to the glass. And its eyes... its eyes were red and bloodshot, but they glinted in the light, like stars.No, like blood, like red blood pumping through a vein as fast as it can. Blood doesn't glow in the dark or reflect the light when it hits water, so the wolf was probably lying about being a werewolf and not just drunk from the nearest stream. Her heart was beating so loudly she wondered if she could hear it through the wall.Due to fear and dread, her condition started to deteriorate. The drops of sweat on her forehead started shining like white pearls. She had been holding her breath for some time now. Her lungs burned from holding back too much air, and it was getting difficult to inhale deeply. She was afraid that if ev
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Wolf blood in human body
After leaving the police station, she went straight to the hospital. She knew that she didn't have a common cold, and no one could treat her. Maybe she didn't want to tell anyone what was happening to her, but she still wanted to get checked by the doctor for her comfort. Finally, what she had feared happened; she didn't have a common cold."Why are you following me?" Esen asked angrily, to Altan who, in his worry and tension, had followed her from the police station to the hospital and now home."Because you need me, and these doctors can't treat you," Altan replied."I don't need you, Altan. Get the hell out of here!" She got angry and slammed the door shut on his face."All right, I'm sitting here outside the door. If you need anything, just tell me. Don't suffer alone like this," he said politely in a voice that made his tone more soothing and compassionate. His black eyes, framed by thick black lashes, were filled with a kind of warmth."Have you ever felt your heart burning? If
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Aazh Naamori language
In the darkness of the night, Emily's grandmother, Ms. Anastasia, slowly takes her steps and enters the confines of Saintmau without caring for her life. She knows that the way back from here is very difficult and may be impossible, but to protect her granddaughter, she could step into Saintmau a thousand times. She could have risked her life a thousand times to save her from the werewolf.She was treading carefully through the streets of Saintmau in the moonlight, lest she step on the grave of a Vargulf werewolf who haunted the town at night.The stories of the Vargulf had been passed down for generations, and while some dismissed them as mere superstition, others believed in their existence. She had heard in the stories that the witches of Saintmau had died and the Vargulf werewolves had been trapped beneath the soil. Their bodies twisted and contorted into grotesque forms.They had been cursed by True Alpha Alparic, who sought to punish them for their wicked deeds. As she continued
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Desert of Ice
Esen was sleeping with her head on Altan's lap for a long time. He had been awake for over three hours, and yet he didn't wake her up. She slept with her hair loose in front of her face. The strands of hair were the only thing standing between him and a pair of her closed eyes. She looked like one of those pictures of women from the late 1920s. Altan carried her up in his arms and laid her on her bed. Her long dark hair was tousled from where it had been tossed off of his shoulder by her unconscious body.Her skin was almost always a deep olive color, but tonight her rosy cheeks stood out even more than usual. His eyes softened at the sight of her soft lips and closed eyelashes. He took off her shoes and saw that the bottom part of her feet had become black and hard. There is a thick layer of white wolf hair on her feet and legs, which she cut down with scissors. He smiled at her because of this act and softly kissed her feet. While kissing her, he paused for a moment to look up at he
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Exorcism: Eldritch Werewolves
Ms. Anastasia didn't know what Reaper Swithin's enmity was with that man he was calling "Lowell,'' or who he was. She didn't know if he had come to save her or to take his own revenge. The only thing running through her mind at the moment was the book "Exorcism: Eldritch Werewolves," for which she had come here. In it, the Witch Rosaline had written all the methods and magic spells of how a human can be turned into a werewolf through rituals like bloodletting and werewolves' balls.She had included illustrations of these techniques. There were pictures of people who had been transformed into wolves in this book, and for those magic spells and rituals, she had to get her book at any cost - for a price. The price was life, or rather, freedom from werewolves.Witch Rosaline is the head of the Witch Obaven Circle of Nightshade, who has taken shelter in a Dark Shadow Coven after the War of Dark. The witches were defeated, and many died, forcing them to live out in the open where it wasn't
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Second chance mate
The sky is clear blue. The stars are all dead. And the sun shines on a world of white sand, black rocks, blue birds, yellow flowers, green trees, and people who have never seen anything as beautiful. Esen and Altan are walking at a distance from each other. They are not close, but they are not far apart."Believe it or not, only I can walk with you in the journey of life," Esen looks back at him at his words, his head tilted up and he is looking in the sky, trying to find that one particular star - the North Star.It is an expression so simple, yet it speaks volumes about his emotions in that moment. He was sad, confused, angry, and worried. But he was also content with everything that was happening around him.The journey from Tergersaintne Territory to her house was made by both of them in silence. Both had a lot on their minds and were unwilling to speak more about it. His eyes were turning red due to intense crying in the cave.All the way, Altan was looking for excuses to talk t
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Witch Rituals
"Where did you go?" asked Emily. "Do you know how worried I was for you all night? If something happened to you, where would I go? Besides you, who else do I have in this world?" Emily cried and hugged her grandmother.Ms. Anastasia's hands were on her shoulders, yet she embraced Emily fiercely. Emily buried her face into the warmth of her grandmother’s bosom as her tears wetted her sweater and the smell of cinnamon and cloves filled her nose. She didn't mind though.Her embrace was just like a warm blanket after a cold winter. "Hush, hush little girl. Your grandmother is here now," she cooed softly and pressed her cheek against Emily's head to comfort her. "I will never leave you again."Ms. Anastasia, who had returned home from Saintmau a while ago, started reading the book Exorcism: Eldritch Werewolf as soon as she arrived. She wanted to find out how she could become a werewolf and how she could stop herself from becoming a vargulf.Seeing Emily sleeping, she didn't think it was ne
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I found her tasty
"Why did you come home early today? It's only 12 o'clock in the afternoon, usually you come at 5 o'clock," Ms. Anastasia asked worriedly about her coming home early today, while she was standing ready to go somewhere."Early, yes. Lowell is coming for dinner today, that's why. I told you in the morning. It seems old age is taking its toll on you, Gran. You are starting to forget things now," she smiled and looked at her grandmother from head to toe."Where are you going now and how is your health?" She placed some shopping bags from her hands on the table and started checking her temperature by placing the backside of her hand on her forehead. "And of course, you didn't get your sleep, right?" she asked angrily. "How many times have I told you that…""That I am 70 years old and not 17 years old," Ms. Anastasia answered, interrupting her. "You told me this so many times that if there were a deaf person in my place, he would have heard and remembered. And ever since you arrived, you hav
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What you taste like
"What if I kissed the mole on your thigh?" "What if I kissed your lips long enough to let my body heat join yours and make you forget there was even air between our skin?" "What if I touched your shoulders and we lay in each other’s arms and slept, dreaming of things we couldn't control?" "What if I kissed your arms and took a little taste of you so that I'll remember what you taste like?"His words stung her like acid, and his touch burned her, but she didn't want to lose the feeling of his hand roaming over her body. She wanted him as badly as he did. Her eyes fluttered shut, a shiver racing up her spine at his touch, a gasp of pleasure leaving her lips when his palm settled on her breast."I want to kiss your mouth hard enough so you will forget about your every pain and sorrow," he said. He desperately kissed her lips that the wind around them refused to let go until they were finished. She breathed heavily and pulled him away from kissing her."Please stop," she said, but when he
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The black wolf curse
"What was feared, happened. I saved my granddaughter from the werewolves twenty years ago, but now I don't know why it seems difficult. I don't know what goddess of the moon has written in my granddaughter's life," Ms. Anastasia thought. "She is an angel sent to me from the stars because of her purity and innocence, so she can't die in werewolf's hands or worse than them. It's as if there are more of these creatures waiting for her, hiding among us. And she is one of their targets.""My granddaughter has been a victim for many years because of the supernatural creatures that prey on our village with such malice. They came for me, for her; the werewolves wanted to kill us both at once. I had no chance to escape, so I had to fight with them." Ms. Anastasia was crying and talking to herself while cooking the fat over the fire that she had brought from the cemetery.As the fat was melting, its stench was rising in the whole house. She couldn't be bothered about that though. Her brain was
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