All Chapters of The Alpha's Green-eyed Luna: Chapter 81 - Chapter 82
82 Chapters
Alpha Wade POVThe attack came without warning. We were not prepared for it. The enemy was swift and strong, and we were outnumbered. But we were not afraid. We had each other, and we would fight with everything we had. I fought alongside my son, Fionn. He was a fierce and skilled warrior, and I was proud to fight beside him. I saw the determination in his eyes, and I knew that we would not give up. Together, we would protect our pack.The enemy was relentless, but we were not deterred. We fought with a ferocity that I had never seen before. We pushed them back, inch by inch. They were strong, but we were stronger. I saw Fionn fight with a courage that I had not known he possessed. He was fearless, and his resolve was unbreakable. As we fought, I saw the enemy falter. They were losing ground, and they knew it. Their resolve began to waver. And then, something unexpected happened.In the midst of the battle, I saw a group of enemy warriors grab Juniper and drag her away. My heart sank.
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The End
The festival was in full swing, and the pack was celebrating the victory we had achieved. I looked around, and I saw the happiness and joy on everyone's faces. But even in the midst of all the celebration, there was one person who held my attention. My mate, Luna Harriet, stood by my side, her eyes shining with pride. We had been through so much together, and now we were standing here, victorious. I looked at her, and I knew that I was the luckiest man in the world.I reached out and took her hand in mine. She looked at me, and I saw the love in her eyes. "I'm so grateful for you," I said. "You've been my strength and my inspiration through all of this." She smiled, and I felt my heart swell with love. "I'm the one who's grateful," she said. "You're the one who gave me the courage to keep going, even when things were difficult." We stood there, lost in each other's eyes, as the music played around us. At that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world. I leaned in a
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