All Chapters of Arrogant Billionaire Ruined Me.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
Keeping My Pride
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-The shock was still not over. I was staring at the closed doors of the mansion I thought I belonged to. I had no idea what really happened. I was still not sure if the reports were even true. A few minutes later, his mother threw my packet bags out of the mansion. I was staring at the divorce papers that were lying on the ground in front of me.With tears in my eyes, I stood up on my feet. It was unbelievable for me to accept the fact that he divorced me just like that. He didn't argue with me. He didn't let me explain. He didn't even try to listen to my part of the story. He just kicked me out as if that's what he had always wanted, to get rid of me.With the pride I had left inside of me, I stood up and grabbed the paper he had signed for me. Looking at it, I couldn't think of anything. My brain was numb and my heart was weeping. I set my pride aside and walked toward the door. I couldn't stop crying. I wanted him to listen to me one last time before I would sign t
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Nana's Precious Bakery
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-I closed my eyes, praying to my god to save me. I was not worried about myself at all. But I was concerned about the tiny life growing inside of me. Just as one of the thieves was about to take my last hope away from me, a loud sound of a gun was heard from around. The sound startled everyone. I turned my head and found a man standing not too far away from us. He had a rifle in his hands, pointing at the thieves."Unhand her, you fucking morons, or I will unalive you all in this instance. I have plenty to put more than one hole in your body. The choice is yours." He growled at the thieves who were now shivering with fear as they only had a bunch of daggers and a machete in their hands.They got off of me one by one and stepped away. "Get lost, or I will hunt you tonight, instead of a deer I wanted to roast for dinner." The man with the gun growled at them angrily. They were a bunch of cowards. They didn't even care about their clothes. They ran off naked, leaving the
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Curse You, Jeremy
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-The very moment I saw Nana's face, I started crying. It was like a huge rock on my chest and I just wanted to get rid of it because I couldn't breathe because of it. I would have fallen on the ground when Nana got a hold of me. She wrapped one of her arms around my waist and with her other arm, she wrapped one of my arms around her neck to give me support. "Kevin! Come here!" Nana called out loud as she pulled me inside.Kevin was the son of the couple who used to serve Nana. Nana raised Kevin like her own son after his parents died in a plane crash. As soon as Nana yelled Kevin's name, he came running. "Charlie! What is happening? What happened to you?" Kevin asked me in a concerned tone."Let's ask her in a bit. Her luggage is outside. Would you please get it, son?" Kevin nodded his head immediately and walked away to get my luggage. Nana pulled me toward her bedroom. She sat me down on the edge of her bed and offered me a glass of cold water.I took a sip to calm
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Final Decision
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-That whole day, I spent in bed. I was sleeping because I was exhausted. I woke up to take a long bath. I wanted the scents of those bastards off of my body. They left marks on my body. I just wanted to forget everything about that night. So I washed up my body and applied ointment on all the scratches I had on my body.After that, I went back to bed. The next morning I woke up. Well, Kevin woke me up because he was worried about me. The man who was supposed to be by my side, kicked me out without even listening to me. I never wanted to hate him. But I ended up hating that man the most for what he did to me.Lazily, I sat up on the bed. Kevin sat down on the edge of the bed then sat the tray full of food in front of me. "Nana is worried about you, Charlie. You need to get back on your feet again. It's hard but I am here with you. Nana is here with you." Kevin whispered as he handed me a bowl that was filled with sliced fruits."Eat! Regain your strength. This is just
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Another Chance For Future
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-The very next morning, while I was serving a customer, I saw Andrew walking into the bakery again. Before any stupid ideas could actually invade my mind, I saw him walking straight to Nana. He was actually chatting with Nana as if he knew her well. It was no surprise. He actually knew her. He told me that he visited Nana's bakery every single morning and sometimes in the evening as well.After placing his order, he walked to the corner and took his seat. Since Kevin had a morning practice, I decided to stay behind and help Nana. I had my own plans to go and look for a job for myself. I couldn't say if I could find a job that could pay for my university expenses even after the scholarship, but I needed to start saving for the sake of my baby's future.Nana called me, pulling me out of the daze again. I hurried over to the counter and she handed me a tray that had a cup of cold coffee, a glass of milkshake, a donut and a pair of sandwiches. "Take it to table six." Nana
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Robbed Off
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-Once I sobered up, I dialled my brother's number. I was not shocked at all the moment he hung up without even picking up my call. I dialled the landline and he did the same. But he didn't live alone in that home. I called Rene and as I had expected, she picked up the call. "Oh my God, Charlotte! Sweetie, how are you? How have you been? Where have you been?" Rene bombarded me with a bunch of questions.At that moment, I was not in the mood for her honey sweet voice or sugar coated words. I was pissed. "Unfortunately for both of you, I made it to Nana on my own. No thanks to you. Where is that cowardly bastard husband of yours?" I yelled at her, forgetting about the relationship we had before. I didn't do it for no reason. I had a reason why I would yell at her. "Charlotte! What's the matter? Is that the way to talk to your elders?" She asked me in a disappointed tone. Old Charlotte would have apologized instantly but after facing near death situations and unexpected
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To Help Her
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-I told him the whole story that brought me to my Nana. From the part where my brother was drowning in debt and he wanted to sell the business my father and grandfather worked so hard to build, to the part where I sacrificed just to save my brother. And in the end, how he kicked me out and took all the money that my mom had saved for my better future and my studies.I watched Andrew's facial expressions change along with the story. "When I tried to confront him about everything, he just told me that he did it but he is not afraid of me because I can't do anything." I was not even sure what I was telling him everything. It sure felt so good after pouring it all out through words instead of tears. Tears were only increasing the pain and I couldn't deal with it. "I need to find not one but two or maybe three jobs to make enough money to get me through delivery and also for a better future for my baby." I ended up telling him about the only future I could see for myself.
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Charlie Morin
THIRTEEN YEARS LATER:-CHARLOTTE'S POV:-The sound of my alarm woke me up. That's when I realized, I had again fallen asleep on my desk instead of in my bed. With a sore back and aching neck, I stood up. I did stretching just to fix that sore back. I wrapped my hair into a messy bun. I stepped out of my room and made my way toward the room of my boy.University was not easy for me. Especially when the principal literally altered my results. I even lost half of my scholarship. But all thanks to the Stewarts, I was able to study and make a brand new sheet for myself. I was able to prove everyone wrong. Even the company that offered me a scholarship.The first year was the most difficult when everyone was asking me to get rid of my baby. When I was bullied by almost every single teacher in university. But I had help. Nana was with me. And Andrew never really left me alone. His family offered me a part time job that got enough money to go through the delivery and raise my child with digni
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Letter From Hell
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-A week later, I was waiting for confirmation from the court. Meanwhile, I decided to keep myself occupied. I was preparing for the smaller cases that I got through the month. Just then, a light knock on my office door pulled me out of the loads of work I was supposed to handle on my free day. Come in!" I shouted from inside my office.The door opened and a man in his mid twenties entered my office. "Hello! Please, have a seat. How may I help you?" I asked him as he walked into my office. He sat down on one of the chairs and placed his briefcase on my desk. I was curiously watching him as he opened his briefcase and pulled something out."My name is Rio Cyrus. I am Mr Adam Richards' assistant manager. While we were waiting for the confirmation from the court, we received this letter from the court this very morning. Mr Richards asked me to deliver this envelope to you." Mr Cyrus replied as he placed the envelope in front of me. I sighed as I grabbed the envelope, tore
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Back To The Hellish City
CHARLOTTE'S POV:-I was packing my bags when Charlie came to my bedroom. He laid on my bed and was looking at me with that puppy look on his face. He showed me that face whenever he wanted something from me. That day, I already knew what he might be wanting to ask me. "Don't give me that look, Charlie. I already know what you want and my answer is no!" I didn't even ask him what he actually wanted."Oh, come on, Mama! You can't do this to me. You know how much I have always wanted to visit the big city, Toronto." He tried to argue with me. But then again, he knew well that he couldn't win any arguments with me. It was the same with his father. Looking back, memories that I held so dearly a few years back, were now as bitter as the poison. It was unusual how I loved my son who was the spitting image of his father. Yet, I hated the man who gave me that greatest gift of my life. "Don't be childish, Charlie. I am going there to work and you can't come with me." I repeated myself again wi
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