All Chapters of The Alpha King's Little Bride: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
109 Chapters
Edward walked down the stairs, his hat low and his eyes keeping watch for any sight of Her Grace, his wife. He had almost reached the door when he remembered something.The comfort of his cigar.He trotted back up the stairs and casually passed by Her Grace's room which was situated just opposite the stairs. He had passed by the room when he noticed something. He had this uneasy feeling that something... no, someone was watching him.He looked left and right but didn't see anyone near. Maybe it was all his imaginations. He put his hat low and with watchful eyes, walked into his room. He went straight for his cigar bucket and picked one out of it. After grabbing his lighter, he made way for the door but then stopped after he almost tripped on something."What was that?" he mumbled to himself as he looked down. What he had almost tripped on was the cigar that he had dropped after his brother caught him trying to smoke.He bent down and picked up what was left of it. Just a brown roll o
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Edward slowly turned to see what had caused the noise. He placed his hand on his belt, where his sword was... Wait. His sword.He looked down on his belt and saw that there was no strap to it neither was there a sword sheath. He didn't have his weapon on him."It must be inside," Edward said to himself as he walked out of the stable. He paused after he saw one of his horses, trotting away. He squinted and saw that the horse was not a lone.On it was the thief who had stolen the horse and the murderer who had killed Richard.He looked at his Manor longingly, wanting to go in and take his sword but he knew that if he did, he wouldn't have enough time to go after the thief. If he left, he would not be able to go after the thief."Fuck it," he muttered as he turned and began chasing the horse. Running back into the stable and struggling to pick a horse and bring it out of the stable would only mean more time wasted for him. He didn't want that at the moment. He looked down at the grass a
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Edward took in a deep breath as he released his hands from the dead thief's neck. Blood still spurted out of the hole on his trachea but it all came to a stop after a few seconds.Edward laid on the grass with his back and spread his arms wide. He closed his eyes and sighed. Memories of war flooded his thoughts and pictures of dead, bloodied and headless bodies could not leave his mind.Why did he do it?At first, he did not want to kill the man but simply bring him back and hand him over to the authorities but things went out of hands when he hit the tree branch. Edward expected for the tree branch to either knock him out or at least weaken him but it instead impaled him in the neck.Edward couldn't fully blame himself for the death. He was still going to die anyways and him snapping the guys neck gave him a quick and painless death. But still, it was him who had thrown him into the same branch that almost, or should he say, ended his life."What did I just do?" Edward mumbled to him
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When she heard her father say this, she didn't know how to react to the news. She tried explaining to him that she was in love with someone else and would want to get married to him instead but her father refused to change his mind. It seemed like he had already thought through his decision before he told her the news. Emily had no other choice but to accept it due to the love and respect that she had for him but right now, she wished that she had done otherwise. She sighed and took off all of her clothes before walking into her bathroom. Her bath had already been prepared just as she had ordered.She sat on the edge of the bathtub and dipped her feet into the hot steaming water. Taking a deep breadth, she put the other leg in before submerging herself into the water. She was in for what seemed like forever and the little time that she was in there, she felt like the whole world didn't exist anymore. She had found piece.Unfortunately, the piece was not to last long as she still had
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"You really believe this to be a witches work?" Edward asked before chuckling. "You do know that those creatures are nothing but myths, right?""I have had experiences with some of them, Your Grace," Mr. Brown replied, his face not showing any hint of emotion. "They are very real, Your Grace. And I am sure that this must be one of their works." Edward looked at Mr. Brown keenly for some seconds before sighing. He was sure that Mr. Brown was not lying as he was not one who joked around with those sorts of things. But he could not just wrap his head around the fact that a dead man had just been resurrected in front of him. He turned and stared at Harold's body, still laying on the back of the horse. The head was twisted and he had his head sticking out of his mouth like a goat that had been slaughtered. The sigh was really unsettling and troubling."You really believe that a witch did this," Edward asked, pointing at the dead body. Mr. Brown looked at the body before returning his att
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"He is not here?" Emily asked as she searched around the whole place with her eyes. He truly wasn't here. "But I heard voices before I entered and I can swear that I heard His Grace's voice too.""But His Grace is not here, Your Grace," Mr. Brown said, looking around as if searching for His Grace too. Emily could not know if Mr. Brown was lying due to the emotionless expression that he had on his face.With a sigh, she turned to the stable door and said, "if he does come back from wherever he went to, please do not hesitate to let me know.""I will not, Your Grace," Mr. Brown answered as he bowed slightly. With pain in her heart, Emily turned and walked out of the stable, closing the door shut behind her. *******Edward laid beside the horse the whole time Emily and Mr. Brown were conversing. The whole place reeked of horse dung and Edward cussed at himself for leaving his hat behind.He was still laying there when he noticed something. There were blood trails around him and it was
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Edward stayed at James house till the sun went down. He was not ready to go back home for two reasons. One was the dead body of Harold that was at his place and the other was his new wife, Her Grace Emily.He and James discussed about the undead buy Edward made sure that their discussion never entered into any topic that was related to Emily. He was trying his best not to think about her."How is your new wife?" James asked as he swallowed the contents of his gin bottle. He belched out loud and chuckled before saying, "excuse me.""You're drunk," Edward said as he dropped his shot glass on the table beside him. "You need to get upstairs and lay down to rest.""I am... I am not going anywhere," James said, his speech slurred. "I will... I will not leave... until you tell... me about your new wife.""There is nothing to talk about," Edward replied as he grabbed the gin bottle beside him and poured a shot into his shot glass. He dropped the bottle back on the table and said, "I do not wa
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Edward woke up with a start after having a bad dream. After he woke, he found it hard for him to go to sleep again. Sleep had left his eyes.He groaned as he sat up on his bed and lit the candle by his bedside. He looked at his study table and saw the bucket of cigars that were sitting at the top. He wanted so much to smoke.He then remembered that he had taken one cigar with him when he wanted to go out. He came down from his bed and slowly walked to where he had hung his coat.As he walked, he heard a small crack underneath his feet. He raised his feet up and saw the wrapper and scattered tobacco on his rug. The servants had not cleaned the room.He sighed and picked his coat on the chair where he had hung it before digging his hands into the pockets and bringing out the cigar that he had taken. It was all smooshed and the remains of the tobacco had been scattered in his pockets. Maybe this was a sign for him not to smoke.He grumbled and dropped his coat back on the chair before wa
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Edward picked the little knife and stared at the carvings that were engraved on it. It really was his houses insignia."Where did you find this?" Edward asked, a frown on his face as he studied the knife in his hands. "It was found in the box stall where Richards body was laid before being thrown into the river, Your Grace," Mr. Brown replied and Edwards frown deepened, causing the scar on his face to give him a funny rather than scary look."Richards body was thrown into the river?" he asked and Mr Brown nodded. "How did you find it?""I searched for a quick way that the killer must have disposed of the body and I knew that the only place that the killer must have found safe enough, was one that was near the stable so that he would not stress themselves carrying the body for long and one that would take a long time to find the body," Mr Brown explained and Edward could not help but be shocked."The brimstone river," he mumbled and Mr Brown nodded. "But if this knife was used to kill
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Emily fell asleep curled up on the floor beside her bed. She had cried all night and had decided to finally fall asleep after her body seemed to produce no more tears from her eyes.Suddenly, she heard a loud noise that shook her from her sleep. She woke up with a start and quickly stood up from the curled position she was sitting in."What was that?" she shouted as she began looking around the room for what had caused the explosion. Her eyes landed ok her window where a large amount of smoke was seeping into the room.With loud heaving and coughing, she rushed towards the window and closed it shut before pulling the drapes. The whole thing was an irony to her. She wanted the drapes opened but she now she had to close them herself.She looked around for what she could use to blow away the smoke that was now clouding the room. Her eyes stung as sooth entered her eyes and she sneezed and coughed uncontrollably as the smoke filled her lungs."Where is that fire coming from?" she mumbled
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