All Chapters of Bound by Fate: Mated to the Enemy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 88
88 Chapters
LILA The following day found me once more standing before Mrs. Green's doorstep, this time alone and imploring. Tim, my bodyguard, was not with me today. I thought that perhaps presenting myself alone would engender a greater sense of comfort and empathy from the woman. "Hello, Mrs. Green," I greeted, infusing my voice with a touch of desperation and plea. "Could you spare a moment to listen to me?" As she remained silent and motionless, I decided to appeal to her conscience. "Mrs Green, please understand that I'm a mother, and I've been separated from my two-year-old since yesterday. If you could kindly grant me access to complete my job and return to my waiting child, I would be immensely grateful. I cannot leave until the task is done—." Before I could complete my plea, the door swung open abruptly, revealing Mrs. Green's stern countenance. I met her gaze, silently pleading for entry. She scanned her surroundings before stepping aside, permitting me to enter. Initially
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LILA As Tim drove me home in the dimming twilight, my mind swirled with thoughts of my earlier discussion with Mrs. Green. She had been evasive with her words, and it was evident that she possessed knowledge she wasn't willing to divulge. The only way I saw forward was using illegal means to obtain information, so, I contemplated enlisting Tim's help to infiltrate her abode, scouring for hidden secrets, while I confronted Dr. Richard regarding his involvement with Hart, who was from a pack two hours away from his own. "Tim," I began, my voice firm yet tinged with apprehension, "I need you to visit Mrs. Green's apartment tomorrow, discreetly, when she's absent. Search diligently for any trace of evidence—photographs, letters, tapes, whatever you can find." "Roger that, Luna," Tim acknowledged with determination, stepping down on the accelerator. Upon reaching home, I was greeted by Blaise, who was on the porch, waiting. His slung arm and sombre countenance hinted at
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AUTHOR'S P.O.V. Tim, dressed in the shadows with his all-black attire, stealthily navigated through the dense underbrush, determined not to alert the ever-watchful Mrs. Green. Fortunately, the moon had chosen to hide its luminous face that night, shrouding him in obscurity. His silent footsteps led him closer to the backyard of the house, which lay veiled in profound darkness, with only a faint glimmer from a lantern casting feeble light into the hallway. With deft carefulness, Tim picked the lock of the kitchen door, and within moments, the door yielded to his skilled touch. As he entered, he closed the door with painstaking care, but it let out a faint, protesting creak. A sudden crack from within the house prompted him to hide himself, holding his breath. Moments later, Mrs. Green emerged, gripping a shotgun, and sweeping it vigilantly from one corner of the house to the next. Tim knew that her senses were keen, and she could recognise his scent in an instant. Drawing
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LILA Blaise stormed into our room. "You keep giving me reasons not to trust you!" he barked, his voice echoing with a mixture of anger and betrayal. I followed Blaise into the room. We had just returned from the hospital where Tim was admitted. He was unconscious and in a bad shape, but he was still alive, which was a glimmer hope for me. "I'm sorry, Blaise, but—" "But what?" He spun around, his gaze piercing into mine. The muscles in his jaw twitched in barely contained frustration. "You made me promise to tell you everything going on, but you went ahead to do this on your own." His fingers raked through his hair, a gesture of sheer exasperation. He turned away momentarily, as if gathering his thoughts, then faced me again. His voice softened, tinged with worry, yet the undercurrent of irritation was unmistakable. "Lila, what if you were in that car? What if this tragedy had struck while you were returning from the Autumn Pack?" "I'm sorry." My words were a
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AUTHOR'S P.OV. In the stillness of the night, Amanda's sleep was abruptly interrupted by the insistent buzzing of her phone. Groggily lifting her head, she glanced at the glowing screen with an annoyed sigh, deciding to ignore the call and nestling back into her pillow. "I would answer if I were you," a deep, male voice resonated through the room. At first, the intrusion didn't fully register in Amanda's sleep-fogged brain, her drowsy state clouded her comprehension. She groaned, turning over to bury her face in her pillow, her desire for rest overpowering her curiosity. Then, the startling reality hit her like a cold wave: she was supposed to be alone. Her eyes flew open, her brow furrowing in confusion and fear. A man had spoken to her within the sanctuary of her bedroom. Panic surged through her, and she abruptly sat up in bed, reaching for the bedside lamp. In its soft glow, a figure materialized, concealed within dark robes and a hood that veiled their ident
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BLAISE In a frenzy, I scoured my office, turning over papers and rifling through drawers in a desperate search for my signet ring. Its absence was a growing concern – the documents I had just approved were sitting on my desk, demanding the ring's unique imprint. The deadline was near; they needed to be submitted by tomorrow morning. Finding nothing, I ventured into our bedroom, combing through every corner with equal fervour. Yet, the ring remained elusive. I stood, defeated, in the middle of the room, eyes closed, straining my memory for the last time I had used it. But my thoughts were a tangled mess, muddled by the whirlwind of recent events. Lila's sudden interest in Aurora's family had left me puzzled. I had secretly set a trap for Drax, a plan I had shared with no one, not even Lila. The recent revelation about Hart potentially being the elusive 'Ghost'. further fuelled my frustration. Why would he target me? I bore no responsibility for his sister's tragic death, and
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AUTHOR'S P.O.V. Dr Richard concealed himself beneath the inky depths of a black hoodie and robe, his movements quick as he vacated the hotel room. He stood still at the garage, his ears straining for even the faintest of sounds, but all remained eerily silent. His eyes darted thoroughly surveying his surroundings, but no discernible presence lurked nearby. Satisfied, he slipped into his car, ignited the engine, and eased out of the hotel's garage. Meanwhile, within a dimly lit room, two men hunched before their computer screens, their eyes tracking Dr. Richard's car as it exited from the garage. One of them, with a finger pressed to an earpiece, relayed a terse message. "He is on the move." Dr Richard accelerated, his foot heavy on the gas pedal, as the monotonous road stretched endlessly before him, bereft of other vehicles. The moon had chosen to withhold its luminous presence that night, yet his headlights carved a luminous path through the obscurity. An ho
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BLAISE I burst into the dimly lit room where Richard was tied up around a chair. I had not physically tormented him, but he looked exhausted. I couldn't help but wonder if it was the weight of guilt that had drained him so. It was incomprehensible that Richard, of all people, would become entangled in the web of those seeking to bring about my downfall. But I heeded Lila's counsel and resolved to approach this encounter with the grace of composure and hear him out. I gestured for a chair and signalled the guards to leave us alone. "Keep vigilant watch over Mrs. Pierce and her son," I instructed them, to which they replied in unified affirmation. My focus returned to Richard, who had steadfastly avoided meeting my gaze. Delicately, I retrieved my penknife, its blade shimmering menacingly as I flicked it open. "Listen closely, Richard. I'm giving you a final opportunity for redemption. Should you withhold what I seek, I shall not hesitate to strip your very skin from your
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